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Bumble Spud

From Transformers Wiki

Bumble Spud is...somebody from theIocusuniversal cluster.
The doors are not his ears, and the bumper is not his mouth.

HeroicTaterbotBumble Spudis aBumblebee-themed version ofHasbro's famousMr. Potato Headreleased as part of theRevenge of the Fallen toyline.Presumably, he serves underOptimash Prime.

There's more to me than meets the fry!

—Bumble Spud's on-package quote



Ask Vector Prime

Vector Primewas positive on Bumble Spud, noting that he easily comprehended any conversation and that he was one to be seen.Ask Vector Prime


Revenge of the Fallen

  • Bumble Spud(2009)
Bumble Spud's toy is the traditional Mr. Potato Head toy with accoutrements resembling pieces oflive-action movieBumblebeesuch as his face and doorkibble.The toy also includes the stock Mr. Potato Head mouth, nose and ears. All pieces seem to be compatible with other Mr. Potato Head toys. The foot piece is a recolor of the one included withOptimash Prime.


  • Bumble Spud'sTech Spechas its own unique set of stats, Starchy Strength, Spud Intelligence, Russet Endurance, Carbs Rank, Fry Courage, Tuber Blast and Tater Skill.
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