Blurr (Armada)
From Transformers Wiki
This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeBlurr (disambiguation),Silverbolt (disambiguation). |
- Armada
- Cybertron
- Blurr is anAutobotfrom theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Blurris a serious minded, yet highly competitive warrior. His skill and dedication have made him an expert marksman, serving as a sniper inOptimus Prime's unit. Once a champion racer, Blurr now trains up and coming racers in the intricacies of the sport. His gruff personality can be off-putting to his students and fellow soldiers, but he is tough on them only because he expects the very best from himself and those around him.
HisMini-Conpartner isIncinerator.
“ | Arrogance and pride, a tragic combination, may cause a bot to make mistakes—like this. | ” |
—Blurr, "Reinforcement" |
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
- Voice actor:Brian Drummond(English)Isshin Chiba(Japanese),Claus-Peter Damitz(German),Fredrik Beckmann(Swedish),José María Carrero(Spain-Spanish),José Mendez(Latin-American Spanish, first voice),Jesús Nunes(Latin-American Spanish, second voice),Raine Heiskanen(Finnish),Maurício Berger(Brazilian Portuguese),Ambrogio Colombo(Italian),Michel Dodane(French)
Blurr was an Autobot officer holding the rank of lieutenant, a veteran of the campaigns on the war-torn planetDuke.While serving onCybertron,Blurr encountered a young Autobot namedSide Swipe,who had somehow fallen prey to a trap which left him hanging upside down from a rope. To his chagrin, saving the younger soldier led to Side Swipe idolizing Blurr.Past
At his old friendScavenger's request, Blurr transferred toOptimus Prime's command on Earth. He arrived in time to snipe aMini-Con storage panelright out ofDemolishor's fingers just as the Decepticons were warping back to their base. The Mini-Con panel activated to reveal Incinerator, who latched onto his savior, though Blurr had little idea of how to treat the Mini-Con. Soon afterwards the kids tried to become friends with the taciturn Autobot, but he blew them off, sternly stating that in war there is no time for foolish games, and that they should grow up. As the two fastest Autobots on land, Blurr was paired withHot Shotin the search for thenext Mini-Conon a race track. The two Autobots butted heads over how to proceed with the mission, culminating in the loss of the Mini-Con panel to the Decepticons. Afterwards, Hot Shot apologized to Blurr, who appreciated the sentiment and concluded that he was unaware that the Mini-Cons were more than just tools and that he didn't get along with others very well.Reinforcement
Hot Shot and Blurr competed against each to complete an obstacle course. After Blurr won the first round, the pair were joined by Smokescreen. Though Blurr told him he wouldn't be able to keep up, Smokescreen proved him wrong by simply muscling his way through the obstacles instead of dodging them. Their training was then interrupted; Optimus informed his troops that they had received a message from Megatron. The leader of the Decepticons challenged Optimus to a battle that would bring an end to their conflict, one way or the other. The Autobots agreed to Megatron's terms, but with the Decepticons holding both the Skyboom Shield and the Star Saber, they found themselves at a great disadvantage. Blurr and Hot Shot covered each other in order to rush into Optimus and Megatron's duel, and managed to distract Megatron long enough for Optimus to wrench the Skyboom Shield from his grasp. The Skyboom Shield then acted of its own accord and blocked the Star Saber, triggering a light to shoot off into space. The Decepticons then retreated.Decisive Battle
While Blurr and the Autobots gauged the extent of the shield's power and formulated strategies around its use, they disallowed allow their human friends from entering the base. This unfortunately didn't keep them out of harm's way, as Fred and Rad accidentally walked into a trap set by Megatron. Blurr and the bulk of the Autobots followed the kids through a series of Warp Gates, which left them scattered across the world. Worse yet, they couldn't reconvene while their communication system was being scrambled. When they finally managed to get their transmissions sorted out, Blurr and the others surrounded Megatron, saving Optimus from being killed, and forcing the Decepticon leader to abandon several of his Mini-Cons into Autobot custody.VowIn a later battle, Blurr tried to attack Megatron while his back was turned. Despite wielding the Skyboom Shield, he was pushed back by Starscream. The outcome of this particular clash went undocumented.Rebellion
While Blurr and the other Autobots were away, Alexis, Carlos, and Rad traveled into a digital realm and met with anevil force.The Autobots returned to base and safely extricated the kids before said force could do them any harm though.Chase
Blurr continued to be paired up with Hot Shot on the battlefield, and the Autobots' practiced strategies earned them a victory in securingProwl's Mini-Con panel. The Autobots began to grow overconfident, only to be humbled when the Decepticons' newest team member,Thrust,used his superior tactics to completely overwhelm the Autobots in their next outing. If not for the surprise arrival ofJetfire,the Autobots would have been dealt a devastating defeat.TacticianHowever, Optimus Prime was badly damaged in the fight, so Jetfire took over as leader. But Jetfire wound up flying into another one of Thrust's ambushes, prompting Hot Shot, Blurr, and Smokescreen to try and assist the airborne Autobot from a nearby island... only for them to wind up in a secondary ambush set up by the Decepticon tactician! Though the situation looked grim, Optimus Prime arrived, repaired, just in time to combine with Jetfire and save the day.Linkup
During a rare moment of downtime, Blurr watched while Jetfire and Smokescreen had themselves an arm-wrestling competition. Later, the Autobots squared off against the Decepticons on a beachfrontDetectionwhereTidal Wavearrived to bolster Megatron's forces. The Autobots barely held up against this latest arrival, though Hot Shot and Blurr managed to strike at his vulnerable underside. This only yielded a brief respite, as Tidal Wave simply transformed out of his ship mode and continued to rain down laser fire on the Autobots.AwakeningHot Shot tried to ward off Tidal Wave with the Skyboom Shield and Blurr tried to help him, only to be swatted away. The Autobots then learned that Red Alert was warping in along with Rad, Carlos, andSky Blast:the first component Mini-Con of theRequiem Blaster.Blurr took it upon himself to stop Thrust from getting to the Mini-Con, but the Decepticon slipped out of his grasp by using his disappearing act. Thankfully, Blurr did stall Thrust long enough for the other two members of theSpace Mini-Con Teamto join up with Sky Blast and combine. Optimus wound up with the Requiem Blaster in hand, and the Decepticons were forced to retreat.Desperate
The Requiem Blaster was a source of argument for the Autobots, however. With this new weapon, several of them were eager to storm the Decepticon base in the hopes of ending the war. Blurr was among those willing to use the blaster aggressively to take out their enemies, but Optimus was hesitant. Before a decision could be reached, it was discovered that the Space Mini-Con Team had run off along with the kids. The Autobots went out looking for them, though Blurr took a roundabout route to avoid getting stuck in traffic during the search. He rejoined Optimus later in the day, once the Autobot leader had already found the runaways and dealt with Thrust, who had attacked them. The Autobots all agreed that the Mini-Cons would be free to decide for themselves whether or not they would take part in an attack on the Decepticons.Runaway
Side Swipe then turned up onEarth,and informed the Autobots that he had gotten himself transferred to their unit specifically to work alongside Blurr. Blurr had little patience for his admirer, and soon managed to pawn him off onto Hot Shot, who was henceforth tasked with training him.PastHot Shot and Side Swipe ran afoul of Wheeljack, out for revenge against his former mentor. To this end, he shot Hot Shot at point-blank range, though Side Swipe managed to return him alive to the Autobots' base. While Hot Shot healed, Optimus Prime filled Blurr in on the past Wheeljack shared with their injured comrade. Hot Shot took off shortly thereafter to confront Wheeljack once more, and Blurr headed out to search for him. Fortunately, Hot Shot managed to make it through another encounter with the ex-Autobot.Past II
When the Autobots were informed by a mysterious source to meet the Decepticons in battle within a forest, they opted to leave the Requiem Blaster behind. Soon, the Decepticons arrived to fight them, as promised... or rather, Starscream engaged the group alone. When it dawned on the Decepticon that he was outnumbered, as Blurr and the others surrounded him while his back-up was nowhere to be seen, he took off. Unfortunately, Megatron had noticed the absence of the Requiem Blaster on the battlefield, and shifted his strategy accordingly. Blurr and the other Autobots warped back to their base when they learned the Decepticons were infiltrating it in their absence. They were too late to assist Smokescreen, who had been left behind to guard the Mini-Cons. Smokescreen nearly died while Megatron retreated, Requiem Blaster in hand.Sacrifice
When Starscream defected to the Autobots, Blurr argued in favor of accepting him, over Hot Shot's objections. Smokescreen was rebuilt into a new body, and the Autobots used data provided by Starscream to open a warp gate to the Moon, in order to storm the Decepticon camp.RegenerationThe attack on the Decepticon moonbase begun with the Autobots besieging Megatron's throne room. The battle then spread throughout the Decepticons' base, until the Decepticon-held Mini-Cons were located. Blurr helped cover the Mini-Cons' escape back to Autobot headquarters, and followed them shortly after.Rescue
Blurr helped the Autobots build a spaceship, though he showed his disdain for Starscream throughout construction, going as far as calling him "Star-traitor" behind his back. The ship was in the final stages of construction when Billy and Fred reported that they had seen Starscream "chase off" Thrust after the Decepticon had asked him to steal the Skyboom Shield. As it turns out,Dirt Boss,Downshift,andMiragewere nowhere to be found just then. Blurr was among those who threw around accusations that Starscream had complied with Thrust's request. The conversation was cut short when the Decepticons attacked, and Blurr drove out to meet them. While he fought, Starscream snatched away the Skyboom Shield (having been found during the battle) and the Star Saber, and returned to the Decepticons' side.CrackThe entire Autobot team was angered over Starscream's betrayal, though it took its toll on the children the most. Blurr watched silently as Carlos, Billy, and Fred bitterly tossed away the jeweled rocks Starscream had brought them from Mars as gifts.ThreatenAfterwards, the Autobots scrambled to deal with the Decepticons' new super-weapon, theHydra Cannon,powered by the stolen Mini-Con weapons. Ultimately, Blurr was only able to watch from afar as Optimus gave up his life to block its destructive power from reaching the Earth.CrisisOver the following week, the Autobots tried their best to carry on without Optimus. Though Blurr managed to keep his composure, Hot Shot was hit hardest by the loss of the Autobot leader, and his outbursts threatened to tear apart the already strained team. Scavenger took it upon himself to knock some sense back into Hot Shot, while Blurr and the others watched from afar. Unable to bear his feelings of guilt, Hot Shot tried to drive away from his team, prompting Blurr and Side Swipe to chase him down. Though it took the Mini-Cons stepping in, Hot Shot was eventually made to come to terms with the reality of the Autobots' situation. Blurr then watched as Jetfire handed over command of the Autobots to Hot Shot. With their morale renewed, the Autobots redoubled their efforts to finish theAxalon.RemorseBlurr watched confusedly as the Mini-Cons protested Hot Shot's decision to leave the children behind while the Autobots pursued the Decepticons. Hot Shot eventually relented, and the Autobots, Mini-Cons, and children all boarded the newly completedAxalonand begun their journey to Cybertron.Depart
As the Earth shrank in the distance, Blurr pondered on how beautiful the planet the Autobots were leaving behind was. He acted as theAxalon's navigator, and had his work cut out for him early in the Autobots' journey; the Axalon's path took the Autobots through an asteroid field. As they were about to emerge from this dangerous region, the Decepticons attacked, having turned around their ship to crush their pursuers. In the battle that followed, Blurr faced off against Cyclonus. The Decepticons retreated when Optimus, revived by the Mini-Cons through the Matrix, repelled Megatron with his super mode.MiracleNo sooner had the Autobots welcomed their leader back than their ship was pulled through a worm hole to a dead planet, where they were menaced by a twisted clone of Optimus namedNemesis Prime.While Blurr stayed on theAxalonwith most of the Autobots, Prime ended his dark doppelgänger's threat.Puppet
By the time the Autobots had repaired theAxalonand arrived over Cybertron, the Decepticons had managed to take over the planet. The Mini-Cons started acting up now that they were in close proximity to their host planet, and Carlos attempted to stop the little 'bots from leaving the Autobot ship. Blurr had to save the boy from drifting off into the void. The Autobots then warped down to Cybertron, where Blurr and Hot Shot fought through Decepticons foot soldiers. Meanwhile, a black hole appeared overhead. The Mini-Con continued to display their mysterious powers, and helped keep the black hole at bay.UprisingBlurr and the rest of Optimus's crew were forced to remain in orbit on theAxalonwhile Jetfire scouted Cybertron's surface for a safe landing zone. When Blurr learned that Hot Shot went off on his own to meet Galvatron face-to-face, he agreed with Scavenger that going after the young Autobot would be counter-productive. TheAxalonthen received a transmission from Jetfire, pointing them towards a region where they could set themselves down. Thanks to the Mini-Cons providing them cover with illusory copies of their ship, the Autobots managed to bypass the Decepticons' defenses and make planetfall.DashLater, Blurr relayed orders to Jetfire; he was to back up Hot Shot and Wheeljack, who were currently tracking down Thrust.Portent
The Autobots put in action a plan to force Galvatron into a situation where Optimus would have the opportunity to reason with him. Blurr and the other Autobots forestalled the Decepticons while Optimus drew their leader away from the battleground. The Autobots' and Decepticons' firefight was interrupted by an energy discharge from Unicron, and soon thereafter Galvatron was swayed by Starscream's death to unite his forces with Optimus's.CrampBlurr attended a formal ceremony where Prime and Galvatron shook hands, uniting the Autobots and Decepticons into an armada that struck at Unicron together. Unfortunately, their first volley had no effect on the Chaos Bringer. Blurr was then put in charge of maintaining contact with a small scouting party sent to explore Unicron's surface. That mission yielded little success as well.AllianceDetermining their best plan of attack laid in attacking Unicron from within, Optimus and Galvatron infiltrated their gargantuan foe's body. Meanwhile, Blurr and the rest of the troops kept Unicron occupied with their ships, in the hopes of forestalling Cybertron's annihilation.UnionNo matter how much damage they inflicted upon him, however, Unicron would regenerate his wounds.Origin
Thankfully, the team inside of Unicron succeeded in retrieving the Mini-Con weapons, de-powering the Chaos Bringer. The Transformers then scrambled to eliminate Unicron before he recovered, but this proved unnecessary; once Galvatron sacrificed himself, there was no longer enough hatred in the universe to sustain Unicron, and he vanished from existence. The Transformers' war now at an end, Blurr and his fellow Cybertronians stood united as a race, and begun rebuilding their war-torn planet.Mortal Combat
- Voice actor:?(English),? (Japanese)
Appearing only in vehicle mode, and usually with severalredecosof himself, Blurr was one of the many Autobot refugees hiding on Earth. At some point he added a spoiler to himself.
Blurr was a member ofJetfire's squad on Cybertron, along withRhinox,Dropshot,Side Swipe andOverload.When Optimus Prime visited Jetfire atAutobase: Cybertron,Blurr was out fighting the Decepticons, and asked Jetfire for orders. He was told to retreat and await reinforcements.Armada #10Later, he was present at Autobase whenHot Shotcontacted them and told them that Optimus Prime had disappeared.Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4
Strange things began happening after that, and Blurr detected unusualspace bridgeactivity at the Decepticon base.Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4He was subsequently part of the Autobot squad that traveled to the heart of the disturbances to investigate. They found it abandoned and decided to shut down the space bridge nexus, but came under attack from apowerful samurai.Blurr fired on him, only to have his gun and index finger cut off by the enemy's sword.Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4While the rest of the squad held the enemy busy, Blurr and Side Swipe were tasked with shutting down the nexus. When that failed, they simply planted explosives around it, but Blurr couldn't initiate the destruct sequence due to interference. He and the others were ordered to escape while Jetfire activated the bombs manually.Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4WhenUnicronattacked Cybertron a while later, Blurr reported that the planetary defenses were ready to go.The End
Blurr was a part ofProwl's team (which also consisted ofDownshiftand... Prowl) of Autobots who were dispatched toTokyoin response to theTerrorcon's assault on Earth. Blurr also witnessedMegatronmow down the invading Terrorcon clones ofCruellock.Multiplicity, Pt. 4
WhenThrusthurledThunderwingatHot Shot,Blurr grabbed the Mini-Con out of the air before it could hit his buddy. As the two Autobots scurried away, Blurr thanked Thrust for the free Mini-Con.Superdeformers
ATransformiumversion ofHot Shotobserved Blurr andJetfirewhen he passed into their reality from the negative polarity universe.Coalescence
3D Battle Card Game
Blurr is one of the many Autobots serving under the command ofOptimus Primal.Energon Wars Expansion Set
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Blurr Armada participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics
- Blurr with Incinerator(Super-Con, 2002 / 2003)
- Takara name:Silverbolt
- Takara ID number:MC-08
- Takara release date:May 15,2003
- Accessories:2 launchers, 2 missiles
- Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro),Takashi Kunihiro(Takara),Joe Kyde(deco artist)
- Released in the third wave ofArmadaSuper-Cons, Blurr transforms into a sleek Cybertronic race car with a front end based loosely on theSaleen S7[1]and a back end based on theFerrari F50.In this mode, plugging his packed-in Mini-Con partnerIncineratorinto the space under Blurr's spoiler causes the rear side panels of Blurr's car mode to flip down into a "flight mode". This mode also makes his twinPowerlinx-activated spring-loaded missile launchers available, which become hand-held weapons in robot mode. Due to the aforementionedgimmick,he ends up carrying about three quarters of the car mode on his back. He also has no knees, which severely limits his poseability.
- The Takara version of "Silverbolt", released as part of the third wave ofLegend of the Microns,has quite a number of color differences from Blurr. His clear-plastics are red rather than yellow and the "dirt-wash" on his car mode has been replaced with cleanly-delineated yellow racing stripes. His robot mode'spaint applicationsare quite different, with many changing colors (especially on his head), no abdomen paint, and fully-painted fingers and thumbs as opposed to Blurr's partially-painted fingers.
- This mold wasredecoedintoUniverseSwerve.It wasretooledto makeCybertronBlurr,andShattered GlassBlurr.
- Silverbolt & Street Speed Micron(Multi-pack, 2003)
- Takara ID number:MS-05
- Release date:May 15,2003
- Accessories:2 launchers, 2 missiles
- In Japan, "Silverbolt" was available both separately and in a multi-pack with theStreet Speed Mini-Con Team.All of the toys in this set are identical to their individual releases.
- Blurr with Incinerator(Super-Con, 2003)
- Accessories:2 launchers, 2 missiles
- In November of 2003, USToys "R" Usstores had special bonus pack Super-Con (Deluxe) toys, which came with a single bonus Mini-Con attached to the card over their sticker, forlessthan the price as a normal Super-Con during theirpost-Thanksgiving-daysale.
- LikeSideways,Blurr could come with one of theDestruction Mini-Con Teammembers:Buzzsaw,Drill Bit,orDualor.
- Blurr vs Buzzsaw(Vs pack, 2005)
- ID number:GS-01
- Release date:February 24,2005
- Accessories:Left & right launchers, 2 missiles, Speed Planet Cyber Key
- Aredecoand extensiveretoolofArmadaBlurr,Galaxy ForceBlurr transforms into a sleek "Veloctronian" race car with transparent tires. His entire vehicle-mode back end has been altered to replace the original toy'sMini-Conactivation gimmick with aCyber Keyactivation gimmick: plugging a Key into the space under Blurr's spoiler causes the rear side panels of Blurr's car mode to flip down into a "flight mode". This mode also makes his twin spring-loaded missile launchers available, which become hand-held weapons inrobot mode.These launchers are entirely new tooling, which replaces the Mini-Con Powerlinx gimmick with traditional firing tabs, as well as replace the5 mm postconnectors in favor of thin tabs that actually slot into his open hands. Blurr also features a new head, based heavily uponGeneration 1Blurr.
- In Japan, he was only available in a "vs set" withBuzzsaw,released in the fourth wave ofGalaxy Forceproduct.
- This mold was later retooled further to make theBotCon 2008-exclusiveShattered GlassBlurr.
- Blurr(Deluxe class, 2005)
- Accessories:Left & right launchers, 2 missiles, Speed Planet Cyber Key
- Cyber Key Code:d0y2
- For his laterHasbroCybertronrelease, Blurr was available as an individual Deluxe in a short-run "wave 3.5". The toy proper is unchanged from the Japanese release, but his Cyber Key has had a newCyber Key Codestamped on its back.
- Later releases of this toy came with a pack-in DVD of theCybertroncartoonepisode "Hidden".
- Battle for the Cyber Planet Keys(Multi-pack, 2008)
- Series:Cybertron Series
- Accessories:Left & right launchers, 2 missiles, Speed Planet Autobot Cyber Key
- An unchangedCybertronBlurr was re-released alongside similarly unchangedRunamuck,Longrack,Buzzsaw,and a redeco ofArmadaDeluxe classOptimus Primein aSam's Club-exclusivebox set, sold at a significantly lower cost than their combined original prices.
3D Battle-Card Game
- Blurr(2007)
- A 28-point character in the3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Blurr "transforms" into a race car that borrows liberally from his toy design, with a robot mode inspired by the "Movie" aesthetic. He uses the same parts layout asMovieJazz,MovieSmokescreenandGeneration 1Hot Rod.
- The Battle-Card may or may not actually be a representation ofthe other BlurrfromCybertron.
- As character names needed to be cleared by legal, Blurr's placeholder name during development was simply "Sleek Car".[2]Blurr was the first choice,[3]with the second choice beingSilverbolt(which was used by Takara for their version of the character) and the last resort beingGroove.[4]
- According to designerAaron Archer,Blurr'sMini-Congimmick was the sole focus when designing the figure forArmada,which is why the resulting figure had very little articulation and lots ofback-kibble.His head was inspired byFormula Onehelmets.[5]The flight mode was meant as an Autobot counter toThrustorStarscreamat the time.[6]
- UniverseSwervebegan life as a plannedPowerlinxversion ofArmadaBlurr.[7][8]In fact, Hasbro reached out toBen Yeein March 2003 to ask fans for input on what a potential Powerlinx version of Blurr should look like.[9]Yee ran a poll on his website that "Hasbro [would] seriously take... into consideration", with options including "G1 oriented color scheme (such asWheeljack's) "," gold and black color scheme "," translucent colors ", and" rally colors with logo labels/stickers ".[10]Unsurprisingly, the "G1" option won overwhelmingly; if one assumes that the eventual red and black color scheme ofUniverseSwervewasthus G1-inspired, this might suggest it was developed as an homage toOverdrive(who had a flight mode similar to Blurr's) only to suffer the sametrademarkproblems that affectedAlternatorsWindcharger(whoalsostarted out as Overdrive).
- Due to Takara reusing a Generation 1Aerialbotname forArmadaBlurr, they were forced to give a different name in their market toEnergonStorm Jet,theEnergonstand-in for the Generation 1Aerialbot leader.
- TheCybertronBlurr toy represents not onlyArmadaBlurr, but a native Velocitronian Blurr, a Cybertronian Blurr who isn'tArmadaBlurr, and several "generics" frombothplanets. See"Who is Blurr?" onCybertronBlurr's pagefor more.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Silverbolt(シルバーボルトShirubāboruto)
- Hungarian:Homály( "Blur" )
- Mandarin:Jí Xiānfēng(China, người tích cực dẫn đầu, "Daring Vanguard" )
- Korean:Sunbolt(선볼트Seonbolteu)
- Russian:Blurr(БлэрBler)
- ↑"The car was based- kind of based off a Saleen." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"I always thought of him as the kind of cooler cousin to Hot Shot. We knew that based on Hot Shot's Audi-TT-kind-of, Porsche-kind-of form, that the next vehicle that we were wanting to do would be more of a- what we would call" sleek car ". And I think the working name for this character was" Sleek Car "." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"I like the use of the name." Blurr "was a great name from back in the day. Again, this is an era where I'm not- I'm just trying to regain the assets of the brand, and not really caring at all about how it played with G1 or what came before, because that really wasn't something we had to worry about at all. That was not under our purview, to keep the heritage going, so to speak. That kind of came later. So I was just trying to use cool names, Blurr is obviously a great, simple get. I love names that sound like what they do or what they are." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"'Sleek Car. Type: rocket on wheels, Ferrari-type.' This is the notes from our working rollout. 'Triple change, flight mode, hand-held weapon. Mini-Con partner race dragster. Main character role. Interceptor. October '02.' So that's how we thought of that character. Alright, names, Sleek Car... first choice was... was what it was, I guess, so I guess we went with the first choice we had. Choice #2 was Silverbolt, choice #3 was Groove. I did not have a choice #4. Mini-Con names: Drag Strip, Crashor, Overdrive. Those were the options. Why we had so many options was, on this sheet, I went down the line, if something didn't get approved by legal, we dropped that one out, and moved the next one up. So because this went through, we never had to then search 'Silverbolt' to see if that would work." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"Blurrs minicon feature was the big impact feature we focused on ( supercar to flying vehicle). However that left him with a lot of kibble to carry around and limited robot movement. His head was originally inspired by F1 helmets." —Aaron Archer, instagram, 2019/03/11
- ↑"And the idea was then you would have a flying vehicle, that maybe could go against Thrust, probably not Starscream, but you could have some sort of flying capability." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"With Armada selling well we are still making Blurr so we pushed out the PL version till late next year. I hope to find a home in the TF:Universe line for it." —Aaron Archer, TFW2005, 2003/08/19
- ↑"I don't know if Blurr ever came out in that red [Powerlinx] deco." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
- ↑"3/17/03: Hasbro needs your opinion!
Hasbro is currently considering creating a new deco for Armada Blurr in the spirit of the upcoming Cyclonus and Hot Shot redecos. I have set up thispollon the bwtf bulletin boards for voting and discussion. Make your voice heard! "—Ben Yee, BWTF, 2003/03/17(archive link) - ↑"Hasbro is currently considering doing a redeco of Armada Blurr in the spirit of the Hot Shot and Cyclonus redecos shown at last week's Hasbro event. Vote for one of the choices above or post your own idea for a color scheme. Hasbro will seriously take this into consideration, so vote now and make your voice heard!" —Ben Yee, the BWTF message boards, 2003/03/17(archive link)