Bumblebee (ES)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Bumblebee" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeBumblebee (disambiguation). |
- Bumblebee is anAutobotfrom theEarthSparkcontinuity family.
Bumblebeehas been atOptimus Prime'sside since the Autobots arrived fromCybertronback in the 1980s. Famous for his daring skills and high-speed driving abilities, it was a shock when he vanished, going undercover for years at the behest of his commander. Now, in the modern day, he's returned not to reclaim the spotlight as an Autobot hero, but to teach the newest generation of Transformers, theTerrans,who have been adopted by thehumanMalto family.
His reputation and experience has made Bumblebee somewhat ill-equipped to handle his new mentorship role. He'd rather be in the middle of trashing Decepticons than lesson planning, and he's bought into his own hype, expecting others to immediately listen to him and follow his orders or advice. It's been a rude awakening for a bot who thinks he's one of the best, combined with the fact that he has to keep his own existence a secret fromG.H.O.S.T..But hissparkis in the right place, and he's found a surprising confidant in his self-proclaimed biggest fan,Alex Malto.Bumblebee may be the Terrans' teacher, but maybe the Maltos can teach him something about what's he's been missing for years: being part of a family.
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- Voice actor:Danny Pudi(English),Ryōhei Kimura(Japanese),Alfredo Gabriel Basurto(Latin American Spanish),Hardianto(Indonesian),Davide Garbolino(Italian),Gil Mesquita(Brazilian Portuguese),Alexis Tomassian(French),Péter Szokol(Hungarian),Ricardo Escobar(Castilian Spanish),Mikołaj Śliwa(Polish),Jung Joo Won(Korean)
Before the war, Bumblebee was very close friends, like brothers, withBreakdown.Security Protocols After the war started, Bumblebee fought alongside the Autobots against the Decepticons, becoming a key ally ofOptimus Prime.While initially staying behind on Cybertron to hold the line, he ended up joining his allies on Earth, becoming one of many stranded there.Secret Legacy, Part 1He was also present at theBattle of the Bay,where he foughtSwindle.House RulesBumblebee played a crucial role in the last battle of the war, in which he helped deliver theAllSparkrelay-race style towards aSpace bridgeportal back to Cybertron to hopefully revitalize it and keep it out of Decepticon hands.WarzoneAfter the war ended, he suddenly disappeared, with many believing he had perished. In truth, he had actually gone into hiding, with a select few being made aware of his location. He installedEnergon Supressorswhen he went into hiding, preventing him from being identified as a transformer by energon scanners. During his years in hiding, he took part in races around the world, trying to find Breakdown.Security ProtocolsWhile taking part in drag races at theTagbilarian Cityairport in thePhilippines,he became familiar with the legend of theWakwak.TraditionsAt some point, he acquired a "X12 limited edition" car mode.Classified
Years later, Bumblebee's hiatus was bought to an end when Optimus came to him with a new mission. First, he aided in battling a group of Decepticons controlled byMandroid,saving his biggest fanAlex Maltofrom the InsecticonBombshell.Afterwards, Bumblebee was given his true assignment: mentoring the newly created TerransTwitchandThrashalongside the Malto family, much to Alex's joy (and Bumblebee's chagrin). That night he showed up to a Malto family cookout, beginning his stay with them.Secret Legacy, Part 2
Bee's initial attempts to get the Terrans interested in training were largely ignored, and he was unable to reach Optimus for advice. Even taking part in the Malto Family Game Night resulted in Twitch getting angry at him, and it was only after he successfully helped her rescueFluffy Earsfrom the train tracks that the Terrans were more open to training.Moo-ving InBumblebee helped Alex repair the house after Twitch and Thrash damaged it during training. He was later alarmed when Thrash and Mo were befriended bySwindle,and joined Dot in chasing the Decepticon off once the inevitable betrayal happened.House RulesWhileAgent Schloderwas working with Dot, Bumblebee had to hide in the barn in vehicle form. Unfortunately Schloder found him and, assuming he was a regular sports car, insisted on requisitioning Bee for his search. Bee drew the line at Schloder eating a powdered donut in his interior, locking the agent out, and Schloder opted to requisition a more reliable vehicle.Classified
Bumblebee failed to get the hand ofbasketball,leading Alex to invite him on aWakwakhunt. The pair bonded on the hunt, with Alex teaching Bee his kali defense techniques, and Bumblebee headed back to the house to pick up Mo and Robby, believing the kids were missing out. Bee got to hear Mo and Thrash's new musical skills, and they were visited byWheeljack.TraditionsTwitch and Thrash began experiencing malfunctions during Bee's training lessons, and sensing that emotional feedback from the kids was distracting them, Bee took the two Terrans on a more practical scouting expedition to the kid's school. When Twitch and Thrash disappeared, Bee and the kids tracked them and found Thrash was almost out ofenergon.As they later learned, it was because the Terrans were powered by Earth water rather than energon, and Bumblebee discovered an ancient message left byQuintus Prime.Friends and Family
When Optimus contacted Bumblebee to ask for backup, Bee saw his opportunity to get involved with big boy work, and left the Terrans to train withArcee.He was able to help Optimus and Megatron to capture three cassette bots. As they transported their captives to aG.H.O.S.T.base, they were attacked bySoundwave.After Arcee and the Terrans joined the battle, Bumblebee opted to return to his duties training the Twitch and Thrash.DecoyDuring a G.H.O.S.T. Autobot Alliance ceremony, Bumblebee had to stay home with the Terrans to maintain his cover. He and Optimus went with the Terrans to track down the cave they were born in, leading them to battleSkywarpandNova Stormwhen the pair turned up intending to take Optimus's arm.Age of Evolution, Part 1Bumblebee joined the search for Mandroid's base so they could rescue Dot and Megatron. Unfortunately said base turned out to be a giant mech, which resulted in Bee and the others working together to defeat it.Age of Evolution, Part 2
With the arrival of the three new Terrans, Bumblebee decided to let Twitch and Thrash take the lead in teaching their new siblings on the value of an alt-mode. With Twitch andHashtaghowever this ended up with the latter being inadvertently abducted by G.H.O.S.T. when she scanned one of their vans. Bee and Twitch's rescue attempt of Hashtag led to them discovering the young Terran's internet powers.Hashtag: OopsWhenJawbreakerwas interviewing others about how to find the perfect alt-mode, he first went to Bumblebee though was later turned away when the Terran dissed Bumblebee's previous alt-mode, a VW-inspired looking Beetle.OuttakesWhen Alex and Dot were abducted by the reclusive Decepticon scientist,Tarantulas,Bee and the others arrived on scene to see they had already been rescued byNightshade.He was convinced by Nightshade to give the spider-bot a second chance after being told the incident was a misunderstanding.Missed Connection
Bumblebee's past racing history finally caught up with him whenAgent Schloderdeduced Bumblebee was disguised as Alex's car. Still not realizing the Maltos were harboring Bee, Schloder recruited Alex to help him trap Bumblebee at the upcoming Witwicky 500. When confronted by Dot over his racing history, Bumblebee revealed it was because he used it was a way to keep in contact with his old friend,Breakdown.Realizing he couldn't endanger his family, Bee went to Breakdown to try and convince his friend to stop joining races that endangered the both of them. Breakdown only agreeing however if Bee could beat him in this one last race. The race however never even started as G.H.O.S.T. agents on the scene were able to detect Breakdown through Energon trackers. Bumblebee was forced to reveal himself when he saved Schloder from some collapsing debris caused by the battle between Breakdown and G.H.O.S.T. Upon being crippled by a shot fromAgent Croft,Breakdown acted as a diversion to let Bee escape. With his identity compromised, Bumblebee couldn't return to Malto farmstead.Security Protocols
Back working undercover, Bee was dispatched by Optimus to track down what happened toGrimlock,who had gone missing when investigating the underground Bot Brawl ring inPhiladelphia.Entering the Bot Brawls, Bee gained quite reputation for himself but surprised when he found one of his next opponents was Jawbreaker. The Terran having been tricked by one of the Brawl's employees into entering the matches. The two's reunion was short lived however when they were forced to fight the mind-controlled Grimlock. Joined by Mo and Thrash, they all overcame the Autobot T-Rex when they were able to smash the control badge placed on him. They made a temporary retreat however when the freed Grimlock went on a fire-breathing rampage, deciding to let him cool off. Re-uniting with the rest of the Malto children above ground, Bee recruited his students for their first Autobot mission in recovering Grimlock.Home, Part 1
The rescue mission however soon turned into a battle with the returning Mandroid, revealed to the be one running the Bot Brawl ring in the city. Bee found himself the latest victim of Mandroid's latest invention, a series of Arachnamech-style tentacles that entangled him on the ceiling and slowly drained him of Energon. While eventually freed, the situation escalted when Hashtag was placed under one of Mandroid's control badges and forced to fight her siblings. With the fight moving up to the city, Bee told Twitch to go free her sister and not worry about him while he recovered. Bee finally resurfaced shortly after Hashtag was freed from Mandroid's control, though he lamented they were never able to find Grimlock. Bee tried to depart to go look for him but collapsed from a combination of his wounds, Energon depletion, and exhaustion. Needing to get back to Witwicky, the Maltos took Bee back home with them.Home, Part 2.Bumblebee was still recovering when a rampaging Grimlock turned up at the farm, and it was therefore down to the Maltobots to take down the Dinobot. Bumblebee was skeptical about Elita-1's idea that Grimlock should train the kids.A Stygi SituationBee brought Optimus in when Robby's health deteriorated thanks to the damage done to his cyber-sleeve.Prime Time
Optimus gave Bee a mission to infiltrate G.H.O.S.T. HQ and investigate a sealed area. With the help of some tech from Nightshade, Bee was able to do so, finding thespacebridgein a secret part of the HQ shortly before finding himself up against Croft and her newGhoidsoldiers. During the fight, Bee was joined by Schloder, Twitch, Thrash, Robby and Nightshade. Though he and Schloder were able to activate the spacebridge so the others could escape, the pair themselves were captured by G.H.O.S.T.Stowed Away, StowawaysLocked in a cell with Breakdown, Bee and Schloder passed the time with card games until they were sprung by Twitch and Nightshade. The group headed to the spacebridge where, after a battle with Mandroid, they escaped the base via the spacebridge portal.The Last Hope, Part 1While heading towards the spire Mandroid had erected, the group found themselves under attack from Optimus and Elita who were under Mandroid's mind control. Bumblebee did his best fighting Optimus and once the Maltobots joined the fight, the Autobot leader was overcome. Bee and Schloder were later forced to combat Arcee, Wheeljack and Grimlock while the others went on to face Mandroid. Ultimately Mandroid was able to activate the superweapon he'd created, deactivating Bumblebee until Robby and Mo successfully used their cyber-sleeves to revive the Autobots.The Last Hope, Part 2
Following the shattering of the Emberstone, the Autobots and Maltos attempted to collect the scattered shards with the Decepticons initially working with them until Starscream opted to break ties with the Autobots. Bumblebee was part of one such operation which resulted in the loss of a shard when it instead created the Chaos TerranAftermath.Bumblebee and the others later created a diversion at the naval yard while a small team mounted an unsuccessful mission to steal the Decepticon's collection of Embershards.Aftermath
While clearing old G.H.O.S.T. vans out of the base which the Autobots had now claimed, Bumblebee mistook Hashtag for one of the vehicles to be repurposed. Later during the cleanup, Ravage was discovered in the base and Bumblebee attempted to intercept her only for the Con to jump over his vehicle mode.Control Alt DeleteDuring thePolyhex Protocolassault course, Bumblebee coated the climbing poles with grease for an extra challenge.SpitfireThe Autobot forces mounted an assault on the Decepticon base in an attempt to prevent Starscream using the power of the Emberstone to raise and control theTitanTerratronus.Unfortunately their efforts failed and Starscream used the reconstituted Emberstone to offline the Autobots and Terrans present. They were later brought back online when Robby and Mo reclaimed the Emberstone.Witwicky, Part 2
As Starscream's defeat had left the Decepticons trapped inside a hugeChaos Domewith Terratronus, Bumblebee attempted to get his friend Breakdown out. When Mo wanted to get inside to get acomicfor Robby, Bumblebee saw his chance and went along to help, but despite his intent to help Breakdown, the Con betrayed him to Shockwave. Bumblebee challenged Breakdown to a winner-take-all race, using the chaos lightning active within the dome to supercharge himself temporarily and win the race, forcing Shockwave to let him, Mo and Thrash leave the dome.The Need for Read
Following an arm wrestling match with Robby, Bumblebee contractedHate Plague,and spent some time angrily driving around Witwicky before he returned to the Autobot base.The Truth Is Out ThereThere, he confronted Optimus over being left out of the mission to rescueProwland ended up infecting the other Autobots with the plague, plunging the base into chaos before a cure could be found.Fire and IceBee cooperated with an investigation by Prowl, Thrash and Robby, during which they retraced Bee's movements and found the source of the Hate Plague on one of Robby's caps. When Prowl became infected, Bumblebee went for help and alerted Nightshade who'd developed an easy cure.The Truth Is Out There
Bumblebee turned out for the arrival of the Quintessons on Earth and ended up having to help evacuate Witwicky when the Quintessons destroyed the Chaos Dome, unleashing a storm of chaos energy. He was part of Optimus's team for a mission into Terratronus to retrieve the Cyber Slayer and the two dead Chaos Terrans for a plan Nightshade had come up with.Judgment Day, Part 1He was present for the revival of the Chaos Terrans and the escape of Robby, Mo, Twitch and Thrash from the Quintesson ship, subsequently taking part in a diversionary battle while Mo restored Terratronus to life so that the Titan could destroy the Quintessons.Judgment Day, Part 2
Transformers: EarthSpark - Expedition
- Voice actor:Joe Zieja(English),Tom van Kessel(Dutch),Mathieu Touquet(French),Patrick Keller(German),Jacopo Calatroni(Italian),Mikołaj Pancerz(Polish),Marc Torrents(Spanish)
- Bumblebee(Tacticon Assortment,2022)
- "Tacticon assortment" Bumblebee is a small figure that converts from a small car into anunposeablerobot with just a single step controlled by your fingertip.
- Oddly, his faux-kibble chest omits his normally prominent windshield.
- This toy was later redecoed intoWheeljack.
- Bumblebee(1-Step Flip Changer, 2022)
- TakaraTomy Name:Supatto Change Bumblebee
- TakaraTomy ID Number:ESS-03
- "1-Step Flip Changer" Bumblebee is a simple toy that converts from robot to vehicle and vice versa by being folded inside-out/outside-in, much like a switchblade. His vehicle mode can be arrived at much faster by letting him fall face-up onto a solid surface. This releases a switch on his leg and allows him to spring back into car mode instantly. Unlike previous One Step Changers, Bumblebee lacks any robot mode articulation beyond waggling his free-moving arms side to side.
- Bumblebee(Deluxe Class, 2022)
- TakaraTomy ID Number:ESD-03
- Accessories:Stinger blaster, right arm forMandroid(2022 Hasbro release only)
- Released as part of the first wave of Deluxe Class toys, Bumblebee converts from robot to sports car and features greater articulation than other price points. His Stinger blaster can fit over his fist for battle, stow on his robot mode back, or attach to the top of his vehicle mode. He also comes with aBuild a Figurepiece: aHardtopright arm for Mandroid.
- Bumblebee was re-released in 2024 without the BAF piece (and removed any mention of it on the box), and again in 2025 with that year's new packaging.
- The TakaraTomy release of the toy features additional/altered paint applications to make him more closely resemble his on-screen appearance. It does not include the Mandroid piece.
- Bumblebee & Mo Malto(Spin Changer, 2022)
- TakaraTomy ID Number:ESC-02
- Accessories:Vehicle spoiler/Flight unit for Mo
- Spin Changer Bumblebee is a roughly Voyager Class-sized figure that features a spinning gimmick on the upper torso if the includedMo Malto figurineis mounted onto it. Bumblebee also comes with a removable vehicle spoiler that doubles as a flight unit for Mo (though its peg is slightly larger). Bumblebee only has very limited articulation in his elbows and features 5 mm-compatible hands.
- The initial preorders made for the TakaraTomy release of the toy came with an additional "Burning Chainclaw"Battle Master.
- Bumblebee & Mo Malto(Cyber-Combiner,2024)
- Released as part of the "Cyber-Combiners" assortment, Bumblebee can convert into either his car or with the includedMo Malto(or other concurrently released Cyber-Combiner figures) to form aPowerlinx-inspired "Super-Powered" combiner, as either the lower or the upper body.
- His combination connectors are identical to those onEarthSparkWarrior Class figures with "Combine & Ride" gimmickry, allowing him to merge with them.
- The set was also released in updated packaging in 2025.
- Bumblebee(Warrior Class, 2024)
- Part of the fifth wave ofEarthSparkWarrior Class toys, Bumblebee transforms into a sports car. He features a "Combine & Ride" gimmick similar toPowerlinxthat allows him to form an upper body to attach to a compatible vehicle mode or to allow another half-robot to attach to the top of his vehicle mode. Nominally, this is to allow him to combine with his wavemate,Twitch,as well asEarthSparkCyber-Combiner figures. Bumblebee features 5 mm ports on the underside of his feet which double as weapon barrels for his combined mode. He features a greater range of articulation than most other Warrior Class toys.
- Bumblebee(1-Step Smash Changer,2025)
- Part of the first wave of "1-Step Smash Changers", Bumble converts from a sports car into an unarticulated robot in one step, triggered by holding the fins at the rear of his vehicle mode and smashing him against a surface (or just press down on the fins if you're boring). The toy is reset by pulling his body back down.
- Bumblebee's '80s alternate mode (an unlicensed approximation of a VW Beetle) seen in "Warzone"is an homage to his Generation 1 counterpart.
- The Earthspark Series Production Bible described Bumblebee's current modern day alt mode as a Ford GT40.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Bumblebee(バンブルビーBanburubī)
- Hungarian:Űrdongó( "Spacebumblebee" )