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Bumper Battlers

From Transformers Wiki

Bumper Battler Ratchet

TheBumper Battlerstoys are agimmick-based size class from theTransformers Animatedseries. They're the direct descendants of themovieline'sCyber Slammerswith a similar one-step transformation and action-based gimmick and stylisation.

Each Bumper Battlers toy transforms by pressing on their front bumper. Actually, let's be honest, they're designed to transform when their bumper smashes into something — a wall, a door... each other. They're toys designed to be smashed around the room and driven around crazily. To make them even more wild each toy has a sound chip, so they can yell at you as they crash around the room.

The sound chip on each Bumper Battler toy plays a long sequence of phrases (using the actual voice actor of the character, like mostAnimatedstuff) and sound effects made up from a smaller selection of phrases which are recombined to create new ones. Each toy has two phrase strings, one that plays when theirAutobotinsigniais pressed, and one which plays when their bumper is pressed.

Yup, let's face it. These guys are gimmicky paradise.



Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4
Wave 5(Australia only)

Sound Chips

Each Bumper Battler has a unique sound chip with two strings of sound effects. One string plays if the bumper (which also transforms the toy) is pressed. These are usually crashing, or transforming sounds or related phrases. The other string of sounds plays when pressing the toy's faction insignia.

Each string of sounds is made up from a smaller selection of phrases and sound effects which are recombined to create a whole bunch of variants. The following lists will divide each of the component parts of the sound clip with a — and sound effects will be indicated with SFX. Some sound effects play in a longer loop depending on where they're used, for example, Optimus Prime's axe fighting can be long or short; this list doesn't currently make a distinction between the long and short versions of sound effects. Feel free to fix that!

The lists start at an arbitrary point in the sequences, since it's difficult to determine which is the 'first' sound clip.

Wave 1


Bumblebee has an enormous selection of phrases, and the greatest laugh of all time. The sound effect listed as 'stingers' for Bumblebee is... well it's kind of a generic missilish sound. But, darnit, the toy's only weapon is his stingers.

Autobot Insignia Sound Sequence(26)

I’m Bumblebee!
I’m the fastest thing on wheels! — SFX: Engine startup — Dahahahahoo!
This calls for speed! — Vehicle mode! — SFX: Transform
Let’s motor! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Stingers
SFX: Tyre screech — Too slow! — Dahahahahoo!
SFX: Horn — I’m Bumblebee! — Let’s motor.
SFX: engine startup — SFX: tyre screech
Dahahahahoo! — I’m the fastest thing on wheels!
Vehicle mode! — SFX: Transform -- Suh-weet!
SFX: Horn — Hey guys! — SFX: Engine startup — Let’s motor.
Too slow! — SFX: Transform — SFX: Stingers
This calls for speed! — SFX: Engine startup
SFX: Tyre screech
Too slow! — Dahahahahoo!
SFX: Stingers — SFX: Tyre screech
I’m Bumblebee! — This calls for speed! — SFX: Engine startup — SFX: Tyre screech
Hey guys! — I’m the fastest thing on wheels!
SFX: Horn — Too slow!
SFX: Stingers — OW!
Vehicle mode! — SFX: Transform
SFX: Engine startup — SFX: Tyre screech
Hey guys! — Let’s motor.
This calls for speed! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Engine startup

Bumper Sound Sequence(11)

SFX: Tyre screech — Dahahahahoo!
SFX: Transform — Suh-Weet!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash
SFX: Crash — Ow!
SFX: Transform — SFX: Stingers
SFX: Crash — SFX: Honk honk!
SFX: Tyre screech — Suh-Weet!
SFX: Crash — SFX: Transform -- I’m Bumblebee!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash
SFX: Transform — Let’s motor. — SFX engine startup
SFX: Stingers — Too slow! — SFX: Stingers

Optimus Prime

Unlike some others, Optimus Prime doesn't get to laugh. Stick in the mud.

Autobot Insignia Sound Sequence(19)

SFX: Honk honk — SFX: Engine startup
SFX: Tyre screech
Vehicle mode! — SFX: Transform — They’ll never see us comin’
SFX: Engine Startup — Go! Go! Go! — SFX: Tyre screech
Autobots — Battle mode! — SFX: Transform — Bring it on, Decepticons!
SFX: Axe fighting
Vehicle mode! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Engine startup
My name is Optimus Prime
Autobots — Transform and roll out! — SFX: Transform
Vehicle mode! — Go! Go! Go! — SFX Tyre screech
Bring it on, Decepticons!
SFX: Axe fighting
SFX: Honk honk — SFX: Engine startup
They’ll never see us comin’!
My name is Optimus Prime! — Bring it on, Decepticons!
Battle mode! — Transform and roll-out — SFX: Transform
SFX: Engine startup — Go! Go! Go! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Axe fighting

Bumper Sound Sequence(8)

Ah! — SFX: Axe Fighting
SFX: Transform — My name is Optimus Prime!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX Crash
SFX: Transform — Go! Go! Go!
SFX: Crash — Ah!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash
SFX: Crash — Ah!
SFX: Transform — Battle mode! — SFX Engine startup


Ratchet's laugh is pretty awesome, one of the hi-lights of the incredible sound clips these toys have. One of the sounds in the list is identified as Ratchet's magnetic beams to bring it in line his "a little magnetism aughta do the trick!" phrase. Also, he has a magnet deployed in robot mode.

Autobot Insignia Sound Sequence(11)

SFX: Siren
Ah! — SFX: Magnetic beams — Take that!
SFX: Engine Startup — Let’s roll! — Dahahahah!
A little magnetism aughta do the trick! — SFX: Magnetic beams
SFX: Engine Startup
Let’s roll! — SFX: Siren
SFX: Transform
C’mon you Decepticreeps — Dahahaha! — We’re ready for you!
I’m Ratchet!
A little magnetism aughta do the trick! — SFX: Magnetic beams
SFX: Transform — C’mon you Decepticreeps! — We’re ready for you!

Bumper Sound Sequence(10)

SFX: Crash — C’mon you Decepticreeps!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: crash
SFX: Transform — I’m Ratchet!
SFX: Crash — Ah!
SFX: Transform — SFX: Magnetic beams — Take that!
SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Crash — Ah!
SFX: Transform — Let’s roll! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Crash — SFX: Siren
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash — Dahahaha!

Wave 2


Bulkhead’s best phrase (and we’ve measured its quality objectively), "Smashing stuff is fun!" only sounds when pushing his bumper. Like Prime, he doesn’t get a laugh. Poor Bulky.

Autobot Insignia Sound Sequence(14)

SFX: Engine startup — SFX: Tyre screech
So what are we waitin’ for? — Let’s get this party started!
SFX: Siren
Oohuh! — SFX: Crash — Oops! — My Bad.
SFX: Engine startup
Hey. — My name’s Bulkhead.
SFX: Engine startup — Let’s get this party started!
SFX: Transform — So what are we waiting for? — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Engine breakdown — SFX: Crash
SFX: Engine startup — SFX: Siren
SFX: Engine startup
SFX: Transform — Hey! — SFX: Engine startup*
My name’s Bulkhead.
Oohuh! SFX: Engine breakdown — SFX: Crash

Bumper Sound Sequence(11)

SFX: Transform — Oohuh!
SFX: Crash — Smashing stuff is fun!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash — Hey! — My bad.
SFX: Crash — SFX: Siren
SFX: Crash — SFX: Transform — Hey!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash — Oops, my bad!
SFX: Transform
SFX: Crash — Oohuh! — Smashing stuff is fun!
SFX: Crash — Oops!
SFX: Crash
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash


Oddly enough, Jazz's phrase, "I am stylin'" is only used once in both sequences. You gotta press his Autobot insignia 17 times to hear it again. Yikes.

Autobot Insignia Sound Sequence(17)

Go! — We’ll hold ‘em off here! — SFX: Nunchaku combat
SFX: Transform — Go! — Go! — SFX: Tyre screech
Hah-hah. — Stay cool — We got this under control.
Hah! — SFX: Nunchaku combat
SFX: Engine startup*
Autobots, let’s roll! — SFX: Tyre screech
Go! — SFX: Horn — Hah! — SFX: Nunchaku combat — Uh! — SFX: Nunchaku combat
They call me Jazz — SFX: Engine startup — Stay cool.
Autobots, Go! Go! — SFX: Engine startup
Decepticons — SFX: Horn — We got this under control. — Hah! — SFX: Nunchaku combat
Bring it! — SFX: Nunchaku combat — Hah! — SFX: Nunchaku combat
Go! — SFX: Transform — We’ll hold ‘em off here. — Go! — Go! — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Engine Startup
SFX: Tyre screech
They call me Jazz. — Hah Hah. — I am stylin’
SFX: Engine Startup — Let’s roll. — SFX: Tyre screech
Decepticons. — SFX: Horn — Bring it!

Bumper Sound Sequence(10)

SFX: Transform — They call me Jazz! — Hah-hah!
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash
SFX: Crash
SFX: Transform — Huah!
SFX: Crash
SFX: Tyre screech — SFX: Crash — Ah!
SFX: Crash — SFX: Transform — Bring it!
SFX: Transform — Let’s roll! — SFX: Engine startup — SFX: Tyre screech
SFX: Crash
SFX: Crash — Uh!

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