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Baby Dinoforce

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The baby Dinoforce areDecepticonsfrom theVictoryportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
I like adventure! I like romance! I like great jokes! GORYU-CHAN DANCE!

Thebaby Dinoforceare the offspring of theDinoforce.They each resemble a tiny,super deformedversion of their daddy, complete with a littlePretendershell. Exactlyhow they came to beis a mystery perhaps best left unsolved.



After the surrender of theDecepticons,all the civilians living within thePlanet-Destroying Fortresswere at last reunited with their families who had been gone fighting the war. The baby Dinoforce immediately rushed to greet their daddies in a great stampede.Goryucould be seen gleefully tossing his precious bundle of joy into the air, much to his child's giggling delight.

And they all lived happily ever after.The Grand Victory War

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