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Venom laser

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Seacons galvatron enemy action.jpg

The sinister Seawing likes his Autobot enemies to be helpless, so he wields two venom lasers in robot and ray mode which poison their target's fluids, paralyzing them. Somewhat melodramatically, he likes to refer to them as "Seawing's sting".

Autobot assassin/torturer/all-around nice guy Repugnus also carries a venom laser, presumably to prevent his victims from squirming while he mangles and incinerates them.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Seawing carried two venom lasers which shot beams that paralyzed on contact. When he transformed to his weapons station mode, he combined with his venom lasers to form a powerful dual proton blaster. Seawing's Universe profile Seawing was armed with double venom lasers that paralyze on contact, and in robot mode he carried a dual proton blaster. Seawing's AtoZ profile

While defending the Decepticons' undersea base with his fellow Seacons, Seawing used his venom lasers to paralyze Galvatron's left arm. Galvatron clobbered him anyway. Enemy Action!

Later, while attempting to recover a Nebulan power core from the submerged Dreadwing, Seawing used his venom lasers to paralyze Optimus Prime's legs. Prime clobbered him anyway. Dreadwing Down!

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

In both modes Seawing was armed with two venom rifles that fired paralyzing laser beams. Seawing's More than Meets the Eye profile In robot mode, Repugnus carried a venom laser which poisoned its target's fluids, slowing their mental processes and paralyzing them for breems at a time. Repugnus's More than Meets the Eye profile


The Transformers

G1Repugnus toy.jpg
The Transformers Repugnus came with a white gun that he could hold in robot mode, identified as a venom laser in his instructions and Tech Specs bio.

For some reason, Outback gets real nervous around these guns.
  • Seawing (Seacon, 1988)
    • Accessories: left & right venom lasers, tripod rifle, connector, weapon stand base
Seawing came with two black guns, identified as venom lasers in his instructions and bio, which could be attached to his ray mode, held in robot mode, or combined with Seawing himself to form a dual proton blaster. They were also available in a Piranacon giftset that was reissued in 2010, and redecoed for an exclusive Transformers Collectors' Club Timelines giftset in 2008.


  • Repugnus's Universe profile makes no mention of his venom laser at all, instead noting that he "holds no faith in guns or other weapons".

See also

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