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- Astro-Hook is aDecepticon-alliedMini-Confrom theCybertronportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Astro-Hookis one of several Mini-Cons employed by theDecepticonbounty hunterAstrotrain.The eldest brother of theSabotage Team,Astro-Hook is a Mini-Con of ideas—ideas for parting fools and their money, that is.[1]
Say, have you ever thought about the advantages of owning a monorail?
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Astro-Hook and the Sabotage Team were the loyal agents of Astrotrain, working with him andStarcatcheron a variety of mercenary jobs. They were hired byCannonballof the starshipKalis' Lamentto recover aForce Chipfrom some Autobots onSandokan.Starcatcher and Astro-Hook didn't trust Cannonball to keep his end of the bargain, but cheered up when Astrotrain told himtheywouldn't be honoring the agreement either.
Astrotrain and the Mini-Cons attempted to enter Sandokan's atmosphere undetected, but the heat from their reentry drew enemy attention...and firepower. The Astro-troops bailed out of Astrotrain, drawing fire and unleashing their own weapons as a counter-offensive. Astro-Hook's electrostatic blasts, combined with the other assaults, distracted their attacker long enough for Astrotrain to reach the planet below. The creature, known asSynthos,may have been too powerful for them to handle, and so Astrotrain manipulated the monster into agreeing to a truce.
Astro-Hook and his comrades took off after the Autobots and their Force Chip, catching up with them at a nearby cave. He fought with the Autobot leaderOverrideuntil she knocked him backwards into some rocks. While Astrotrain kept the Autobots engaged outside, the Mini-Cons entered the cave and dispatched the unwary Autobots within, stealing the Force Chip. Returning to Synthos, they attempted to force him to give over the Dark Heart of Sandokan which empowered him, but another battle ensued. The Astro-troops powerlinxed with Astrotrain, but even that and the Force Chip were not enough to enable them to defeat Synthos AND the arriving Autobots. Astrotrain and his men were knocked off-line, and missed the battle's finale when Cannonball and the crew of theKalis' Lamentarrived. The Autobots outsmarted Cannonball and escaped with the Force Chip. Astrotrain, Starcatcher, and the others were only allowed to make minor repairs to themselves before Cannonball booted them off his ship as failures.The Dark Heart of Sandokan
- Astrotrain(Multi-pack,2007)
- Aredecoof theCybertronGiant Planet Mini-Con TeammemberLongarm,TimelinesAstro-Hook transforms into a construction vehicle with a shovel arm and crane-hook mounted on its bed.
- He was only available as part of the Ultra-sizedAstrotrainset (which also came withStarcatcher,Astro-Line,andAstro-Sinker), the first toy setexclusiveto theFun PublicationsTransformers Collectors' Club.
- This toy was later repurposed asShattered GlassStonecruncher,and then later again asBeast Wars: UprisingStarhook.
- The Sabotage Team trio are named in homage toHook, Line, and Sinker,the servants of Unicron from theU.S. Marvel comic.
- ↑Official Transformers Collectors' Club sitemembers' section, Micro-Sized Online! Mini-Con Profiles, 2007/05/04