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Benefit 500

From Transformers Wiki

Well someone's benefiting from this.

TheBenefit 500is a race that takes place in the Velocitronian capital city,Delta.It is an open race, unlike most Velocitronian races, meaning that anyone can enter, even offworlders. It has only one rule—whoever crosses the finish line first wins. The winner gets to ask the planet's leader for anything they want, although they can be refused.


2005 IDW continuity

Blurrentered the race only minutes before it started, and was placed next to the less-than-subtly-namedRacemaster.Override,Knock Out,andMoonracerwere all watching from a private box. Blurr had a hard time dealing with the attacks of the other racers untilWindblade,controlling the racetrack throughNavitas,was able to throw obstacles into the path of his opponents and give him some boosts. He won, and appealed to Override and the watching Velocitronians to allow contact with Cybertron, as it was another planet they could race on. The Velocitronians burst into applause at this idea.Race Against the Light


  • While obviously highly stylized, the Benefit 500's course bears a more than passing resemblance toBristol Motor Speedway.
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