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Action Master partner

From Transformers Wiki

Glitch,an Action Master partner.

Transformers who underwent theAction Masterprocess became harder, better, faster, stronger, and more alive, but this came at a price. In order to make up for the lack of flexibility due to their lack oftransformation,Action Masters "converted their weapons andvehiclesinto changeable partners. "

Action Master partners are fully independent transformable mechanoids in their own right. They display personalities of their own and are sometimes very highly skilled. However, their origin is largely unknown, as is their exact level of sentience.


DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Those Action Master partners that are able to Transform into weapons were identified as also beingTargetmasters.More Than Meets The Eye

Action Master partners




  1. Although called a "partner" and "sidekick" on Jazz's bio card, Turbo Board is a skateboard which seems to fit better with the Action Master vehicles.
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