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"Put on your rainbow shades!"

Arizonais one of the 50 states that make up theUnited States of America.Located in the southwestern part of the country, the state has plenty of desert to go around.

Arizona contains theGrand Canyon,and on the border between Arizona andNevadayou can find theHoover Dam.



MarvelThe Transformerscomics

ADecepticonspaceship crashed in a northern Arizona desert after its pilot was infected withScraplets.Crater CrittersDue to the dry climate, it took a while for anyone to figure out that the cure to Scraplets waswater.The Cure!


These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. SeeEarthforcefor details.

After hatching a plan to cause artificial global warming on Earth,Megatronplanned to launch arocketfrom a remote mountain in the deserts of Arizona.ProwlandWheeljackwere sent to the state to investigate.Starting Over!

Listen 'n Play audiobooks continuity

The Autobot base was located in Arizona. NearbyPhoenix Internationalwas targeted by the Decepticons as part of their scheme to kidnap humans and ransom them for fuel.Sun Raid (Listen 'n Play)

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic

Autobot Headquarterswas located in Arizona.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2

DreamwaveRobots in Disguisecomic

ThePredaconsand Decepticons stole an experimental nuclear generator from a human facility somewhere in Arizona, despiteOptimus PrimeandUltra Magnus's attempts to stop them.Ultra the Rescue?

2005 IDW continuity

TheMachinationagentStoker's base of operations was a trailer inTucson,Arizona.Infiltration #3One day while taking the bus fromPhoenix,he was killed by theBattlechargersand had his body dumped somewhere in the desert. AsVerity Carlohad stolen Stoker'spalmtop,Thundercrackerchased her andHunter O'Nionthrough the desert until he was chased off byRatchet.Infiltration #0

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