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Wingcode is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Rainbow, tacos, Doctor Who, Homestuck!

Much like her fellow energon vampire, Nightstrike, Wingcode needs to constantly feed on energon. But Wingcode has a unique way of immobilizing her prey, releasing a cloud of particles that infects Cybertronians with a potentially deadly malware.



2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Constance Zimmer (English), Anja Nestler (German), Agnieszka Fajlhauer (Polish)

During the Great War, Wingcode was an airborne spy, however after she stole a nanotech virus and absorbed it into her system, she was arrested and placed in a quarantine stasis pod aboard the Alchemor. She was eventually freed when the ship crashed on Earth and released its cargo. According to Fixit, it's likely she went into hibernation to conserve energon but woke when her reserves became critical.

Starving for energon, Wingcode spotted the supply piled up in the scrapyard and headed in to take some. When she was met by resistance from the Autobots, she doused the area with nano-particles before managing to grab a few cubes. She was about to try and secure more when she was interrupted by Grimlock and the reactivated security system, forcing her to fly off. She soon consumed what little she'd stolen and went searching for more, spotting Grimlock and Bulkhead with a trailer of energon cubes. Wingcode attacked, knocking the pair around and sending most of the cubes tumbling into the river, however Grimlock threw the rest into a nearby cave. She followed him in, only to find she'd fallen into his trap—unable to fly in the cramped cave, she was soon rendered unconscious by Grimlock and Bulkhead. She was taken back to the scrapyard where Fixit used a nano-cell sample from her to cure the Autobots. Sick as a Bot


  • Wingcode uses an altered version of Nightstrike's character model. Unlike previous instances of model reusing, this similarity is actually acknowledged in-story as both characters are energon vampires.
  • Like Nightstrike, Wingcode is never seen transforming into any alternate form and it's never made clear in her episode what form she's currently in. Nightstrike would later receive a Tiny Titans figure revealing he actually has a more humanoid robot form, with his "bat-form" being his beast mode. As Wingcode's model removes some of the bat-like features and gives her a (somewhat) more humanoid head, it's likely that this is her robot-mode.
  • When asked of Wingcode's fate, Adam Beechen's explanation was that she was placed in a makeshift stasis cell, as the Autobots had run out of real ones.[1] She was later returned to Cybertron with the other Decepticons after the events of "Freedom Fighters", as Beechen stated in a since-deleted blog post.


  1. "They put her in a makeshift pod they built from parts found in the Scrapyard and froze her with Freon modified by Fixit."—Adam Beechen, Twitter, 2017/11/03
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