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Bluestreak (G1)/toys

From Transformers Wiki


True fact: Most ofBluestreak's toys are not, in fact, blue.



The Transformers

I know I don't wear much blue, but if you know your history, it really does make perfect sense.
  • Bluestreak(Autobot Car, 1984/1985)
  • Takara ID number:08
  • Accessories:"Beam Rifle", left & right missile launchers, 3 missiles
  • Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy)
Released in the first year of theoriginalTransformerstoyline,Bluestreak transforms into an accurate replica of aDatsun 280ZX Turbo.As with mostTransformerstoys of the time, he is constructed partially of painted die-cast metal and has rubber tires, with his plastic car panels painted over in metallic silver to match the painted metal parts. He is armed with a vacuum-metalized laser rifle and two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers; for theHasbrorelease, these launchers had their springs severely weakened to comply with the USchoking hazard regulations for projectiles,while the Takara release had fully-functional launchers. He was re-released in the Hasbro line in 1985, now featuring arubsignaffixed to his driver's-side door.
This mold was originally created for Takara'sDiaclone:Car Robotstoyline; while the all-silver-car-mode deco was unique to itsTransformersrelease,[1]it uses the base plastic colors of the secondDiaclonerelease with the black-painted roof and hood, which became the basis for Bluestreak's animation model. Meanwhile, reused photography and artwork of the originalDiaclonetoy's blue-sided release, used on packaging and toy catalogs, led to considerable confusion and a long-standing (and eventually debunked)urban legendthat a super-rareblue-sided Bluestreakwas released in the US (to this day, this deco has yet to be applied to this mold under theTransformersbanner).
This mold wasredecoedandretooledto makeProwl,and again forSmokescreen.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl

Version 1 (Bluestreak):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers08Streak

Version 2 (Prowl):

  • Commemorative SeriesProwl
  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers09Prowl
  • The Transformers Collection2Prowl

Version 3 (Smokescreen):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers45Smokescreen

Kōjin Ōno

Collector's Edition

Oh yes, they call him the Streak....
  • Streak (Anime Colors ver.)(Cybertron,2002)
  • ID number:08
  • Accessories:"Beam Rifle", left & right missile launchers, 3 missiles
AnexclusivetoTakara'se-HOBBYshop under theCollector's Editionline, this release of the original Bluestreak uses the color scheme from the second version of hisDiaclonetoy (which was used as the basis for his cartoon and comic character model), with a black roof and hood instead of the original Transformer toy's silver. On top of that, the "FairladyZ" license plate decals have been altered to simply read "STREAK". Unlike the original release, the silver car parts and the robot's head are unpainted silver plastic.
This toy was sold bundled in a set, though not packaged together, with a gold-plated version ofMeister.The duo were put up for order in December of 2001, and shipped out in July the following year.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl

Version 1 (Bluestreak):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers08Streak

Version 2 (Prowl):

  • Commemorative SeriesProwl
  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers09Prowl
  • The Transformers Collection2Prowl

Version 3 (Smokescreen):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers45Smokescreen

Kōjin Ōno

I come in every color except blue.
  • Streak (Silver Mekki ver.)(Cybertron, 2002)
  • ID number:08
  • Accessories:"Beam Rifle", left & right missile launchers, 3 x missiles
Also aCollector's Editione-HOBBY-exclusive, this version of Bluestreak was almost entirely vacuum-metalized, much like the gold-plated Jazz, but in silver. Like the gold Jazz, the silver Streak emulated a "campaign car" prize item from the originalDiacloneline.[2]
Pre-orders for this toy closed onSeptember 26,and orders were shipped out in December.

Commemorative Series

They stole my chrome guns, man! My chrome guns! And they didn't evenpaint'em blue!
  • Silverstreak(2003)
  • Accessories:"Beam Rifle", left & right missile launchers, 3 missiles
Bluestreak was released as part of the third wave ofHasbro'sToys "R" Us-exclusive"Generation One Commemorative Series"range of reissues in the same colours as his original 1980s release, although his packaging pictures depict Takara's" Anime Streak "version. For this release, he was redubbed" Silverstreak "due to Hasbro's apparent inability to secure thetrademarkfor the name "Bluestreak".
There are quite a few changes from the original version of the toy. Due tosafety reasons,the springs in his rocket launchers were completely removed, and because of changes in the plastics used, his laser rifle and projectiles were not vacuum-metalized, instead being cast in more durable matte-black plastic. His driver's-side-doorrubsignis inexplicably appliedsideways,and his silver-plastic parts are unpainted. And he keeps the altered "STREAK" license plate stickers from the above Takara reissue.
When asked about this toy's color scheme in relation to the aboveCollector's Editionversion,Aaron Archer(as "Orson" ) responded that the aim was to give collectors a version of Bluestreak closer to the one released in 1984. That said, it is also likely thatHasbrowas unable or simply unwilling to release figures too similar to toys that wereexclusivetoe-HOBBY.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl

Version 1 (Bluestreak):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers08Streak

Version 2 (Prowl):

  • Commemorative SeriesProwl
  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers09Prowl
  • The Transformers Collection2Prowl

Version 3 (Smokescreen):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers45Smokescreen

Kōjin Ōno


Why did theother guyget to be blue?
  • Silverstreak(Alternator, 2004)
  • Alternator ID number:4
  • Binaltech ID number:BT-03
  • Accessories:Intercooler/ "beam rifle"
  • Known designers:Mark McCall(Hasbro),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
The second Subaru Impreza toy released in theAlternatorsline was actually the first to be developed, but due to marketing suggestions, the more eye-catchingSmokescreenwas released first. Silverstreak'salternate modeis alicensedsilver 1:24scale2003Subaru Impreza WRXstreet model compared to Smokescreen's WRC rally version, with opening hood, trunk, and all four doors as well as a detailed interior. He also features working steering (not connected to the steering wheel, though) andrubber tires.
In robot mode, he is armed with a laser rifle formed from his turbo intercooler, and has the capacity to mount two spring-loaded rocket launchers on either side of his shoulders, though these were only included with theBinaltech-onlyretoolof Smokescreen,Smokescreen GT.
The JapaneseBinaltechversion, named "Streak", features metal parts for the vehicle exterior andvacuum-metalizedside view mirrors, whereasAlternatorsSilverstreak simply has his mirrors painted in flat silver. Unusual for anAlternatorsrelease, Silverstreak features a fully painted vehicle shell, similar to hisBinaltechrelease, although the silver paint on Silverstreak is slightly more flat compared toBinaltechStreak's sparkled paint.
Furthermore,BinaltechStreak features a different tooling for the dashboard compared to Smokescreen, with the steering wheel on the right side, like a Japanese car. The first shipment ofAlternatorsSilverstreak used the same tooling as theBinaltechversion, while later shipments starting with the subsequentwave(the oneAutobot Hounddebuted in) used the same tooling as Smokescreen, with the steering wheel on the left side of the dashboard, like an American car.
In Europe,AlternatorsSilverstreak was initially released (though not in all markets) in the firstAlternatorspackaging style, the same one also used for his North American release. Several years later, he was re-released as part of a Europe-only wave ofAlternatorstoys in the same packaging style as the second North AmericanAlternatorsassortment, the latter of which Silverstreak was not re-released in.
This sculpt was also used to makeRicochetandBinaltech AsteriskAlert.
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Binaltech AsteriskBTA-01Alert

Finally! I became blue at last.Wait a minute.
  • Bluestreak(Binaltech, 2008)
  • ID number:BT-19
  • Accessories:Intercooler/ "beam rifle"
One of the first releases of the short-lived (and final) revival of theBinaltechline, Bluestreak (actually using the original American name) is a redeco ofBinaltechStreak, using the "civilian" model of the Subaru Impreza WRX, with the steering wheel on the right side of the dashboard. As his name suggests, Bluestreak's body is almost completely blue, with light-gray accents... making him look suspiciously like a de-sponsored Smokescreen.
Bluestreak was only released in Japan, with no directAlternatorscounterpart.
Over the years, numerous accounts have suggested that Bluestreak suffers from an flawed paint job that has a tendency to fade after a while, even when not exposed to UV radiation.
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Binaltech AsteriskBTA-01Alert


New name, old colors
  • Silverstreak(Spy Changer, 2004)
  • Accessories:Rifle
A redeco and slight retool of2001Robots in DisguiseSide Swipe,Universe"Silverstreak" is based on theDiacloneDatsun blue-sided color scheme, with a silver hood. He is armed with a small gun that is disguised as a tailpipe in vehicle mode.
The original release of thisSpy Changertoy (and the others in the assortment),exclusivetoKB Toysstores, came on cards that lacked a sub-line designation. Later releases that were also available through chains like Dollar General were put onUniversecards.
This mold was originally intended for use as aGeneration 2Go-Botversion ofRumble.

Smallest Transforming Transformers

Not even the tiniest bit of blue
  • Streak(2004)
    • ID Number:GTF X-3
A retool ofSmallest Transforming TransformersProwl, STF Streak is a much simplified, much smaller replica of his original toy. Although resembling his original Generation 1 form, he has less articulation and his wheels do not roll. Streak was one of twochase figuresin the second wave of the line.


Are you sure you're notCamshaft?
  • Silverstreak(Deluxe, 2008)
    • Series:Classic Series
    • Accessories:"Volt Beam Blaster"
Part of the third wave of2008UniverseDeluxes, Silverstreak is a retool and redeco of the2008UniverseProwl,transforming into a modifiedNissan 350Z.He features twin non-removable and non-firing "rocket launchers" that can swing over his robot mode shoulders. His fold-out "Volt Beam Blaster" stores in the car mode's undersides.
As with severalTransformersvehicles with a metallic silver body colour released around the same time,UniverseSilverstreak's silver car body panels are painted metallic silver rather than being left as bare silver plastic. He has the same stickiness problem asUniverseProwl.
This mold was also used to makeUniverseSmokescreenandTimelinesRapido,while the original Prowl mold was used forTimelinesStreetwise.The original version of this mold also served as the basis of the non-toyShattered Glassincarnation ofProwl.
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

Henkei! Henkei!

Silver paintandsilver chrome? Damn.
  • Cybertron Streak(Deluxe,2008-10-23)
    • ID number:C-10
    • Accessories:"Volt Beam Blaster"
The JapaneseHenkei! Henkei!release ofUniverseSilverstreak is a redeco of the original, swapping the black plastic on his hood and paint applications on his roof with dark gray, the maroon plastic to bright red, changing the red on the wheels to dark gray, as well as addingvacuum-metallizedsilver on his Volt Beam Blaster, his shoulder rocket launchers and his spoiler. His face was also changed from white to silver, the blue on his waist to silver, and the Autobot symbol on his chest is smaller on theHenkeirelease.
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

Speed Stars

Oh god, someone's mutilated him!
  • Silverstreak(Basic, 2010)
Speed StarsSilverstreak is part of the "Stealth Force" subline, consisting of vehicles without robot modes, but with plenty of flip-out panels with hidden weapons. The toy is a silver sports car similar toUniverseSilverstreak's modified Nissan 350Z altmode, and features non-firing weapons in its hood, trunk and doors.


Plain-clothes Prowl.
  • Streak(EZ Collection, 2011)
ChronicleStreak is a retool/redeco of theTransformers:Reveal the ShieldLegends ClassProwltoy, without the lightbar. Like otherChronicleLegends toys, he is sold in a blindpacked box.


"I know this toy can't transform but it still counts, right?"
The Optimus PrimeKre-Oconstruction set comes with a BluestreakKreon.It has a helmet, wing-doors that attach around its neck, and a blaster. Its color is based on the blueDiacloneversion of Generation 1 Bluestreak. This Kreon mold was also used forProwl.

KreO-Toy UltimateVehiclePack.jpg
  • Ultimate Vehicle Pack(2012)
    • Set number:A4583
    • Pieces:279
    • Kreons:Bluestreak, Sideswipe
    • Accessories:Pistol
Thisbucketcontains unchanged versions of theJazz(sans Kreons),Bumblebee,andOptimus Primesets, as well as the Bluestreak andSideswipeKreons.

KreO-Toy BluestreakC84.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984(Kreon figure set, 2014)
    • Set number:B0090
    • Voted:Class Chatterbox
    • Accessories:Ray pistol
This version of Bluestreak, part of theKreon Class of 1984,has much more toy-basedtampographsthan his prior version, including a nose! Again, he's based on the "blue sided" Bluestreak, though with a white base instead of silver for reasons unknown. He uses theProwlstyle helmet and door-wings, and carries a ray pistol (originally anAndorianblaster fromKre-OStar Trek).
He was only available in theSan Diego Comic-Con2014 exclusive "Kreon Class of 1984" pack. The remaining sets were slated to be sold onHasbro Toy Shopfollowing the convention, but therewereno leftovers after the show.



TwoAsian-exclusive Legends? I'm just so appreciated.
  • Bluestreak(Legends Class, 2012)
    • Accessories:Rifle
GenerationsLegends Class Bluestreak (named so after Hasbro finally managed to reobtain thetrademark) is aredecoofChronicleStreak. He features retooled hands and holes in the sides of his arms/doors of hisvehicle modethat are compatible with 3 mm posts. He comes with a compatible gun that's sculpted after theGeneration 1 Bluestreak toy's Beam Rifle, and features three posts and a hole, allowing it to be held and mounted in different ways. Bluestreak features a different paint layout thanChronicleStreak (such as covering his hood, sides, and roof in a dark shade of gray paint). The gun mounts onto either side in vehicle mode, but the long sculpted parts on the top and bottom of the gun mean that the vehicle's wheels are unable to touch the surface all at once, and that the gun ends up touching and grinding against the surface when the vehicle is rolled.
Originally developed by Hasbro Asia for release in their territories, Bluestreak was later released together with various other formerly "Asian market exclusive" toys as aToys "R" Usexclusive in the United States for the 2012 holiday season.


Blue in name butnotin color.
  • Masterpiece Bluestreak(2015)
    • ID number:MP-06
    • Accessories:Disperser Rifle, Missile Launcher
A Hasbro release ofMP-18 Streak,now named "Bluestreak", but keeping with the same colors as Streak.
Like other HasbroMasterpiececars, Bluestreak is boxed in robot form (unlike the Takara versions which are boxed in alt mode).
Masterpiecemold:Nissan Fairlady

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Shogo Hasui

Bot Shots

If he is blue, he is canceled!
  • Bluestreak Launcher(2013)
    • Series:2
    • Number:BL007
      • Fist strength:?
      • Blaster strength:?
      • Sword strength:373
Part of the unreleased fourth wave of Series 2Bot ShotsLaunchers, Bluestreak is a redeco of Jump ShotProwl,who was also canceled. He turns into a car, with a spring-loaded transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He comes with a large trailer redecoed fromBumblebee's trailer, and a large circular target that breaks into pieces when hit.
There appears to have been confusion between Bluestreak andSmokescreen—not only is thepackage artfor the toys swapped, but Bluestreak has a typicalGeneration 1Smokescreencolor scheme, whilst Smokescreen has a deco resemblingBinaltechBluestreak.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Just you wait for MP-18B(lue).
  • Streak(2013-10-26)
    • ID number:MP-18
    • Accessories:Disperser Rifle, Missile Launcher ( only)
MasterpieceStreak is a redeco and retool ofMP-17 Prowl,removing the light-bar and having a new head and waist. He transforms into a licensed Nissan Fairlady 280Z-T, and as with other figures in theMasterpieceline, is intended to be an accurate representation of hiscartoon model,and even features an extensive black and metallic silverpaintscheme. Roughly as tall as aVoyager Classfigure, he is also inscalewithMP-10 Optimus Prime,and can fit insidePrime's trailerin vehicle mode. In contrast to previous larger entries in this line, Streak lacksdie-castparts, and his tires are cast in hard, non-rubberized plastic.
For accessories, he comes with his rifle, which can be held with his hands, or can mount onto a flip-out mounting point on his roof via the separate peg on its jointed handle. He also comes with a pair of built-in "Electro Bolt" shoulder cannons that can be deployed in robot mode.
If purchased in Japan throughAmazon Japan,one additionally gets a single non-firing toy-accurate missile launcher accessory, which can cover and replace either of his shoulder cannons, as well as tab onto the rear sides of his vehicle mode. If purchased in other Asian markets outside of Japan, a collector's coin is included instead of or in addition to the launcher. The coin itself identifies him as Bluestreak.
There are some issues concerning aligning the car's roof onto the body of the figure. In order to properly attach the back/roof top of the mold, the mid chest panel located in front of the torso must be tilted slightly forward and attached to the small indentation under the figure's "car hood". This will allow the back frame to straighten and get the two pegs on the windshield to lock into the two slots at the back of the car hood.
This mold was also redecoed and retooled into MP-19Smokescreen.Streak and Prowl were to be released simultaneously, but Prowl was pushed back one month and Streak two months to meet demand.
Masterpiecemold:Nissan Fairlady

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Shogo Hasui


  • Silverstreak(2014-06-14)
    • ID number:MP-18S
    • Accessories:Disperser Rifle, 2 Missile Launchers
ATokyo Toy Show 2014exclusive, Silverstreak is, well, a redeco of MP-18 Streak in toy-accurate colors, featuring a single shade of bright silver on his car parts. Aside from his rifle, he now comes withtwomissile launchers (with red housings), as well as a collector's coin that's of a different sculpt from his original coin. The packaging also differs from regular Masterpiece releases, and features cartoon art of Silverstreak instead of an image of the toy, and the whole box is made exclusively with shades of black and grey.

Due to demand.
  • Bluestreak(2015-08-29)
    • ID number:MP-18B
    • Accessories:Disperser Rifle, 2 Missile Launchers
The confusingly namedMasterpieceBluestreak is another redeco of MP-18 Streak, this time in colors based on the blueDiacloneFairlady Z.
He comes with his rifle, which can be held with his hands, or can mount onto a flip-out mounting point on his roof via the separate peg on its jointed handle. He also comes with a pair of built-in "Electro Bolt" shoulder cannons that can be deployed in robot mode. He also includes two non-firing missile launchers that clip onto his built-in shoulder cannons, which are the toy-accurate missile launchers Prowl and Streak would come with if bought in Japan viaAmazonredecoed entirely in silver.
This mold was also previously redecoed and retooled into MP-19Smokescreen.
Masterpiecemold:Nissan Fairlady

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Shogo Hasui


Very Siege-y.
  • Streak(2019-07-27)
    • ID number:MP-18+
    • Hasbro release name:Bluestreak
    • Accessories:Disperser rifle, smiling face, angry face, short shooting effect, medium shooting effect, long shooting effect, two cannon adapters, rifle adapter
ATakaraTomy Mallexclusive, Streak is a redeco and slight retool of the original MP-18 release featuring a matte deco more akin to the character's appearance in the cartoon, including a larger Autobot insignia on the hood, unpainted front lights and fully orange back lights. As additions to the original mold, this release features a few additional accessories: his head was retooled to allow interchangeable faces (with the original serious face coming alongside a smiling one and ascreamingone), and he also comes with three different fire blast effects that can fit in either the rifle or the shoulder cannons with interchangeable adapters.


Therewe go.
  • Bluestreak(2015-03-21)
    • ID number:QT-16
Q-TransformersBluestreak is asuper deformedtoy based onBinaltechBluestreak,transforming into a Subaru WRX Sti. Like the toy he was based on, he's sold under his English name rather than "Streak" to emphasize the fact that he's blue. He comes with a code for unlocking Bluestreak as a playable character in theQ-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Returnsgame.

Combiner Wars

For the second time, a Bluestreak in blue... and he still looks like a de-sponsoredSmokescreen.
  • Bluestreak(Deluxe, 2016)
  • Accessories:Shotgun, weapon/combiner extremity
Part of theFigure Subscription Service 4.0,Bluestreak is aredecoofSmokescreenfrom theCombiner Warssubline ofGenerations,featuring a deco based on his pre-TransformersDiaclonefigure and his alternate blue color scheme from theBinaltechfigure.
As aCombiner WarsDeluxe Class figure, Bluestreak can transform into either a sports car or a limb for any combiner within the same subline or anyUnite WarriorsVoyager class figure, although he would normally be associated withWreckage.
Bluestreak was released as a bonus mystery figure, and was the final toy released for the Subscription Service 4.0.
This toydoublesas theShattered Glassincarnation ofBluestreak.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


Alt-Modes-toy Bluestreak.jpg
  • Bluestreak(Alt-Modes, 2017)
    • Series:2
    • Collection:1
A redeco ofAlt-ModesProwl,Bluestreak is a super deformed toy whose body transforms into a car when the Autobot faction symbol on his head is flipped. He wasblind-boxedand available in the first (and only) case of the toyline's second series.
This mold was also used to makeAlt-ModesSmokescreen.

War for Cybertron: Siege


Is Siege-y.
  • Bluestreak(Deluxe Class, 2019)
    • ID number:WFC-S64
    • Accessories:"W-45Acid PelletBlaster, "2" W-50 Volt-Beam Cannons "
A "Special Edition" figure for theTransformersbrand's 35th anniversary,SiegeBluestreak is a redeco ofSiegeProwlsans lightbar. Bluestreak transforms into a Cybertronian car and includes the blaster and the two cannons from his mold mates, which are compatible with theC.O.M.B.A.T. System.They can combine to form a dual-blaster, combine with his primary gun, or mount on the car hood/shoulders. He also features multiple hardpoints to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from theBattle Mastersassortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions. Like Prowl andSmokescreen,Bluestreak is basically spotless, with no battle damage paint applications anywhere on his body. Unlike all of his mold mates however, Bluestreak's deco makes extensive use of paint to better break up his color scheme.
Bluestreak and fellow 35th anniversary figureSoundblasterwere exclusive toWalmartin the United States. They were also available at general retail in Taiwan and Singapore.

War for Cybertron: Earthrise

Here double-ugly. Go buy yourself a new face. Ta-Ta!
  • Bluestreak(Deluxe Class,2020)
    • Hasbro ID number:WFC-E32
    • TakaraTomy ID number:ER EX-21
    • TakaraTomy release date:March 27,2021
    • Accessories:Blaster, 2 shoulder cannons
EarthriseBluestreak is a redeco and retool ofEarthriseSmokescreenwith a new head and hood/chest. He transforms into a car none-too-dissimilar from a Datsun. Bluestreak shares much of his transformation scheme engineering from the aboveSiegemold, but uses completely new parts. Bluestreak comes with a single blaster and two shoulder cannon accessories that can be attached to the figure in both modes. Bluestreak includes panel covers on his ankles mounted on swivels to hide the gaping emptiness of his feet. Unfortunately, these panels tend to pop out extremely easily, but are just as easily popped back in.
Two different variants of Bluestreak exist with slightly different knee joints, one of which adds a tiny tab of plastic to the inside of the kneecap and includes additional tabs behind the car hood to better secure the car mode. Curiously, initial stock renders of the figure showed it as being a straight redeco ofSmokescreen,complete with distinctive Smokescreen head and low bumper. The final stock photography used the correct head and bumper.
Unfortunately, like with all his moldmates, Bluestreak tends to suffer from quality control issues such as a fragile transparent plastic roof, doors that refuse to peg in for vehicle mode, and molding flash inside the left shoulder port, preventing his shoulder cannons from fully settling inside it.
Bluestreak comes with a piece of the Transformers Universe map. His piece is unlabeled, but contains the top ofCharrand the side ofParadron.
Before being acknowledged by Hasbro, Bluestreak was made available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong. Bluestreak was later released exclusively byWalgreensin the USA, byEB Gamesin Canada, and byTakaraTomy Mallin Japan.
Bluestreak would be redecoed intoProwlfor the Autobot Alliance two-pack withIronhide,swapping the shoulder cannons for a newly-molded lightbar, but strangely retaining Bluestreak's head.

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Buzzworthy BumblebeeProwl

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

  • Autobot Silverstreak(Deluxe Class,2022)
    • Series:Legacy
    • Accessories:Blaster, 2 shoulder cannons
Part of the cross-franchiseBuzzworthy Bumblebeesubline, "Autobot Silverstreak" is a redeco ofEarthriseSmokescreenwith the aboveEarthriseBluestreak's head. He is decoed based on Bluestreak's pre-Transformers,predominantly blueDiaclonecolor scheme.
This toy arguably represents aseparate character,but is kept on this page for informational purposes.


3-D Jigsaw Stand Up Puzzle

  • Bluestreak(1984)
Released byWarrenthis piece of Bluestreak merchandise was a jigsaw puzzle in disguise! The 75-piece puzzle depictedJazz,Bluestreak, andHoundin combat withBuzzsaw,Starscream,andRavage.Once broken down, 34 of the pieces could be assembled into a model of Bluestreak, invehicle modeor as a 8 "robot.As the coloration of this puzzle is based on his boxart, this is a true Generation 1 "blue Bluestreak".


  • Defeat Dinosauruer Strategy Game(Board game, 1986)
"Streak" was among the many characters rendered byTakaraas part of their series of 1.5 "keshigomufigurines. Like all the Autobots in the series, Bluestreak was molded in soft red rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of hisTech Specs,for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines.
He was first available as one of eightkeshipacked into the "Defeat Trypticon Strategy Game",alongsideOptimus Prime,Cliffjumper,Bumblebee,Wheeljack,Mirage,and two randomized Decepticons (reported figures have includedMegatron,Soundwave,Thundercracker,ShrapnelandBlitzwing).

  • Cybertron Hero Collection 22(multi-pack, 1986)
Streak was also available in in the first big 22-pack ofkeshifigurines, which also includedBlaster,Brawn,Grapple,Hoist,Hound,Huffer,Ironhide,Jazz,Mirage,Optimus Prime,Perceptor,Ratchet,Red Alert,Sideswipe,Skids,Smokescreen,Sunstreaker,Swoop,Tracks,Wheeljack,andWindcharger.

  • Streak(Gashapon keshi, 1986)
All fifty-three of the Transformerskeshiwere also available individually in Japan through "gashapon" capsule machines (presumably in Takara's own "Gacha"-branded machines), in a variety of different colors including red, blue, yellow, green, orange, sky blue, pink, tan and white. Given the random nature of their purchase and comparative paucity on the secondary market, we can't say with certainty that every one of the fifty-three figures was available in every single one of the different colors... but, hey, thisisJapan we're talking about, so chances are pretty good they were.

  • Hero Keshigomu Mini Mini Collection(Box set, 1986)
  • Scramble Gun Set Part.1(Box set, 1986)
  • Scramble Gun Set Part.2(Box set, 1986)
  • Water Gun Set(Box set, 1986)
Takara subsidiarySevenused thekeshimolds, now in a uniform peachy color, as randomized filler ina number of different sets.

  • Throttlebots(1986)
  • Aerialbots(1986)
  • Protectobots(1986)
  • Technobots(1986)
    • Decoy ID number:23
The Bluestreak figurine was later brought over toHasbromarkets as part of theDecoypromotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the cardedThrottlebots,Aerialbots,Protectobots,andTechnobots.

Titanium Series

Titanium cancelled figure checklist.jpg
  • Silverstreak(unreleased)
  • Accessories:Autobot stand?
The finalTitanium Seriescatalogue listed a number of "Micro Figures" intended for release, though many of them never saw the light of day. Among those listed was Silverstreak, which may well have been a new 3 "Robot Masters sculpt based on the classicGeneration 1design... but given the presence of quite a fewAlternatorsbodies in the range, it was more likely a redeco ofSmokescreen.He would probably have included a stand in the shape of an Autobot badge.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Transformers - Mini Bust

Stop! or my mouth will
  • Bluestreak(Diamond Select, 2009)
Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2009, Bluestreak was sculpted byMark WongofArt Asylumand limited to 250 pieces. Bluestreak, along with his "brothers"ProwlandSmokescreen,is exclusive to online retailer Toyrocket. The bust features Bluestreak's beam rifle and twin missile launchers. The missile launchers can be attached via magnets on either side of his head, and the car door pieces are also magnetically attached options. The missile launchers given to Bluestreak closely match Smokescreen's animation model rather than his own. It is unknown if this change was intentional or a mistake.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Bluestreak(2014)

Collect them all!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirtoys & merchandise.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Bluestreak, Reluctant Soldier(2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity:UT
    • Card Number:T10/T46
    • Stars:8
Bluestreak, Reluctant Soldier is one of forty character cards released in Wave 2 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,Rise of the Combiners.
The artwork for the card is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile game, and is based on theTransformers: UniverseSilverstreakfigure.


  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set(2021)
In the plannedTransformers Chess SetbyEaglemoss,a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Bluestreak was slated to be one of the Pawn pieces on the Autobot side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Bluestreak(2023)
  • Series:Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
  • Accessories:2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), Blaster, Door Wings, 1 pair of Missile Launchers, spare peg-and-ball piece, spare ball-and-ball piece, black stand, 1 pair of Autobot/Decepticon symbols
Released in the First Wave ofBlokees'Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Bluestreak uses the same construction as the same line's Prowl, and he is a four-inch-tall, articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Autobot Sportscar. Like many otherBlokeesfigures, Bluestreak uses a "Standard Body" as a skeleton, in which pieces are attached to make them look like different characters. Like Jazz and Prowl, Bluestreak also features a differently molded back armor with peg holes and ball joints for his door wings and Missile Launchers.
In terms of deco, Bluestreak's waist/crotch, his pair of arms, and his helmet area are inaccurate to his animation model and/or his toys above.
Like many other Blokees figures, Bluestreak also comes with a stand, which you can attach to him via four studs.


Sadly, we can't just put this note in the "Does not exist" category.


TheDiacloneFairlady Z Car Robots release that would become theoriginal Bluestreak toywas available in two different colorations. While neither ended up being used for Bluestreak himself – who instead used aTransformers-original silver deco – both color schemes had lasting influences on the character:

  • TheDiaclonetoy's first color scheme featured the car alternate mode largely in blue, with a silver hood and roof. Photographs of this toy were used in Bluestreak'sinstruction sheet,as well as the original 1984toy catalogs,[3]and its coloration was evident in Bluestreak'sbox art(in truth, tweaked art held over from theDiaclonerelease). This consequently lead to one of the longest-runningmyths aboutTransformers:that a "blue-sided Bluestreak" was available in the original toyline, perhaps as a super rare or foreign marketvariant.Oddly enough, numerous otherTransformerstoys from that era were depicted in both catalogs and packaging art with colors they were never released in —Perceptor,Astrotrain,and theConstructicons,for example— yet Bluestreak is the only one to be (mis)remembered in this manner, perhaps because his name isBluestreak, so he had to have been blue, right?
  • TheDiaclonetoy's second and less common color scheme was largely silver, with a black hood and roof, and it was this variant that was the basis for Bluestreak'sanimation model.It would take until 2002 for things to come full circle, whene-HOBBYreleased aTransformers-branded versionof the originalDiaclonefigure: the first toy of Bluestreak in his cartoon color scheme.

In recent years, asHasbroandTakaraTomyhave tended towardsaccuracytoTransformers'most prominent pieces of media, the silver-and-black color scheme seems to have "won out" as the primary version of Bluestreak. The blue coloration sees occasional use in toy and media appearances, while his original release's all-silver deco seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Other notes

Bluestreak's brother from another mother.
  • The Bluestreak/Prowl head design was used as the basis for the head ofNatron,the AutobotTycoElectric Racing Setcar.
  • In the 2000s, toys based on the Bluestreak character were renamed "Silverstreak" fortrademarkreasons, because a company named Gendron held the trademark for "Toledo 'Blue Streak'" in the "toys" category until 2009. Hasbro since regained the trademark and first used it onSpeed StarsBluestreakin 2010; the "Stealth Force" toy of Generation 1 Bluestreak released around the same time was apparently too far down the production line by that point so it still remained "Silverstreak". In 2022, the Silverstreak name returned for the first time without a legal mandate: for theBuzzworthy Bumblebeetoyline, to differentiate aDiaclone-based blue version of a mold family where there had already been a silver "Bluestreak" two years prior.
  • The deco for Hasbro's retool of theAlternatorsAcura RSX mold was originally designed with Bluestreak in mind, specifically the original Diaclone deco mentioned above, to be released under the name "Bluestreak" alongside the "Silverstreak" toy. Early leaked packaging samples even sported an abbreviated form of the name "Bluestreak" on their license plates. With the Bluestreak name unavailable for use, however, Hasbro decided to instead release the toy as "Autobot Camshaft".


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