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ALTernity Today

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Specifics:Scans of the book

ALTernity Todayis a newspaper that covers events from throughout themultiverse.



The AllSpark Almanac

WhenFanzoneandRatchetaccidentally transported themselves toCybertron,This Is Why I Hate MachinesALTernity Todaycovered the story. The same issue coveredUlchtar's daring prison break,Alexis Thi Dang's political success, and the discovery of theXobitor Cluster.The AllSpark Almanac II

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Primeused to subscribe toALT Today,but since the management change prompted by the rise of theFlaternity,he did not find the publication as informative.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/28


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Brainstormonce published an article in "Alt2Day", in which he speculated on the origins ofcombinersand theHeadmasterprocess.The Enigma of Combination


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