Airazor (BW)
From Transformers Wiki
This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeAirazor (disambiguation),Wing Saber (disambiguation). |
- Airazor is aMaximalfrom theBeast Eraportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Primarily used for recon and surveillance due to her aerialalternate mode,Airazor(sometimes formerlyWing Saber) is a great asset to the Maximal cause. She's calm and confident, but also adventurous and brave, with a healthy supply of dry humor. Her aerial skill in either mode, incredibly sharp eyesight and steady aim make her a dangerous opponent.
She is especially close toTigatron,always trying to get him to move past his solitary instincts and spend more time with his fellow Maximals. She shares his love for the beautiful planet on which the Maximals are stranded, and it is on this planet where their destiny will be forever intertwined.
“ | She stoops to conquer! | ” |
—Airazor, "Call of the Wild" |
Toy bios
Airazor was an "aerial reconnaissance expert" who could spot Predacon activity from 30,000 feet above. With her internal radar transmitters, Airazor could relay information to her Maximal comrades, including 3D "virtual reality maps" that pinpointed enemy locations. In terms of offense, she possessedcyberbladesand aphoton cannon.However, her preferred method of attacking was slashing with her titanium-plated talons in beast mode.Basic Class Airazor bio
With herTransmetalbody after thequantum surge,Airazor had become a warrior that inspired absolute fear in the Predacons, thanks to her deadly armor-ripping talons. Her post had been adjusted to sea reconnaissance, in light of her vehicle mode.Transmetal Airazor Bio
After becoming aMetals,Airazor's power surged! Airazor's dominion of the air became second to none, but the air warrior still preferred to avoid violence when possible.Metals Airazor
Beast Warscartoon continuity
Beast Warscartoon
- Voice actor:Pauline Newstone(English),Tetsuya Iwanaga(Japanese),Liu Li(Chinese),Denise Reis(Portuguese),Rebeca Manriquez(Latin American Spanish),Olga Cano(Castilian Spanish),Caterina Rochira(Italian),Martine Irzenski(French)
Herstasis poddamaged upon crashing toEarth,Airazor was able to come online due to the genius ofRhinoxand the bravery ofCheetor.Rhinox deftly operated the stasis pod's controls and Cheetor offered up hislocking chipto repair it. Immediately out of the pod, she outmaneuvered and destroyedTerrorsaur.Her aerialbeast mode,at the time, made her the only Maximal other thanOptimuswho could fly.The Spark
She and Tigatron started to team up more frequently, a prospect Airazor seemed to welcome, but Tigatron preferred to work alone. Their first big adventure together came when a flying island paradise was discovered. The island, however, was covered in booby-traps which were triggered by the use of energy weapons. Airazor rescued Tigatron when he was ambushed by Predacons on the island, but she was damaged badly.The Trigger, Part 1Tigatron carried her on his back, refusing to leave her behind, and the pair worked together to avoid and overcome the island's traps. The island was ultimately destroyed, much to the sadness and outrage of Tigatron, and he would have secluded himself from the other Maximals further if not for Airazor's concern.The Trigger, Part 2
Soon after, the Predacons beat Tigatron to another stasis pod, reprogramming it and unleashingInferno.Airazor and Tigatron took turns helping each other, but once again, Tigatron insisted that he work alone. Airazor commented that sometimes you can be too alone. She was right, because after he tracked downTarantulasand destroyed the stasis pod, Tigatron got shot up a lot. Nearing death, Tigatron was saved by the arrival of Airazor and Optimus Primal.Spider's Game
During a Predacon attack on theAxalon,Airazor saved Optimus from plunging to his doom, but was herself so badly damaged she had to spend several days in theCR chamber.She emerged to find that the other Maximals had succumbed to their beast instincts through having to stay in beast mode constantly, as a result of the Predacons stealing the ship'srectifier coil.While Tigatron helped the Maximals, Airazor was able to infiltrate the largely deserted Predacon base and retrieve the rectifier coil.Call of the Wild
After the Maximals were expelled from their base by the Predacons, aided by aStarscream-possessedWaspinator,Airazor alerted Tigatron to the situation. The pair joined in a ploy to retake their base, which involved an assault on theDarksydeunder Starscream's leadership.PossessionAirazor was part of the reinforcements provided whenRattrapandDinobotwere trying to find a cure for theenergon discharge virusRhinox was afflicted with. For some reason she felt the need to pose provocatively by Optimus's leg as the Maximals appeared on the scene.The Low Road
After the realization that the aliens who seeded their planet with traps and energon were returning to destroy it, the Maximals and Predacons entered a truce. Optimus Primal used Airazor to try to sneak Rattrap into the Predacon base to find out whatMegatronwas up to, but Megatron, of course, found them on his scanners and politely asked them to leave. Unbeknownst to Megatron, the ploy was a decoy for Tigatron's infiltration.Before the Storm
The aliens arrived and a newalien structurewas built, trapping Airazor, who was tortured. Optimus Primal forced his way inside, with the help of the Predacons, and traded himself to the aliens for Airazor. Rattrap dragged her from the structure, only for them to find themselves at gunpoint — the truce was over. The pair were able to use the activation of the structure's "termination sequence" to deal with the Predacons, before fleeing with the escaping Optimus.Other Voices, Part 1As one of the planet's moons was revealed as analien weapon,the Maximals retreated to their base. There, Airazor and Rattrap caughtBlackarachniaworking on a stasis pod in the ship's hold, and Optimus was able to use it to destroy the Planet Buster, though at the cost of his own life.Other Voices, Part 2
Airazor and Tigatron escapedTransmetalizationby thequantum surge.They attempted to stop Blackarachnia escaping, but were both knocked offline by Megatron.AftermathAfter repairs, the duo left together to find the rest of the missing stasis pods scattered across the planet.Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)While on their search, the two Maximals discovered not only a remarkably beautiful valley, but a strange plant. As the two looked into each other's eyes and held hands in quiet celebration, the plant transformed into anotherVokdevice, and as they clasped hands, declaring their love to exist beyond the throes of death, the two were absorbed and shot into space. Cheetor arrived, but was too late, and loudly protested the loss of two of his best friends.Other Visits (Part 1)

Airazor and Tigatron were kept in a form of stasis until near the end of theBeast Wars,when they were merged into the powerful beingTigerhawk.Tigerhawk returned to Earth as the emissary of the Vok to stop the deterioration that the Beast Wars were causing to the timestream, his first act being to destroy theDarksyde,sending the Predacons scrambling. Tarantulas managed to capture Tigerhawk and removed the Vok's influence from his frame (and absorbed it into himself), letting Airazor and Tigatron'ssparksinhabit Tigerhawk's body. Tigatron's voice was dominant, but Tigerhawk's personality and mannerisms were an amalgam of Tigatron and Airazor's.Other Victories
Shortly afterward, however, Tigerhawk was killed in a standoff with theNemesisafter Megatron retrieved it from the ocean floor.Nemesis Part 2
3H comics
Somewhere near the end of the first year of the Beast Wars, before the Planet Buster ignited the planet's energon, Airazor, Rhinox, and Cheetor overheard a battle betweenFractylandPackrat.Airazor ended up having to rescue Cheetor, who had darted off ahead of them and gotten blasted. After the battle was resolved, she and the other Maximals fled, pretending to be beaten by the timid Fractyl to increase his standing in Megatron's eyes.Ground Zero
After the Beast Wars were over,Tarantulas,presumed destroyed, existed in a new, undead form that was fueled by his new Vok powers. The remaining Vok assembled warriors to end this threat, creatingPrimal Primeand giving newTransmetalbodies to the extant Sparks of Airazor and Tigatron.Primeval Dawn Part 1Primeval Dawn II
After awakening a stranded stasis pod containingRamulus,opening a second pod triggered an ambush bySpittor,Iguanus,Razorclaw,and a reborn Transmetal 2Ravage.Airazor immediately saved Tigatron's life, knocking Spittor aside before Tigatron would have unwittingly come in contact with Spittor's body, covered entirely incyber venom.This maneuver left her vulnerable to Ravage's gunfire, which knocked her out of the air.Primeval Dawn Part 2
The battle ended catastrophically, and Ramulus, Airazor, and Tigatron were forced to carry a critically wounded Primal Prime back to theArkafter Tarantulas ripped theMatrix of Leadershipfrom his chest. As Airazor and Tigatron conferred with the seemingly absent Vok, Airazor experienced great pains due to her battle wounds. But before she could explain, theArkwas under attack by Ravage and the Predacons.Primeval Dawn Part 3
Rattrap asked Tigatron where Airazor was, but more pressing matters occupied their attention.Wreckers: Finale Part IIThe deceitfulSidewaysclaimed that, as part of a long con, he saved her life by bonding her back into Tigatron.Ask Sideways 2015/07/06
Razorclaw continuity
In one splinter timeline ofPrimax 496.22 Alpha,Silverbolt's stasis pod landed far from theAxalon,and without the aid of Silverbolt, Megatron slaughtered the Maximals. Left as the sole survivors, Tigatron and Airazor were then abducted by the Vok and then dispatched as Tigerhawk to end Megatron's machinations which threatened the Vok. Tigerhawk slew Megatron, but in the ensuingtimestormdestroyed the universe anyway. Subsequently,Unicronabducted Tigerhawk to become one of hisMiniongenerals. The renamedRazorclawbecame one of Unicron's most feared Heralds; however, the noble influence of Tigatron and Airazor at times posed a problem for the evil Razorclaw.Razorclaw's profileAsk Vector Prime, 2015/08/07
2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity
At the tail-end of the Great War, bothOptimus PrimeandGalvatronmet their demise on the battlefield. In response, thePrimal Councilsought to broker peace negotiations with their enemies, enlisting Tigatron to this end. The 'bot who would one day call herself "Airazor" was one of the many soldiers tasked with guarding the Autobot peace officer as he headed into enemy camps on his mission.
Unfortunately, the first camp the group made contact with was headed by a renegade soldier going by the name "Megatron".Rejecting the talk of peace outright, Megatron unleashedPredakingonto his visitors, along with the other units under his command. "Airazor" was accosted bytwofliers,though she quickly defeated them both before rescuing Tigatron from Predaking. As the rest of the Autobots with them were slain, Tigatron argued with his rescuer over which one of them should head off to warn the Council of Megatron's incoming attack. Convincing him that she didn't need rescuing herself, and promising that she'd see him again someday, "Airazor" sent Tigatron on his way. But she stood little chance against Predaking by herself, and soon found herself in the giant's grip. Before Predaking could finish her off,transmatterstarted raining down on the battlefield, converting whoever it touched into a protoform. "Airazor" was one of the many affected by the transmatter, though her form was retrieved and safely stored within a stasis pod after hostilities had ended between Autobots and Decepticons.Dawn of the Predacus
AsMagmatronsurveyed the timestream, he witnessed several key moments in the Beast Wars. Among them was Airazor being helped up by a concerned Tigatron.The Gathering #1
After Tigerhawk's body was destroyed, the two sparks contained within split, regaining their individuality. The Vok then proceeded in bestowing upon Airazor a new Transmetal form utilizing a blank protoform.Beast Wars Sourcebook
Her name was Wing Saber. A routine reconnaissance mission went awry when Wing Saber was captured by the Predacon torturer,Steelgrave.Despite his array of fiendish devices and Bond-villain mentality, Wing Saber was able to elude Steelgrave and fight her way through his henchmen before retreating to her cloaked starship, theChromia 10.Although she escaped, Wing Saber bore the physical and mental scars from her encounter with Steelgrave for some time.
Later, she was assigned to rendezvous with a pair of Maximals namedCrossbladesandStilettofor a new mission. In violation of thePax Cybertronia,a group of Predacons had been rampaging through theJ'kozian sectorand set up a troop manufacturing factory on the conquered world ofNibari.Holographically posing as barmaids, the trio inebriated most of Steelgrave's troops into stasis lock before proceeding into the factory. Their infiltration was cut short by a raid on the factory by the native Nibari population, led byRitash.Wing Saber's group was forced to divert their mission in order to keep the organics from being completely slaughtered. They were actually doing least, until the true leader of Steelgrave's Predacons made his presence known...Megatron!
Wing Saber's crew evacuated with all due haste, taking Ritash of the Nibari with them. A reassessment of the situation was clearly called for. After a review of the history records, Wing Saber decided that the frequent quotations of "No Known Weaknesses" overlooked Megatron's infamous arrogance, and THAT was what they needed to exploit. The crew of theChromia 10challenged Megatron to combat in full view of his subordinates, forcing him to agree in order to save face. During the ritualized combat, Crossblades noticed that the Mighty Megatron was nowhere near as invulnerable as history records indicated. Sensing a ruse, the Maximals concentrated their firepower and revealed "Megatron" was little more than an exo-suit run by his ex-lieutenant,Flamewar.With Flamewar revealed, and the drone troopers brought under the control of Ritash and his rebels, Nibari was well on its way to being freed.The Razor's Edge
Later, the Predacons who stole theGolden Diskon Cybertron were being pursued byUnit 2,who was granted clearance from theMaximal Defense Command Centerto commandeer transport. Wing Saber was boarding theChromia 10,when Unit 2 approached and demanded use of it. Wing Saber at first refused, but suggested she was open to... persuasion. The call of adventure captured her interest, and instead of handing over theChromia 10to Unit 2, she allowed him to hitch a ride, piloting it herself.
TheChromia 10intercepted the Predacons' ship, theDarksyde,which was engaged in battle with theAxalonand guarded by amysterious third ship.During the ensuing firefight, theChromia 10was badly damaged.Optimus Primalhad Wing Saber and Unit 2'ssparksremotelyuploadedtoblankprotoformsin the Axalon's cargo hold, which saved their lives, but severely damaged their core mainframes.Dawn of Future's Past
Two weeks after Airazor was reborn onEarth,she foiled a Predacon plot to launch an orbital platform despite Megatron's best efforts.The Razor's Edge
Beast Wars Metalscomic
Following theQuantum surge,Airazor became aTransmetal.However, she was separated from the rest of theMaximalsand was locked outside of their base duringQuickstrike's counterattack. As she flew in,Sentinel's defenses began to fire at her.Rhinoxattempted to shut Sentinel down, only to be stopped byRattrap,who warned him that Sentinel was the only thing protecting them from Quickstrike'sCobra CorpsandScorpion Corps.Rhinox brushed him aside and shut Sentinel down, anyway. Airazor, who had been shot by Sentinel, swooped in for a crash-landing. Rattrap, feeling somewhat guilty, dove to soften her landing. Not long after this,Blackarachniabreached their defenses and took out both Rattrap and Airazor without effort. Rhinox saved her some time and appeared to shoot himself in the head. Feeling her job was done, Blackarachnia left as Quickstrike destroyed their base.
From a small section of the base that had been protected by a forcefield, Airazor aided Rattrap and Rhinox in pullingOptimus Primal'ssparkfromtranswarp space.As Rhinox brought his spark out from oblivion, Rattrap funneled it through a ray device while Airazor positioned a reflective dish. Primal's spark bounced off the dish and connected with his body (which was being held byMegatronat his base, theHindenburg), resurrecting him as a Transmetal. Airazor, still injured from before, began to plummet to the ground. Primal rescued her, destroyed Megatron's drone army, and carried her off on his flying surfboard. Recovering, Airazor began to wonder where her "Tigatron-sama "was.Beast Wars Metals #1
Airazor next accompanied Rattrap and Optimus in investigating the remains of theAxalon.She was attacked byRampage,but escaped. Following Primal's orders, she and Rattrap used theAxalon's weapons to ignite undersea volcanoes that blasted Rampage into the sky.Beast Wars Metals #2
Later, she decided to search for Tigatron on her own.Beast Wars Metals #3She soon found him, but his mind had been taken over by Tarantulas. She linked her mind with Tigatron's and, after defeating Tarantulas in cyberspace, was able to free Tigatron's consciousness. Unfortunately, she wasn't quite fast enough, and Tigatron's mind-controlled body delivered a fatal blow that killed her. Seeing what he'd done, Tigatron held her in his arms and wept with grief.Beast Wars Metals #4
Tigatron eventually committed ritual suicide over what he'd done, only to be revived by the energies of the sparks released by the obliterated Rampage. Airazor was also among the revived, but as a mindless zombie.Beast Wars Metals #5She did battle with Tigatron, who did not want to fight the robot he loved. With no other option, Tigatron gave the evil Airazor one of his katana and knelt down. As the zombie-Airazor struck him with thesword,Airazor's spark entered Tigatron's body. In cyberspace, the two embraced and vowed never to be apart again. As their sparks merged, they becameTigerhawk.Beast Wars Metals #6
Transformers Legendsanthology
Whenhumanarchaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language,Mini-ConLaserbeaktranslated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the protohumans as gods. When one of the archeologists,Jessica Theist,later touched one of the markings, she was bestowed a vision of the Maximals' and Predacons' battles. Among them, she noted a "falcon."Fire in the Dark
Q-Robo Transformer
Airazor, sporting a purely Cybertronian form, became a resident ofAxiom Nexusat an unknown point in time and the timelines. She joined the offworlders'Freelance Police Legionand also forged ties with their parallel organization, theAxiom Nexus Security Administrationrun by the planet's native Cybertronians, theTranscendent Technomorphs.Airazor eventually received authorization as an inspector in the Security Administration, giving her the rare (if notunique) status as an officer for BOTH police forces in Axiom Nexus. Despite her official status, Airazor still enjoyed her vices, and was a frequent customer of theWidow's Cafe Cybertronianat the edge of theHeap.
Airazor was involved in the first detaining ofJackpotandHubcap,after the assassination ofGutcrunchersent Axiom Nexus into chaos. She andStungunstood guard over the duo while awaitingCommander Cheetor's arrival. As is often the case with femmes, she had absolutely no tolerance for Jackpot's sweet-talk. Upon his arrival, Cheetor dismissed Airazor to keep an eye on three "units of interest"who had recently come through Processing Central. He casually suggested she recruit some Freelancers as well to keep the surveillance less official, since it was technically out of their jurisdiction. Her departure served a double purpose, leaving a viable exit for the lowtech Autobots to flee and draw out therealassassin for the Security Administration. OnceBlack Shadowand his shell were deactivated, Airazor swooped in and took Jackpot into custody again immediately. Despite his claims of having found a real connection, she was thrilled when Commander Cheetor expedited his deportation toa universesimilar to his home universe.Gone Too Far
Shortly after her promotion to Inspector Airazor, the Maximal had occasion to drop in on her old friendCrystal Widowat the Widow's Cafe. It was hardly a social call, however, as Security Administration had been requisitioned byGeneral Demolishorof theMilitary Policeto conduct a serious investigation into some courier murders and the theft of unauthorized TransTech technology. One of Crystal Widow's regulars,Escargon,had been pegged for the matter. Airazor tried to execute a quiet arrest, but General Demolishor's attention span and flair for the dramatic turned it into a decidedly UNquiet raid of the premises. Demolishor also executed Escargon on the spot while Airazor was attempting to gain control of the suspect.
In his zeal, however, General Demolishor hadn't thought to check if Escargon had the stolen property before shooting him. Sure enough, a thorough search by Inspector Airazor appeared to turn up no traces of the property on his person. Dejected, General Demolishor turned his frustrations on the clientele, particular several "mechanoids of interest" calledGoBotswho had arrived around the same time as Escargon. With some fast legalese, Airazor managed to talk Demolishor out of doing further damage to the bar or Crystal Widow's customers. After the good general departed, Airazor explained the seriousness of the situation — Escargon had stolen a set oftransit passes,official letters for TransTech black ops work that allowed unmolested access to any transwarp platform facility. Literally a "Get Out of Axiom Nexus Free" Card.
General Demolishor was not so easily deterred, though, and soon wound up battling Crystal Widow and the GoBots in theHeapuntil Airazor and Commander Cheetor arrived with the Security Administration. The general was quickly deflated when Cheetor told him he had informedCommander Megatronpersonally about the issuance of theseunauthorizedtransit passes, and the fact that Demolishor had lost them. Because the Heap was outside of Security Administration jurisdiction, the collar officially went to Airazor as a representative of the Freelance Police Legion.
As Demolishor was being led away, Commander Cheetor requested a private word with Inspector Airazor. In no uncertain terms, hevery loudlydid not say he knew she had swiped the passes while frisking Escargon, and did not tell her to make sure the passes were handed over to the GoBots. Reluctantly, Airazor did as she was not ordered to do and gave up her meal tickets.Withered Hope
Legends World
Airazor andNightscreamwere hired by Optimus Primal to work as office ladies at theAxalon Trading Company.Their tight skirts and overall cuteness mesmerized Rattrap... at least until Rhinox reminded him that they had no women on the payroll.The Gender GapLater, Optimus Primal andLio Convoyswooned over Airazor's cuteness as he fetched them tea for their meeting. Rattrap and Rhinox merely continued to curse the fact that Airazor was a man.The Gender Gap Part 2Hoping to get to the bottom of Airazor and Nightscream's genders, Rattrap and Rhinox proceeded to follow them to see which bathroom they'd use. Much to their confusion, they learned that their building had no ladies' room but anotokonokoroom.The Bathroom Gap
ForChristmas,Airazor joinedAiin donning skimpy Santa outfits and handed out toys to all the good little Transformers.Merry X'mas!!At another point, old man Rhinox's nostalgia became so powerful he was able to will the '80s back into existence, retrograding all modern technology into clumsy '80s counterparts. In the madness, Airazor's computer turned into a cruddy micro-computer that couldn't even connect to theInternet.Bonus Edition Vol. 3
At work, Rattrap found himself emasculated at every turn, even by Airazor, who was bigger and stronger than he was. This led Rattrap to seek comfort in a dream sequence involvingSwerveandTailgate.Bonus Edition Vol. 8
When the amnesiacWindbladeused her charms to squat atTigatron's home, Airazor took issue with it, and the three ended up in a bed together, with Airazor trying to push Windblade away from Tigatron.Windblade Sequel
Following the destruction of their old office because ofMetroplex,the Axalon employees took it in stride and made Metroplex's city mode their new office. Airazor and Cheetor got scared when theirmysterious janitorclaimed to be from "the other world", assuming he meant the world of the dead.The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter
Airazor was dressed up as a nurse and ready to go to aHalloweenparty with Tigatron and Windblade when they were interrupted by the trick-or-treatingBlackarachnia,Slipstream,andNightbird Shadow.Bonus Edition Vol. 17
Airazor also worked at a "little brother cafe" and was there when the manager,Starscream,explained to another worker, who wasanother Starscream,just what kind of cafe it was. While thinking back to the good times she'd had in the Legends Universe, Windblade remembered a time she'd hand-fed Tigatron at the cafe, something Airazor hadn't liked at all.LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode PrologueFollowing the hiring of the AutobotHeadmasterfrom another dimension, Airazor toldChromedomethat he still had to answer calls from customers despite being trapped inButlaat the time.Bonus Edition Vol. 22
Airazor was among the coworkers bothered by Chromedome flying around the office on Moguru,Bonus Edition Vol. 32and was seen on the sidewalks ofAkihabaraafter it was rebuilt as Neo Akihabara City.Targetmaster Chapter PrologueWhenWhite Leoturned the people of the Legends World intoBeastformersto recruit them into his army, Airazor ended up with somefamiliar armorand the name "Lucky Razor".Bonus Edition Vol. 51
The Beast Wars Road Map
When Rhinox was countacted by hiscounterpartfromAxiom Nexus,Airazor interrupted their conversation to point outnew developmentshappening in a branching timeline.The Beast Wars Road Map
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance:Windbladevol. 2 #3
Airazor was a native of the planetEukaris,and was born from thehot spotinside theTitanChela.She abandonedher tribelong ago so that she could be with her love Tigatron.
When battlingcombinersfromCybertronbriefly touched upon the planet, Airazor and Tigatron witnessedOptimus Maximusbattling againstDevastator.Windblade vol. 2 #6They later investigated the huge footprints the combiners left behind. Tigatron wanted to report their discovery to the others, while Airazor disagreed.All That RemainsThey eventually sought out the advice of the seer Blackarachnia, who foresaw the reappearance of true Cybertronians on their planet. A week later, Airazor was present when the leaders of Eukaris's tribes convened outside the space bridge, although Dinobot didn't take kindly to the "tribe of two." The tension was quickly defused when Rattrap sneaked through the space bridge and onto the planet, only to receive a less-than-warm welcome from Dinobot.
A month later, Airazor was present when the first real representatives from Cybertron arrived -Windbladeand Starscream. Before negotiations could get underway, Chela awoke and burst from the ground, intending to destroy all Cybertronian intruders. After Chela was killed by Starscream, the citizens of Eukaris agreed to join the nascentCouncil of Worlds.Blackarachnia appointed Tigatron and Airazor as delegates to Cybertron, believing that their independence from Eukaris's competing tribes would make them impartial diplomats.Windblade vol. 2 #6Upon emigrating to Cybertron, Airazor was amazed to find that she and Tigatron were being welcomed in spite of their romance, a feature she felt could potentially attract more Eukarians.The Chosen One
Approximately two weeks later, Airazor was present for the ceremony inductingCarcerdelegatesObsidianandStrikainto the Council of Worlds.The Will of the FewShe and Tigatron began operating regularly on Cybertron, interacting with the local citizens and the other colonists.Choose Me
AfterOptimus Primeannounced his intent to annexEarthinto the Council of Worlds, Airazor attended the first council meeting discussing this sudden change of events.New Worlds OrderIn-between Council meetings, the two Eukariens continued adjusting to life on Cybertron, quietly hoping that one day the growing number of immigrants could expand beyond the borders of Iacon. When the Council re-convened to discuss a string of mysteriousmnemosurgicalassaults and the growing distrust of theBadgeless,the two Eukarian delegates were in attendance. The Committee moved to haveIronhideinvestigate the crime spree.07:00:00
Things turned sour following the death ofan inebriated Decepticonwhich most chalked up to police brutality. Airazor and Obsidian observed an angry mob advancing on Starscream's office, as the two commiserated over their dismay with the fractured Cybertron. Shortly afterwards, Airazor attended the emergency meeting to try and sort out what could be done, a meeting that ended with Ironhide becoming the new head of Cybertronian security.Applicable SkillsAirazor later attended a meeting where Ironhide reported on the progress of the new recruits.Things We Said We'd Never DoWhenBruticusattacked Iacon, Airazor and the other Council delegates were temporarily evacuated.The Line Between Us
The Council later met with Optimus to hear his side of the story. Although Prime insisted that his intentions were pure, its members unanimously voted against allowing Earth a seat on the council.The Medium and the MessageWhen Optimus raised a holyTitanfrom the ground, however, public opinion began to shift back towards Optimus, and the Council began re-considering their ruling.No Fair Fights
Months later,Carcerdetected a fleet ofzombieTitans rapidly approaching Cybertron and intent on scouring the planet clean. The Council attended an emergency meeting to discuss the threat, and wound up preparing for an all-out war against the army. The Titans soon made planetfall; Airazor and Tigatron fought together on the front lines and used theirbeast modesto tear through enemy armor.PingWhen it became clear that they couldn't win, the two retreated back to the CouncilSpireto discuss a last-ditch moves. As a result, both Airazor and Tigatron joined Windblade's strike team, aiming to invade Carcer and seize control of the Titan from its reluctant leaderElita One.Desperate Times
Airazor stood by Starscream as the strike teams attacked making odd faces at the Chancellor's odd habit ofseemingly talking to himself.Desperate MeasuresAfter Windblade and Carcer had triumphed, she joined Starscream andKnock Outin cheering.RubiconIt transpired however that "Carcer" was in fact, Vigilem, the Titan ofLiege Maximowho had managed to free his master before he died. The Council was informed of the Prime's inevitable return but only after half of them had already voted to keep it secret and forced the other half to do the same, much to Airazor's discomfort.The Chosen One
When the crisis had passed, the Council reconvened to meet with Optimus Prime as the Autobot leader discussed sharing Transformer technology with theJunkions,who had recently arrived on Earth. Starscream shot down the proposal; as Earth was not yet a member of the Council, it would be a violation of theTyrest Accord.Behind My Bleeding Back
Airazor was present during Earth's induction ceremony into theCouncil of WorldswhenM.A.S.K.andG.I. Joewas brought before the Council where Elita One ordered them executed. When Knock Out supported the notion owing to the looming threat of Liege Maximo and the shorthumanlifespan, Airazor protested owing to the fact that, regardless of lifespan, the humans were still living creatures.First Strike #4
Following the invasion, Windblade was due to retake her position on the Council only to learn that Liege Maximo's freedom was still being kept under wraps prompting her to inform Circuit and Longtooth of it which resulted in public elections. After the Camien had announced her intent to run for office, Airazor visited Windblade inMaccadam's Old Oil Housewhere she extolled the values of Cybertron's acceptance of 'bots from all walks of life and how that feature could attract more Eukarians (assuming of course Iacon could last five minutes without being half destroyed). She and Tigatron later attended the electoral debates and took part in Windblade's subsequent victory party.The Chosen One
The Council later assembled to receive anOre-13from Optimus Prime beforeOnyx PrimeandLiege Maximomade a dramatic return aboard theNemesis.Surfeit of PrimesJoined byAlpha Trion,the Council granted the Primes an audience. After an explosion ripped through theSpire,Airazor helped up Tigatron only to learn Alpha Trion had been killed by the blast.Another Mine"Onyx Prime's" machinations had successfully sowed chaos across Cybertron, leaving the Council of Worlds paralyzed and unable to act for the duration of the crisis, and by the time that "Onyx" had been unmasked as a time-travelling Shockwave and arrested, the Council was too late to stop the penultimate stage in Shockwave's plan from falling into place:Unicron,who began a genocidal rampage across the galaxy. Shortly after the planet-eater destroyed Eukaris, Airazor joined the other members of the Council of Worlds in an emergency meeting to discuss the situation.Stranger Eons
When Unicron then attacked and destroyed Cybertron, Airazor and Tigatron were among the many refugees who were safely teleported toEarthby theVisionaries,regrouping atVictoria Falls.A Sunrise Dark
Beast Wars: Uprising
Airazor ofNuonwas a champion of the Games who eventually came to sit on theMaximal High Council.She sat on the Council when theMaximal Nationdeclared themselves independent fromBuildersand theResistancealike. When theVehiconthreat arose and consumed Nuon, however, Airazor advocated abandoning neutrality and entering the war against the Builders. She frequently clashed with the pacifistSanton,comparing him to awormozoid.When the Council received an audience by First ResistorCheetorandPreditronto hear first hand about the Vehicons, the vote soon swayed in Airazor's favor, and the Maximal Nation went to war. In the battles to come against the Vehicons and theGrand Malfortress, Airazor fought as part ofMagna Boss,joining with her fellow Councilbots as a battlefield general. They fought alongside theMicromasterBuilder combinerDevastatoragainst all odds.
After the war, theCybertronian Parliamentwas founded to govern the planet. The Maximal Nation remained an independent body, and the High Council elected Airazor to serve as their representative at Parliament along with Cheetor andOptimal.Derailment
War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity
War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material
The Maximals traveled across time to find theAllSparkand change the fate of Cybertron. While battling thePredaconson pre-Ice AgeEarth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.
Airazor's function was reconnaissance, and shetrans-scannedinto a falcon. Herphoton cannonand razor-sharp talons were her powers and weapons, and her core traits were her resourcefulness, compassion, and steadfastness. Airazor's message from the future was that she will help guidea conflicted enemytowards redemption.Kingdomwebpage[1]
In a possible destiny recorded on theVoyagerGolden Disk,Airazor was part of the united Maximal-Predacon faction lead byDinobot.In another possible destiny, she bore witness to Autobot leaderOptimus Primeleading Cybertron to a new golden age.KingdomGolden Disk cards
War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon
- Voice actor:Erin Ebers(English),Hinako Takahashi(Japanese),Sandrine Mittelstädt(German),Nathalie Spitzer(French),Ana Paula Martins(Portuguese),Mar Bordallo(Castilian Spanish),Jessica Ángeles(Latin-American Spanish),Bhagyashri Rao(Hindi)
2021Beast Warscomic
Airazor was contained in one of the manystasis podson theAxalonthat were ejected when the ship was caught in a battle with theDarksydeand left in orbit above the planet they crashed on.Savage Landing Part 1The pod was soon brought down to the surface due to sabotage carried out byBlackarachnia.Pod Part 2Before she could activate, Airazor was discovered by theVokwho, using knowledge gleamed fromCheetor,reprogrammed her to serve their interests.
As one of the "Children of the Vok",Airazor was part of the group that spoke toOptimus PrimalandMegatronabout the Vok and their rapidly expiring patience towards the Cybertronian interlopers. When Optimus and Megatron managed to escape their cells, the five Children of the Vok moved to stop them. In the ensuing battle, Airazor fought Optimus Primal before the Vok arrived to end the battle. Though the Vok were initially ready to destroy Megatron, Primal convinced the aliens to allow the Maximals and Predacons a chance to unite against the Vok.Children of the Vok
When the Vok's allyTarantulaswas found out, he called on the totality of the Children of the Vok to attack theDarksyde.The battle drew the attention of the Vok who decided that all Cybertronians were too disruptive and prepared to exterminate them all before theAxalondestroyed the aliens. In the aftermath, Airazor joined Tigatron in a peaceful life in the wilderness, ignoring both Maximal and Predacon if the same courtesy would be extended.The End
Transformers Go! Go!
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game continuity
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game advertising comic
Upon arriving on "Planet Energon",the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Maximals and their Predacon adversaries to take on beast alternate forms.Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game
- Voice actor:??? (English),??? (Japanese)
Maximal campaign
Airazor was absent from the main conflict with both Predacons and theSkriix;instead, she flew rescue missions, using her flight capabilities to rescue captured Maximals from the Predacons' prison ships.
Upon having eliminated the Predacon threat, Airazor was part of Optimus Primal's roll call when he announced that the galaxy was now at peace.Beast Wars: Transformers
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals(N64)
- Voice actor:Janet-Laine Green(English),Tetsuya Iwanaga(Japanese)
Thanks to Megatron's temporal meddling, history was changed so that Airazor gained a new Transmetal form in the quantum surge. She went on to play a critical role in the Maximals' victory over the Predacons. However, when their enemies had all been taken prisoner, Airazor and Tigatron decided not to join their comrades in their journey to Cybertron. The two sparkmates would reside on prehistoric Earth, observing as the planet recovered from the war. They nonetheless sometimes wondered about what became of their friends and whether or not true peace could finally be found between Maximals and Predacons.Beast Wars Transmetals
Move list
Beast Attacks | |
C-Right | Falcon Rush |
C-Up | Razor Dive |
C-Left | Force Wing |
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Airazor participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of her! She appeared in two different bodies:
- Airazor Transmetal— This Epic character first appeared in the "Transmetals: Beast Wars - Episode 2" event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, 100 event cores, and 50 cores of this character.
- Airazor (BW)— This Super Rare character was available as a reward to 1000 players in the "Beast Wars: Episode 4" event.
Transformers: Earth Wars
- Ability:She is airborne and smites foes every 15 secs causing 50% speed reduction for 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 secs.
Airazor at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Airazor was an optimistic Maximal scout who possessed a close relationship with Tigatron. After being abducted by the Vok, Tigatron and Airazor were fused together into the powerful but unpredictable Tigerhawk.Technorganic Secrets
Beast Wars
- Takara release date:January?? 1998
- Takara ID number:C-10
- Accessories:"Photon cannon"
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Part of the first wave ofHasbro's second-yearBeast WarsBasics, Airazor transforms into a somewhat generic falcon (or some other bird of prey) with opening beak and swing-out wings. Unlike first-year Basics, Airazor's transformation is entirely manual rather than spring-loaded, and therefore a bit more complex. Pulling on the yellow-plastic feathers near her tail activates a spring-loaded wing-movement gimmick. Each wing also has a flip-out "cyber-blade", giving her a pincer-attack when used with the wing flappy-flappy. Her tail hides both a heat-sensitive "energon chip"and a non-firing" photon cannon "that can be hand-held or mounted on the underside of either forearm.
- There is anexceedinglyminorretoolingvariant of this toy, where later releases added small grooves to the inside of the falcon-mode head, allowing for easier installation of the lower beak.
- Airazor was released inTakara'sBeast Warstoyline,in the fifth wave of product in January 1998. Near as can be told, this release is identical to the Hasbro release, except (of course) for packaging.
- Ōzora no Taiketsu: Airrazor vs Kuwagiger(VS pack, January1998)
- Release date:January?? 1998
- ID number:VS-10
- Accessories:Blaster
- In Japan, Airazor was also available in a "Heaven Showdown" ( đại không の đối quyết ) Vs-pack withKuwagiger.
- Both toys were identical to their individual releases.
- Airazor(Video pack-in, 1998)
- Accessories:"Photon cannon"
- The original Airazor toy was re-released in theTransmetals/Fuzor-themed third year ofBeast Wars,this time in a similar-but-darker deco, packaged with a VHS tape containing the episodes "Aftermath"and"Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)".She retains all of her previousgimmickry.This toy is somewhat notorious for havingextremelyweak ankle joints.
- This pack was released at general retail as its own wave alongside a redecoed and VHS-came-withRazorclaw.
- Airazor(Deluxe Transmetal, 1998)
- Takara name:Metals Airazor
- Takara ID number:C-45
- Takara release date:September 1999
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Part of the third wave of HasbroTransmetalDeluxes, Airazor transforms from a semi-organic robot into a wholly-mechanical falcon. She has a third "seaplane" mode, a variant of her beast mode, with fold-down pontoons and exposed thruster engines. In robot mode, the chromed beast-mode backplate can fold around her torso as a "shield" mode.
- Some early releases of theHasbroAirazor have much more lavender-hued chrome than the normal blue of later versions.
- The Takara version of this toy, released in the first wave ofBeast Wars Metalsproduct, has more orange-tinted yellow plastics, and the pearlescent whites are more translucent white. The "AIRAZOR"tampographon the Hasbro version's chromed shields was also changed to "CYBERTRON" with the Maximalfaction symbol.The Takara version's chrome is also far less prone to flaking than the Hasbro version.
- She holds the distinction of being the firstfemale Transformertoy that was actually designed to be female from the start.
- A popular "fan mode" of the toy has the pontoons raised over her shoulders in robot mode, with the support struts pointing forward like cannons, giving her some ranged weaponry.
- Kagerō no Taiketsu: Metals Airazor vs Quickstrike(VS set, September 1999)
- Release date:September?? 1999
- ID number:VS-45
- In Japan, Metals Airazor was available both as an individual and in a "Heatwave Showdown" ( dương viêm の đối quyết ) two-pack withQuickstrike.
- Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
- Airazor(Deluxe Transmetal, 2000)
- Takara name:Metals Airazor Earth
- Part of the third wave of the final year of theBeast Warsline, Airazor's Transmetal toy was given a tweaked deco and released as part of the so-called "Fox Kids"assortment of Deluxe Transmetal redecos. This redeco was not as drastic a change from the original as the others in the series, mostly making her darker and more desaturated tones of the same colors.
- This version of Airazor was made available in Japan as aJafConconventionexclusive,under the name "Metals Airazor Earth", along with the "Fox Kids" versions of TransmetalCheetorandRattrap.
- Airazor(Deluxe,2007)
- The second members-onlyexclusivetoFun Publications'Transformers Collectors' Club,Airazor (referred to as "Chromia 10 Pilot" in her bio) is a redeco ofEnergonSlugslingerwith aretooledhead, transforming into aCybertronic twin-cockpit VTOL jet.Her jet mode has an under-slung spring-loaded missile launcher (which flips over her shoulder inrobot mode), plus she also has flip-out (non-firing) blasters as well.
Combiner Wars
- Airazor(BotCon 2016 exclusive, 2016)
- Release date:April 72016
- Accessories:2 arm-mounted "photon cannons"
- Sold individually atBotCon 2016,Airazor is aredecoofLegendsSlipstream,who in turn is a retool ofGenerations: Thrilling 30Windblade,transforming into a VTOL fighter jet of made-up model. She comes with two "photon cannons" that clip on her arms in a different orientations in each mode. Her jet mode fuselage contains a flip-down landing gear and her VTOL wing fans can flip up on a hinge and spin.
- Unlike the toy-based colors of her previousFun Publicationstoy, this iteration takes its cues from her cartoon appearance.
- This mold also served as the model for the non-toyBeast Wars: Uprisingversion ofStiletto.
War for Cybertron: Kingdom
- Airazor(Deluxe Class,2021)
- Hasbro ID number:WFC-K14
- TakaraTomy ID number:KD-09
- TakaraTomy release date:June 26,2021
- Accessories:2 "Photon Blasters"[3]
- Known designers:Mark Maher(Hasbro),Yūya Ōnishi(TakaraTomy),Dennis Chan(sculptor),Ken Christiansen(concept artist)
- Released in the second wave ofWar for Cybertron: KingdomDeluxes, Airazor transforms from aBeast Warscartoon-accurate robot (albeit with a much lighter stony-brown plumage than the show's super-dark-brown) into a (fairly) realistic peregrine falcon. Said beast mode is more posable than it has ever been with past toys, with multiple joints in her wings, legs, and head, including an opening beak. She includes two weapons based on the arm-mounted talon missiles she used in the cartoon, which can also be held in her hands, mounted on her forearms or mounted on hips (like holsters) via5 mm ports.The hip-ports double as rear storage on her beast mode.
- The multi-hinged segments in the middle of Airazor's wings are prone to developing stress marks if excessive force is used. Most notably this can happen when unfolding her wings from the packaging, as they are folded in a reverse manner contrary to the hinge design in order to fit them into the cardboard insert. Please take extra care unfolding them the first time.
- Much like most of the toyline, Airazor comes with one of four possible holographicGolden Diskcards for her wave, which reveals apossible destinyof a key character.
- Airazor's stock photography depicts an additional robot mode, with an extended torso, open wings, folded-down shoulder pads, and her falcon head and robot head switching places. Silly. The renders on her packaging also feature an inconsistency; the render of her robot mode showcases a Maximal sigil on the chest/the neck of her Falcon mode's head, which is absent in the actual falcon mode's render and the figure itself. The final product places the Maximal sigil on the right forearm.
- Airazor wasretooledwith a new head to makeKingdomMaximal Skywarp,who also served as the model for the comic characterBluebolt.The mold was also differently and heavily retooled asTerrorsaurfor theGolden Disk Collection,and its transformation engineering was later reused forStudio SeriesAirazor.
- According toLegacytoyline lead designerMark Maher,select elements of Airazor's sculptwork along with that ofKingdomTigatronwere recycled (fused,one might say,) via the magic of digital toy design intoLegacyTigerhawkfor fairly self-evident reasons.[4]
Kingdommold:Airazor | ||
Version 1 (Raptor):
Version 2 (Pteranodon):
Beast Wars Again
- Chūshin no Taiketsu(Multi-pack,2024)
- ID number:BWVS-07
- Release date:February 24,2024
- Accessories:2 guns
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy),Hidetsugu Yoshioka(packaging artist)
- Released as part of theBeast Wars Againline, the "Loyal Retainer Showdown" ( trung thần の đối quyết ) set contains Airazor andInferno.Airazor is a redeco ofKingdomAirazorin more cartoon-accurate colors.
Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game
- Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game(1997)
- Airazor was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Warscard game.
Jada Toys
- Transformers Series 2 18-pack(4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
- Released byJada Toys,Nano MetalfigsAirazor is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing
squatsan action pose. She has a little base attached to her feet for balancing reasons.
- She is marketed as an Autobot instead of a Maximal and comes in an impressive multipack withseventeen other figurines.
- Transformers Series 3 18-pack(4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
- Nano MetalfigsAirazor was re-released with no noticeable changes inanotherimpressive multipack withseventeen other figurines.
- The website of Canadian TV channelYTV,on whichBeast Warswas broadcast, contained character profiles for the cast. Airazor's profile stated that, due to the circumstances of her creation, she considered Rhinox an "uncle" figure, and looked upon Cheetor as a sibling. These relationships would be reiterated in her profile in IDW'sBeast Wars Sourcebook,but were never actually reflected in the characters' interactions in the show itself.
- AnunproducedBeast Warsepisode conceptwould have seen Airazor and Blackarachnia join forces as a "third faction" for a bit. It went unproduced as the writers couldn't see where to go with the idea.
- Like most characters in the Japanese dub ofBeast Wars,Airazor was given a verbal tic—when in battle or transforming,hewould shouthayain imitation of a falcon's cry (hayabusaalso being the Japanese word for "falcon" ).
- A number of the Italian toyline-specific names for variousBeast Warscharacters were only printed on the cardback for the Italian "video-pack" release of Airazor; the names do not appear on the cardback for "video-pack"Razorclaw,who was released in proximity to her, if not at the same time. The Italian names only printed on "video-pack" Airazor are: Insector (Powerpinch), Rapax (Lazorbeak), Vortex (Drill Bit), Anfibius (Spittor), Diablo (Snarl), Cannibal (Manterror), Tenax (Retrax), Dingo (K-9), and Bison (Bonecrusher).
- The name of Airazor's ship in "Dawn of Future's Past",theChromia 10,is a reference to her original toy's Japanese ID number.
Airazor's gender in theHasbroline is due toBeast Warsstory editorsBob ForwardandLarry DiTillio's insistence. The original Airazor toy was not developed with a specific gender in mind, and they wanted a larger female presence in the show, and the Airazor toy seemed as good a choice as any. They requested the change early enough that the toy's packaging bio could have feminine pronouns. The later Transmetal version of Airazor is the first American-released Transformer mold created to represent a female character.
In the Japanese dub ofBeast Wars,Airazor was made male. The exact reason for this has never been made known; it could have been for the sake of sales (girl characters are believed to sell poorly in boys toylines) orTakaracould have simply been working from outdated material provided by Hasbro in which Airazor was still regarded as male.
Initially, the dub skirted around any possibility of romance between Airazor and Tigatron, altering all flirtatious dialogue to change the intent (Tigatron's line in "The Trigger, Part 2"about how" the lady shall ride a tiger "was rewritten to a more generic command for them to get moving). To explain the closeness of their relationship, Tigatron was humorously portrayed as a" samurai retainer "and Airazor acted as his" ward "; intimating a" brotherly "sort of bond.
Things remained as such all the way until "Other Visits (Part 1)"when the scripting and animation could no longer allow for any vagaries regarding their relationship. Beginning rather randomly in that episode, Airazor flirtatiously starts calling Tigatron by the nickname" Ti-chan ", leaving Tigatron to get flustered and anxiously call for him to stop. When the pair are attacked, they both express their love for one another in dialogue primarily unchanged from the English version. Their romantic attraction was a very spontaneous change in the Japanese version of the series and Japanese magazine editors, responding to letters from confused young fans, gently explained the situation. From the letters page of theBeast Wars Clubmagazine:[5]
- Question:"If Tigatron and Airazor are both boys, how come they were flirting when theAliensabducted them? "
- Answer:"Even among humans there are boys who both love (like) each other. In the case of Tigatron and Airazor, they had been fighting together for a long time and as their emotions increased, their friendship turned to feelings of love. 'Transform', indeed!"
In the case of theBeast Wars Metalsmanga, however, Airazor's female gender was retained, as was her heterosexual romantic relationship with Tigatron. This was due to the fact that Airazor'sTransmetaltoy had an indisputably feminine build. Additionally, there was never a manga for the originalBeast Warscartoon in Japan, so the backstory forMetalscould be whatever writer/artistShōji Imakiwanted it to be (the manga has numerous irreconcilable divergences from the show's events right out of the gate). Airazor is presented as a stereotypically "girly" ingenue more deeply devoted to Tigatron, as compared to her English cartoon persona and design.
TheTransformers Legendsmanga would poke "fun" at Airazor's gender bending from time to time. Airazor is portrayed as looking highly feminine and cute; however, it is revealed to the confusion of the cast that "she" is male. The same humor is extended ontoNightscream,who is portrayed as a flamboyant gay male in the dub ofBeast Machines,and is seen as a crossdresser in theLegendsmanga. This is apparently supposed to be "funny".
Foreign names
- Japanese:Airrazor(エアラザーEarazā)[6]
- French:Aérolame(Canada, "Aeroblade" ),Serdacier(French cartoon dub and Transmetal)[7]
- Italian:Falcon(original toy),Falcon Lady(cartoon),Metal Falcon(Transmetal),Falco(video-pack release)
- HungarianLégszelő(Kingdomsub, "Airslicer" )
- Mandarin:Fēi Jiàn(China, phi mũi tên, "Flying Arrow" ),Shén Yīng(Taiwan, thần ưng, "God Hawk" ),Yīng Nǚ(Taiwan, ưng nữ, "Hawk Woman" )
- Polish:Brzytwozora
- Portuguese:Falcúria
- Russian:Orlona(Орлона)
- Spanish:Cuchilla(Latin American toy, "Razor Blade" ),Aguila(Latin American cartoon dub, "Eagle" )
- ↑Kingdomwebpage
- ↑"After the show, Airazor was offered as a club exclusive. That was one I proposed, but the original concept photoshop has been lost to time. I was really happy with how well Energon Slugslinger worked here. Here's the production figure." —Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
- ↑Hasbro Pulsedescription states "Comes with 2 Photon Blaster accessories that attach to figure's wrists."
- ↑TransformerspanelwithBen MacCrae,Mark Maher,Evan Brooks,Takio EjimaandThew AdamsatHasbro Pulse Con 2023.
- ↑Scanof the letters pages from a JapaneseBeast Wars Clubmagazine
- ↑Sources consistently Romanize the name as such.
- ↑Dervied fromserres d'acier( "steel talons" ).
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Armada Maximals
- Beast Wars Again
- Beast Wars combiners
- Beast Wars Maximals
- Beast Wars: Uprising Maximals
- Combiner Wars Maximals
- Convention exclusives
- Council members
- Fan Club exclusives
- Female Transformers
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Go! Go! Maximals
- IDW (2005) Transformers
- Jungle Planet
- Law enforcement
- Legends World natives
- Pilots
- Reconnaissance specialists
- Security officers
- Timelines characters
- Toys "R" Us exclusives
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Maximals
- Transformers with three modes
- Transmetals
- TransTech Maximals
- Universe Maximals
- Variable gender characters
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Maximals