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Alley-Vipers arehumansfrom theG.I. Joe portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Final Transformations Alley-Vipers.jpg

Alley-VipersareCobraurban combat specialists. Brutal, full of hate, and numerous, they bulk up the terrorist organization's infantry forces!



MarvelGeneration 2comic

Alley-Vipers Goin South.jpg

WhenCobra Commanderstruck a deal withMegatronto acquire the advanced alien technology within theArk,he was accompanied by several Alley-Vipers, ready to defend their master if Megatron struck at him. Their talents weren't needed though, since Megatron agreed to Cobra Commander's terms with little fuss.Realignments

The Alley-Vipers later helped Cobra Commander set up shop in the town ofMilleville,where Cobra was using its mind-controlled citizens to unload the content of the Ark. Embarrassingly, they failed to restrain a pastry maker who shook off his brainwashing for a few moments;Road Pighad to step in and knock out the man for them.Goin' South

Two Alley-Vipers were posted outside of the hospital wereScarlett,then posing as a member of Cobra, was recovering from a stab wound. They were too distracted by their tasty snacks to notice Scarlett coming up on them, and were both taken out with ease.Sucker PunchA squad of Alley-Vipers attempted to take downSnake-Eyeswithin the hospital, but they fared no better against the ninja. Four more appeared to have finally secured a small victory when they managed to surround Scarlett at gun-point, but Snake-Eyes trounced them too. Not the best track-record, those Alley-Vipers.Final Transformations

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