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The name or term "Artemis" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeArtemis (disambiguation). |
- Artemis is a gynoid from theBeast Wars IIportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Artemis(アルテミスArutemisu) is a gynoid stationed on themoonofGaia.She was tasked by theancient civilizationthat built her to monitor the world below and make sure no one ever abuses theAngolmois Energywithin. This monotonous existence of watching and reporting is made more endurable by the company of her partnerMoon,even if Artemis ends up bonking him with her hammer for his off-hand comments.
Artemis has a soft spot for cool guys, developing crushes onScubaandStarscream.Though neither Transformer knows that she even exists.
Contents |
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Artemis was the latest in a line of androids created in2039as part ofProject Gaia,with Moon as her companion. Her creator,Atari Hitotonariunveiled the pair to a delegation ofOptimus Primeand hishumanfriends, but Artemis immediately found Moon worthy of being bonked with her hammer, which alarmed Atari. Nevertheless, Atari continued working on the pair.Epiloge
At some point, Artemis was one of the many women brought to theLegends WorldbyTigatronusing theultra-drillin an attempt to get women who liked him better thanSpringer.It did not work out, as all of the women brought over eventually swooned over Springer.Bonus Edition Vol. 19
Generations Selects Special Comic
In2050,Artemis and Moon still accompanied their creator, including to overseeing the manufacture ofSelectors.Volcanicus comic 1The duo bore witness toAngolmois EnergycorruptingMegatron,setting off a chain of events that drove humanity off Earth.Super Megatron comic 2
Beast Wars IIcartoon
- Voice actor:Chieko Higuchi(Japanese)
Tens of thousands of years before the arrival of Lio Convoy's Maximals, the people ofGaiadiscovered the dark secret of their planet'sAngolmois Energy.If used with evil intent, this colossal energy source would become evil itself. Fearing the ramifications, the people of Gaia fled their planet for deep space, leaving behind two monitor androids in a chamber beneath the surface of theMoon.These androids, Artemis and Moon, were to monitor the planet in case the Angolmois Energy was ever corrupted and used by those with nefarious intent. The Gaians' defense protocols would then take over, destroying Gaia and the Moon to prevent an outbreak of evil Angolmois Energy in the universe. Moon and Artemis were not programmed with this last bit of knowledge, to prevent conflicts in their programming.Emissary of the Fourth Planet
Artemis and Moon noticed the arrival of theGalvaburg IIon Gaia, and wondered whether the Maximals would be close behind the evil Predacons.The New Forces Arrive!When theAutorollersstarted leveling the forests of Gaia, Artemis was frantic, and royally upset at Moon for sleeping through the crisis.White Lion, Run!Artemis and Moon observed Bighorn's aggressive tendencies from the moon as he rampaged over the landscape.Bighorn's Rage
In their firstII Report,Artemis and Moon discussed the nature of Angolmois Energy on the planet Gaia, but were interrupted byTasmania Kid.The Lake Trap
Proving that the Fourth Wall is a suggestion, not a rule, Artemis addressed a letter written from a boy watching at home, asking just who Artemis and Moonwere.Before she could explain, however, Artemis was distracted by Moon and the latest Predacon activity on Gaia.Galvatron RevivedWhen she finally got around to answering the question, Artemis realized that she, herself,had no idea why she existed.Moon was forced to explain to Artemis their role as observers for Gaia and the Angolmois Energy, a duty passed to them by the ancient civilization of Gaia.Mystery of the Ancient Ruins
Artemis and Moon observed theInsectrons,and the Predacons' plot to turn the insects against the Maximals.The Insect Corps ArriveArtemis was impressed withStarscream's duplicity, while Moon thought the Maximals were too simple-minded if they fell for the trap.Friend or Foe? The Insect Robos
Observing Starscream's oil trap for the Insectrons, Artemis and Moon discussed the value of oil to Transformers.The Strongest Tag Team?WhenAutostingercalled in his debt from savingBigmos's life in the past, Artemis didn't understand the honor involved, thinking the past was in the past. Moon took this opportunity to mention he ate the cake she was saving...but he did it in the past, so it didn't matter, right?Autorollers Roll Out!
Artemis and Moon observedScissor Boy's misadventures withTasmania Kidand the Autorollers.Danger! Scissor BoyThey also monitored Galvatron's return and the influence of Angolmois Energy on his body.Galvatron Rampages
As the Cybertronian factions battled over Gaia again, Artemis and Moon discussed the alliance between the Maximals and the Insectrons.Predacon General Offensive!
When theJointronsarrived on Gaia, Artemis and Moon observed their ship as it breached the atmosphere.The Combined Giant, TripledacusArtemis thought the Jointrons were even more unprofessional and ridiculous than Tasmania Kid (poor Kid).The Festive Jointrons
The Combatrons created a fake Angolmois Energy smoke cloud to lure the Maximals and Jointrons into a trap. Artemis and Moon spotted this, and lamented about their inability to communicate with the heroes in times like this. Moon even tried to travel down to Gaia, but found his invisibility aura prevented the Cybertronians from seeing or hearing him. Artemis was surprised to learn that Mono had a robot mode as well.A Fearsome Combination Plan?
By the time the Combatrons attempted to capture the Jointrons and study their combination secrets, Artemis had firmly established her super-duper crushes onScubaand Starscream. Moon tried to reason with Artemis about how she could root for two opposing teams like that, but love finds a way.Who Is the Leader!?During theCopy Machinefiasco, Artemis and Moon once again complained about their inability to warn the Maximals about Predacon plots against them.The Black Lio Convoy
Artemis and Moon received an early warning when theSpace Pirate Seaconsapproached Gaia in their pirate ship.The Space Pirate Seacons!
During a conversation about the relative power of the Cybertronians, Artemis and Moon decided to have a contest with the approval of Lio Convoy and Galvatron to see who the strongest warrior was. Artemis compared Tasmania Kid and Diver to Dirge and Thrust, Starscream to Scuba, BB and Bighorn, Apache and Megastorm, the Insectrons and Autorollers (gave up on the Jointrons), and finally Lio Convoy and Galvatron themselves. Declaring the strength test ultimately a tie, Artemis still called Starscream and Scuba back up for "further testing".Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?
Artemis threw a fit on the moon when Scylla of the Seacons declared her love for Scuba, despite Scuba's utter disinterest. She continued making very un-sisterly comments towards and about Scylla from that point forward. So much for solidarity.The Tentacular ScubaShe and Moon soon observed the Seacons in a plot to isolate and assassinate all the Maximals one-by-one, but the plot failed.Megastorm's Reckoning
The next time the Seacons attacked the Maximals, Artemis and Moon became increasingly upset with their roles as passive observers, unable to help the heroes. When Scylla got her tentacles on Scuba, Artemis exploded and demanded Moon head down to Gaia and do something to help. With some quick thinking, Moon actually managed to maneuver the Insectrons into arriving to help the Maximals, and the heroes were saved.Showdown in the SeaArtemis continued her one-sided feud with Scylla over her one-sided crush on Scuba, announcing to Moon that Scuba couldn't possibly have sent a love letter to Scylla, since any love letter he sent would come to her!Face the Setting SunLater, Artemis and Moon monitored the Space Pirates' plans to leave Gaia.The Final Battle
Moon and Artemis observed the artificial planetNemesisas it entered Gaia's solar system. Moon calculated that Nemesis was on a trajectory that led it directly to Gaia.Enter Lio JuniorThey continued to speculate about Nemesis, as well as the arrival ofLio Juniorand the transformation of Megastorm intoGigastorm.Megastorm RebornArtemis marveled at Scuba's ultra-cool new bike, theTako Tank.The New Weapon, Tako Tank
When the Seacons were trapped by the artificial planet Nemesis, Artemis and Moon detected their SOS, but were unable to do anything to help them.The Artificial Planet NemesisThey later monitored signals being sent back and forth from Galvatron to Nemesis, and witnessed as Nemesis completely devoured the rings of Saturn as a fuel source.Gigastorm's Treachery
Artemis got upset that Starscream was facing what appeared to be his last stand, and wanted Mono to fly down to Gaia and help, but Moon was having none of that. Afterwards, he and Artemis reviewed the abilities of the newly upgradedHellscreamandMax-B,The End of Starscreamand later did the same for the evolvedDirgegunandThrustor.The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot
Moon and Artemis observed the Maximals' efforts to freeze the raging Angolmois Energy on Gaia before it erupted, but Galvatron had Nemesis consume Jupiter entirely to increase the Angolmois Energy corruption activity.The Great Angolmois Freezing TacticThe duo also monitored the Maximals' next setback, using an artillery cannon to blast Nemesis before it reached the planet. Unfortunately, the Angolmois Energy powering the cannon was too much, and it overheated and exploded.Knock Out NemesisThey observed Galvatron's failed attempt to brainwash Lio Junior with corrupted Angolmois Energy as well.Lio Junior's Revolt!?
As the artificial planet Nemesis passedMars,an ancient temple there released arobotic emissarywho traveled to Gaia and befriended the Maximals. As their computerNAVItranslated, the emissary stated its mission was to retake control of the unstable Angolmois Energy. The Maximals led the emissary to theMother Computerit needed for its mission, located hidden away in theValley of the Lions.Moon and Artemis researched the emissary's history in their computer banks, only to discover its mission to "control" the Angolmois Energy actually meant wiping it out entirely. A preprogrammed defense sequence in the Mother Computer would pull the Moon out of orbit, crashing it down on top of Gaia, wiping out all life and Angolmois Energy on the planet. Artemis begged Moon to travel to Gaia and find some way to warn the Maximals of the cataclysm.Emissary of the Fourth PlanetMiraculously, Moon was able to communicate with Lio Junior, and his warning was heard. Artemis remained fretful and scared on the moon as it moved ever closer to Gaia, but Moon and the Maximals were able to reprogram the Mother Computer and return the satellite to its natural orbit. Artemis was so overjoyed when Moon returned that she nearly forgot they were still in terrible danger from the arrival of Nemesis.The Crisis of Planet Gaia
Artemis and Moon monitored the Maximals' efforts to leave Gaia and intercept the artificial planet Nemesis using a modified space cruiser. They wished allies well on their mission.Fly Out! Planet Gaia
At one point, Artemis and Moon reviewed footage of all the Maximal and Predacon transformation sequences.Assemble, Thirty-Nine Warriors
Artemis and Moon were distraught when the Maximals were diverted off course by Galvatron's mind controlled pawns, the Space Pirate Seacons. Although the Seacons were defeated and released from Galvatron's control, the Maximals were no longer in a position to reach Nemesis. Artemis began praying for a way to help them, and in doing so connected her android brain to the mother computer on Gaia which initially helped create Artemis and Moon. Artemis's prayer influenced the computer into calculating the means of achieving an orbital slingshot maneuver around the moon, allowing the Maximals to launch their ship back on course. Moon provided the heroes the information, and Artemis used the mother computer's calculations to signal the Maximals at the exact moment they needed for maximum thrust. Afterwards, Artemis awoke as if from a trance and had no recollection of her actions, but was happy the Maximals were on their way to Nemesis.Revenge of the Space Pirates
Artemis and Moon watched with concern as the Maximals arrived on Nemesis and prepared to sabotage it. The heroes delayed too long, however, for Nemesis was now in range of Gaia. Galvatron ordered Nemesis to begin siphoning up all the Angolmois Energy on the planet, and with it the essence of Gaia itself.Breaking into NemesisAfter praying for a miracle, Artemis communed with the spirit of Gaia and found a way she and Moon could help. They could move the moon itself into the path of the Angolmois Energy, blocking it from its flight from Gaia to Nemesis and depriving the Predacons of energy. The consequences would be dire for the duo, however, for the Angolmois Energy would superheat the moon and roast Artemis and Moon inside. When Artemis explained her plan and the risks, Moon didn't hesitate to agree in order to save Gaia.Legend! The Green WarriorTogether, Artemis and Moon held each other inside the moon while cutting off the flow of Angolmois Energy until the Maximals succeeded in destroying Nemesis. The two androids survived the conflagration, emerging from the combined mass of the moon and Nemesis which existed after the artificial planet's destruction. Although the Maximals were gone, Artemis and Moon were thankful to the heroes for all they had done for Gaia.Farewell! Lio Convoy
Watching from their satellite, Artemis and Moon were alarmed when Transformers they'd never seen before—extradimensional visitors fromCloud World—suddenly appeared on Gaia. She smacked Moon for comparing her unfavorably to the CloudAutobots' own robot girl,SARA,then began worrying that Hellscream might take a shine to her.Concealment
Beast Wars Neocartoon
AfterUnicron's defeat at the hands ofBig Convoy,and the formation of an alliance between the Maximals and Predacons, Artemis and Moon somehow traveled toCybertron.
As Big Convoy andMagmatron's forces had one last brawl for old times' sake behind them, Artemis performed ainformal tea gatheringunder cherry blossoms withBazooka,Crazybolt,andSharp Edgeparticipating, whileApacheandColadaslept nearby.Graduation Ceremony!!
2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity
An agent of theCelestials,Artemis was assigned withMoonto observeGaea.Despite their initial competitive relationship, Artemis eventually warmed up to the rabbit and saw herself as his mentor. When Moon decided to betray the oath of noninterference he made to the Celestials, Artemis supported her friend's decision, despite the consequence that the two would never again speak to each other. After her stint on Gaea, Artemis was assigned from planet to planet, still operating under the Celestials' agenda.Beast Wars Sourcebook
Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Artemis wound up battling several Predacons and Maximals in a struggle to obtain the super-powerfulEnergon Quartzrecently discovered onGaia,aided by her friend Moon.
Together, they could also partake in various other tasks, such as a mission to break a boulder to reveal an energon crystal hidden within before sundown, using a block in a mission to defend themselves against various incoming projectiles, and missions to run across a pit-riddled field, sometimes involving hideously large bacteria that had to be fended off.
She obtained the Energon Quartz, after defeating her final opponent,Megatron.However, she was blissfully unaware of the crystal's power, so she decided to use it as a decoration for her room, finding it pretty.Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Move list
Artemis | |
Artemis Hammer | ↓←B |
Moon Slash | →↓→B |
Moon Attack | ↓→B |
Artemis Slash | ←↓→A |
Artemion Hammer (super) | ↓→↓← B |
Moon Caliber (desperation) | ↓←↓→ A |
- Lio Convoy(2020)
- ID number:MP-48
- TheMasterpiecerelease ofLio Convoywas intended to come with a poseable figure of Artemis as an accessory, but it was omitted from the final product.
- Artemis and Moon are based on a Chinese legend abouta ladyanda rabbitwho both live onEarth'sMoon.
- In Hellenic mythology,Artemisis a goddess associated with the Moon. Fitting!
- Artemis's design inLegendsandGenerations Selectsis based on the "naked" (for lack of a better term) version of herBeast Wars IIcharacter modelbyHiroyuki Taiga,lacking—what her model sheets describe as—her "jacket" or "coat" ( thượnguwagi). Yep, all the stuff that hangs off of her shoulders, isn't actually a part of her, it'sclothing!