Challenge Blaster
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TheChallenge Blaster(チャレンジブラスターCharenji Burasutā) is a device used to playVideo Challenger,and is sometimes used as a weapon.
The Headmasterscartoon
Daniel Witwickyplayed a round ofVideo Challengerwith a Challenge Blaster gun; the game consisted of shooting theDecepticonHeadmasters.After his apparently impressive play,Wheeliedeflated Daniel's pride by pointing out thatHighbrowprogrammed the game so that any shot would hit a target. Challenging Daniel's aim, Wheelie held out a ball as a target. Daniel shot and the ball fell... because Wheelie's arm became numb from Daniel's bad aim.
Later, when Daniel was held hostage byCurl,the boy bit the kidnapper's arm and shot the Challenge Blaster at Curl and his comrades, distracting them and allowingFortressto use Battleship Maximus's defense systems to freeze the threat.Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!
In another mission, before leaving for theSpace Pirate Ship,Highbrow upgraded Daniel's Challenge Blaster, upgrading it to shoot lethal rounds. It would soon be used onSoundblasterwhen both sides attempted to take the key to a store ofproton energy.Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship
Daniel playedVideo Challengeragain, this time on a much smaller screen. Highbrow would again upgrade the Challenge Blaster when Daniel andChromedomesneaked onboardScorponok'stranstectorto saveWheelie,who had been kidnapped. The Challenge Blaster was used to turn off defensive screens to allow Chromedome to pass.The Master Sword Is in Danger!!It would again be used, this time onWeirdwolf,who was planting bombs on Battleship Maximus.The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide
Daniel and Wheelie playedVideo Challengerwhen Battleship Maximus was being repaired. This time, the game consisted of shooting the DecepticonTargetmastersin alternate mode.Operation: Destroy the DecepticonsDaniel would put his Challenge Blaster to offensive use again against the rock creatures atDairawhen he was stranded there withSixshot.My Friend Sixshot!It would again be used against Decepticons at the decisive battle at the North Pole.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
The AllSpark Almanac
WhenSmokejumperandDreadwindfromViron 403.0 Betatrapped theLunar Battle of 2011withinPrimax 1087.09 Alphain a time loop, theAutobot Science Harmoniumdeveloped the Challenge Blaster. The weapon was an optical wave-functional pointer-weapon that could breach dimensional barriers.The AllSpark Almanac II