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The name or term "Wasteland" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Wasteland (disambiguation).
Cold War Wastelands.jpg

The Wastelands is an uninhabited area on Cybertron. The ravages of war have left it a power-depleted dead zone, where unexploded mines and other leftover dangers await their unfinished business. Still, its unappealing nature has made it a popular hideout for various groups of Cybertronians that have an interest in staying far away from the conventions of society.



Dreamwave Generation One continuity

The Gray Race Flanker-snack.jpg

After a falling-out with guzzler command over the death of Crunch, the Hot Rod Patrol revoked their membership of the Autobot army and angrily left Iacon to forget about the war in Little Iacon. At the same time, the Race Track Patrol had a falling-out with their guzzler command at Decepticon HQ, also revoked their allegiance and also left for Little Iacon. The trip forced both groups through the Wastelands, and Ground Hog voiced his dislike of the situation—recalling stories of Micromasters that had gone missing in the area—just as the two groups bumped into each other. They regarded each other in a friendly manner, but their conversation got brutally interrupted by Falcon, Flanker, and the "Deluxe" Insecticons that were trying to eat them all. Destined for Nothing Falcon was killed, and the same fate would have befalllen the Hot Rod Patrol, who had forgotten to bring along weapons, if not for the defense provided by the Race Track Patrol. Groundshaker then came by in his ATV and chased the Insecticons off. Though he offered all of them a ride out of the dangerous area, the "Decepticon" Micromasters refused. When the "Autobot" Micromasters were gone, suddenly Shockwave approached the Race Track Patrol to apologize for his behaviour earlier. They rightly didn't buy it, but did follow his advice for the quickest route out of the Wastelands. Flanker, on the other hand, gladfully took Shockwave's offer to return with him to Decepticon HQ, but when the Race Track Patrol was out of sight, Shockwave fed him to the Insecticons so they'd have the energy to complete their new mission.


Groundshaker brought the Hot Rod Patrol to Countdown, who had set up the Rocket Base in the Wastelands at a few kliks from Little Iacon. Countdown tried to acquire their assistance for his cause, but they refused and he let them continue their travel, The Gray Race after which he and Groundshaker had a talk about what to do next. Recipe for Hate Meanwhile, the Decepticon Micromasters Skystalker and Skyhopper returned to Cybertron and tried to get rid of all its guzzlers. To accomplish this, they set up a battle between the two armies in the Wastelands, so that they would destroy and weaken each other. When this was found out by the other Micromasters though, Countdown altered the plan so that the Micromasters could gain power but the guzzlers wouldn't have to die for it. Rallying all the Micromasters present, he took the head of Shockwave, whom Skystalker had decapitated earlier, and entered the Wastelands' battlezone. There, the Micromasters ordered the weakened parties to cease their fight or face them, at which point they threw them Shockwave's head to prove that wasn't an empty threat. It was effective: The Decepticons fled, the Autobots walked off and the Micromasters were left to celebrate and ponder their accomplishments. Victims of the Revolution

Ceci n'est pas un Vide.

Roughly 3.5 million years later, Shockwave had gotten better and taken over Cybertron, uniting Autobot and Decepticon under the Cybertronian banner. But not all believed in Shockwave's seemingly benevolent reign. The few of them formed a rebellion force that took up residence in the Wastelands and used the Old Slave Trails as a means to travel around unseen. During their time planning to free Optimus Prime and the other Autobots that had been accused of treason and were locked away in Iacon's prison, they were witness to a Decepticon shuttle—with the Dinobots onboard—crashing in another part of the Wastelands. Shockwave too noticed the ship and had Octane sent out from the nearby zeta sector to investigate. The Triple Changer found the Dinobots, but as he wisely poked them, they woke up, then beheaded him, stole his tank to get to Iacon and violently challenged his boss's reign. At this time, the rebels freed Optimus and the others Cold War and brought the most important among them to the hideout in the Wastelands, Passive Aggression where their united teams quickly devised a workable strategy to deal with the escalating events in Iacon. Countdown to Extinction

Shockwave again recovered from his wounds and occupied a makeshift base in the Wastelands with the Coneheads and Triple Changers as his troops. One day, Blitzwing and Astrotrain spotted an intruder outside and assumed him to be an Empty they could shoot from afar and be done with. Shockwave disagreed and sent them outside to deal with the intruder personally. It turned out to be one of Megatron's old Air Warriors. Destroying it, the two Triple Changers were attacked by Razorclaw as the rest of the Predacons took over Shockwave's base. All of Shockwave's troops were then forced into servitude of Megatron, with the exception of Blitzwing who refused and was killed. Lost and Found As Megatron chose to relocate to Earth to further his plans, Shockwave's base was left abandoned but for his newest creation, Sixshot, who recovered the remains of Blitzwing. The Route of All Evil

Dreamwave Armada comic

The Mini-Con Zapmaster had been living in the Wastelands on the southern hemisphere of Cybertron for most of his life and the daily struggle for survival he experienced there had formed him into a fearless and merciless fighter. So when once he stumbled upon a lone Bulk dwelling aimlessly through the Wastelands, he tried to rob him. This Bulk, however, was Thundercracker, who had recently deserted from the Decepticon ranks. He took Zapmaster out with ease, but chose not to kill him out of respect for his courage and subsequently teamed up with him. Zapmaster's More Than Meets The Eye profile Thundercracker set up base with his new companion in the Wastelands for a time, then returned with him to Cyber City. Thundercracker's More Than Meets The Eye profile


  • Due to its war-related origins, the Wastelands were not detailed in Transformers: The Ultimate Guide. Therefore, the exact location of the area in Generation 1 is not clear cut, but for all intents and purposes seems to be in the northern hemisphere. It is possible that for Armada Thundercracker's and Zapmaster's More Than Meets The Eye entries, the Wastelands were mistaken for the Badlands, an area The Ultimate Guide indicated to be located in the southern hemisphere.
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