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Pincher (GoBots)

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This article is about the GoBots Renegade. For the Generation 1 Autobot, see Pincher (G1).
Pincher is a Renegade from the GoBots continuity family posing as a Predacon from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Pincher is a blue and gold Monster GoBot, with ties to the Master Renegade.




RR RenegadeLineup Pincher.jpg

Several GoBots from Gargent 984.08 Alpha escaped the Cataclysm by travelling to Primax 215.19 Epsilon and integrating themselves in with the local Predacons. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14

As they settled in, the Renegades built up a secret base called the Erebos equipped with a Modifier and databanks charting the activities of other GoBots in the multiverse. At some point, they welcomed in a second group of Gobotic refugees: the Monsterous combiner team, and their handler Odd Ball. Unhappy with the stagnant Cybertronian social order, the Renegades began their own plan to overthrow the dominant "Builders" and rule in their place. Cultural Appropriation During the Grand Uprising, Bladez and Pincher traded the G-Virus to Grimlock in exchange for everything the Resistance knew about the Human Confederacy. Micro-Aggressions

The Monster GoBots gathered more information about post-singularity humanity by hacking the Grand Mal, Cultural Appropriation, and, guided by the machinations of the incorporeal Lord Imperious Delirious, Derailment learned of an ancient Terran artifact called the Rosetta Stone (renamed "The Stone of Sky Warp") held in the Museum of Decepticon Heritage. They arranged to appropriate the stone, and use it to lure the Terrans to Cybertron. Faking as if they were a Resistance team, the Antares Eight seized control of a trans-hyperwave caster in Proximax. Holding the Builder in charge hostage, they beamed demands for all Builders to leave Proximax in the name of the Resistance. In fact, the transmission was a trap to entice the humans, who monitored all Cybertronian transmissions, with a clear view of the Rosetta Stone in the background. The GoBots intended to use quantumite (a Gargent cluster substance unknown to the Transformers) to weaponize the caster, snare the unsuspecting humans when they arrived, and take their superior technology for themselves.

Pincher and the Monster Gobots faced unexpected resistance from a multi-factional group called the Ex-Bots. They interfered with the seizing of the tower, and were only stopped when Creepy got the drop on one of their members, Stiletto. In a second assault by the Cybertronians, Pincher was dogfighting with the DeathEagle Stiletto when she lured him near the tower. Her partner Snapper fired off in tank mode, throwing Pincher into a spin. Stiletto spun around and finished him off, sending Pincher crashing into the ground in an explosive mess. Cultural Appropriation

Renegade Rhetoric

Cy-Kill worried that Vamp and Scorp were a bad influence on Pincher and was leery of creating a Monster GoBot block within his force. Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/16 Pincher temporarily defected to the Master Renegade with the other Monster GoBots, but quickly returned to Cy-Kill once his new leader dropped the ball. Graduation Day In an alternate reality where Renegades ruled, Pincher was one of the guardians of the Time Portal that allowed Cy-Kill to achieve his victory. Major Mo and a squad of rebels made it past their blockade to undo the damage Cy-Kill did to the timeline. Renegade Victory Part 2 Pincher attacked a UNECOM base on Mercury with Twin Spin and Blades, but they were driven off by the seemingly reformed Doctor Braxis. Once Braxis Twice Shy Part 1 He was also responsible for tracking down the mysterious Renegade Gong to help find the missing Cy-Kill when he was stranded in Axiom Nexus. Opportunity Knocks Part 1

Echoes and Fragments

When a Primax and a Gargent universe were tuned together, Pincher was one of several Monster GoBots in the service of the Master Renegade on Antares III. They engaged in the practice of capturing any and all who chanced to land on their planet and throwing them in a pit of Dactyl monsters, though not before giving them a mockery of a trial. Echoes and Fragments

Go-Bots comic

When Spay-C and his crew landed on Gobotron, Pincher and the other Monster GoBots attacked. Spay-C attempted to keep them at bay, but they were ultimately scared away by the approaching Zod. Go-Bots #3


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