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Final Transformations

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G.I. Joe Starring Snake-Eyes Featuring Transformers: Generation 2 #142
Marvel GIJoe-142.jpg
It's true what they say about 'Cons with big feet.
"Final Transformations"
Publisher Marvel Comics
Cover date November 1993
Script Larry Hama
Pencils Jesse D. Orozco and William Rosado
Inks Chip Wallace (pages 1–4, 6–9, 18, 20, 22), Arienne, Steve Alexandrov and Tim Tuohy
Colors Andre Ani and Chi
Letters Rick Parker
Editor Mike Lackey
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity

Megatron breaks a deal... and a few Autobots.



Override should never have accepted an invitation to the Decepticon Taffy Pull.

In Cobra-controlled Milleville, Megatron attempts to step on the would-be rescuer Scarlett, but the sudden appearance of a group of Autobots led by Hot Spot saves the Joe's life. A battle rages on where Megatron uses his updated weaponry to get an early advantage by shooting down Skydive and brags about his increased defensive capabilities. Cobra Commander can do little in this clash of giants but beg Megatron to be more mindful of his property, which just annoys the Decepticon but gives him the idea to keep Doctor Biggles-Jones safe within himself. In the confusion of the battle, Scarlett steals a grenade launcher from a Frag-Viper, leading Cobra Commander to realize and bemoan her true loyalties.

At the Milleville hospital, Snake-Eyes is cornered by Cobra troopers, but he escapes the situation by dropping aside a couple of grenades, sending the troopers into retreat while he makes his escape by jumping out of a window. He attacks a couple of Alley-Vipers waiting outside and notices the battle afar between the Transformers. Megatron, weary of dealing with his enemies, blasts Steel-Jaw to smithereens. With assistance for Megatron coming from Cobra Detonators, the Autobots try to regroup and plan a retreat, being unwilling to harm humans. Chase, having had his leg blasted off by the Detonators, tells the others to go ahead and soon becomes Megatron's second kill. With the dirt on his corpse, Megatron is able to deduct where their inter-galactic transport has landed. He arrives at its hiding spot, where he finds a venegeful Brawn, who gives his all in beating the crap out of the Decepticon.

Avoiding the chaos, Scarlett runs into Cobra Commander and Zarana. Scarlett easily handles the two, but is forced to relent when the nearby Alley-Vipers force her hand. Fortunately, Snake-Eyes comes to the rescue, easily taking down the troopers while Cobra Commander and Zarana decide to flee.

Megatron tosses Brawn aside and helpfully explains his new assortment of abilities, from exciting electrons to imploding neutrons, the latter of which he demonstrates on Brawn, taking out the Autobot and the transport. The remaining three Autobots meet up with Spirit and Storm Shadow, who agree to help them out in their attempt to enter the Ark to use an alternate means of transport. Nearby, Spike Witwicky, having detected the Transformers before with his internal sensors, observes.

Megatron mulls over the explosive results of his neutron implosion and withdraws Biggles-Jones from inside to put in the protoplasmic stripper on the way to the Ark. Override attacks him, distracting him from Spirit and Storm Shadow—disguised as Alley-Vipers—transporting Skydive into the Ark. Unaware to them, Spike has hitched a ride to get aboard. Having been dropped by Megatron when he was attacked, Biggles-Jones attempts to flee to safety with Snake-Eyes and Scarlett, but Megatron easily tears Override apart and turns his attention back on the scientist. The three are rescued in the nick of time by the leaving Spirit and Storm Shadow, who finished secreting Skydive into the Ark. Megatron gives chase, forcing Biggles-Jones to turn herself over to ensure the safety of the others.

Milleville's cover blown, Cobra Commander orders a full evacuation and tries to remind Megatron of their deal when he arrives back with his quarry. The Decepticon shows him no notice as he himself evacuates in the Ark, leading his partner to bemoan the breaking of the deal. As they watch the Ark fly away, Scarlett and the others wonder if Biggles-Jones knows what's she getting herself into. Aboard the Ark as it flies to Cybertron, Megatron notes being impressed by Biggles-Jones's attempt to put a virus in his rail gun. But, of course, he noticed it, disabled it, and put an active version of the virus in the Cybertronian technology given to Cobra. Perhaps Biggles-Jones will be more useful to him intact.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"You'll be safer inside, Dr. Biggles-Jones!
"Safer for what? All you want is my central nervous system!"

Megatron and Doctor Biggles-Jones

Zarana: "Shoot her, you idiots!"
Scarlett: "You trust their aim that much?"
Alley Viper: "Who's gonna aim? Zarana don't sign my check--"


  • The cover title of the series for this issue is G.I. Joe Starring Snake-Eyes Featuring Transformers Generation 2. However, the title in the indicia (and hence the legal title) is G.I. Joe A Real American Hero.
  • In "Goin' South", Optimus Prime strongly implied that he and Bumblebee would be coming to Earth themselves, but apparently he changed his mind.
  • The Autobot team that arrives instead is very random, consisting of one Protectobot, one Aerialbot, one Mini-Cassette, one Triggerbot, one Throttlebot, and one Mini-Vehicle. Only Hot Spot and Brawn are even close to the strength and endurance needed to take on Megatron.
  • This is Steeljaw's first and only appearance in US Marvel Comics continuity (and he dies, perhaps as a sign of things to come). And it isn't even in the Transformers comic.
  • Thanks to the power of retroactive continuity, Brawn doesn't actually die here; we learn his fate over in the first issue of Transformers: Universe; he was abducted by Unicron and ends up fighting in the Universe War.
  • Megatron determines that the Autobots' ship is located in "Sector Seven". This is probably a big ol' coincidence.
  • The title of this story was probably inspired by this being the last appearance of the Transformers in the G.I. Joe comic.
  • While the plot of this issue continues in the first issue of the Transformers Generation 2 comic series, "War Without End!", this arguably represents a branching point in the G.I. Joe continuity. While many G.I. Joe characters appear in the Generation 2 comic series, the Earthwide devastation that happens later on (e.g., the annihilation of San Francisco in "Dark Shadows!") is not reflected in the regular G.I. Joe comic series.
  • Cobra Commander's vocabulary lessons for the day:
    • hebetation: The state of being dull or obtuse.
    • resipiscence: Recovering one's senses.
    • rampallion: A good-for-nothing scoundrel.
    • fustilarian: A low fellow; a stinkard.
    • oligophrenic: Exhibiting mental deficiency.
    • megapod: Having large feet.


  • Hot Spot is called "Hotshot" at one point.
  • Steeljaw's name is rendered as "Steel-Jaw".
  • Chase is consistently miscolored as white and drawn with Searchlight's head, repeating (and possibly copying) an error first seen in issue #30 of the Generation 1 book.
  • The Frag-Vipers are mistakenly drawn as regular Cobra Vipers. We know they're Frag-Vipers because Scarlett makes specific mention of stealing a grenade launcher from one and some of the troopers surrounding Snake-Eyes in the hospital were Frag-Vipers in the last issue.
  • Megatron locates the Autobots' ship by comparing mud caked on Chase's leg to a soil analysis of the entire region. He then locates the ship in... a warehouse district.
  • The Cobra Detonator the Joes use to sneak Skydive in the Ark is repeatedly miscolored in army greens.

Casualty list

  • Megatron blows up Steeljaw's torso with a single railgun shot.
  • Megatron blows up Chase.
  • Megatron vaporizes the mighty Brawn with a neutron implosion.
  • Megatron (seeing a trend here?) shreds Override, ripping him in half.

Covers (1)


  • None yet identified.


  • Collects G.I. Joe Starring Snake-Eyes and Ninja Force #135–138, G.I. Joe Starring Snake-Eyes and Transformers: Generation 2 #139–142, and G.I. Joe Starring Snake-Eyes #143–145
  • Despite the various titles, all stories are part of the G.I. Joe comic.
  • Collects #138142 (with #138 in a summary w/ a short excerpt only) and the earlier G.I. Joe and the Transformers series.
  • The title given above is the indicia title; the cover title is G.I. Joe The Transformers 1.
  • Collects issues #138–142 (with #138 reprinted in full, this time), as well as G.I. Joe and the Transformers #1–4.
  • Bonus material includes a cover gallery and an intro from Simon Furman.
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