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Basic Fun

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Providing the most rudimentary amount of fun possible.

Basic Fun is an American-based novelty goods corporation specializing in keychains, washcloths, Christmas ornaments, talking electronic items and other generally amusing diversions and tchotckes. Alongside their Transformers-branded offerings, Basic Fun also produces goods featuring Hasbro brands like My Little Pony and Tonka, as well as popular TV and film franchises such as The Office, Family Guy, and Napoleon Dynamite.


Heroes of Cybertron


  • Flashlight Keychain: Does what it says on the packaging. Features a robot mode likeness of Armada Optimus Prime with movable arms. Pressing a button on his back causes a light to shine out from between his feet.

Transformers (2007)

  • Articulated Keychains: Hard plastic figurines in the likeness of characters from the film.
  • Projector Carabiner: A carabiner with a light that projects the likeness of Optimus Prime onto whatever you point it at. Kind of like a Bat-Signal.
  • Slide Puzzle Keychain: A traditional "sliding puzzle" featuring the Autobot sigil and a frame in the likeness of Optimus Prime.
  • Talking Keychain: An electronic talking keychain featuring the voice of Optimus Prime.
  • Transformers Magic Washcloths: See related article for more information.
    • Bumblebee
    • Optimus Prime
  • Undercover Carabiner Box Set: A set of three themed clip-on carabiners featuring various action features.
    • Listening Device
    • Motion Sensor
    • Night Scope

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