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Clocker (Energon)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Clocker" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeClocker (disambiguation).
Clocker is anAutobot-alliedMini-Confrom theEnergonportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Halloween edition Mini-Con.

Clockeris a reliable messenger. Clocker is teamed up withBrakedownandOverridein theCourier Mini-Con Team.



Ask Vector Prime

Clocker and other members of the Courier Mini-Con Team transporteddata-constoo sensitive for regular channels onEarthandVelocitron.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20One hopes that they weren't confused with the otherClocker.



  • Ultra Magnus(Ultra, 2004 (unreleased version))
A plannedredecoof theArmadaStreet Speed Mini-Con TeammemberSpiral,Clocker transforms into aMercedesC-class luxury car. The coloration of the entire team is based on the Japanese marketexclusiveSuper Stunt Team,just with the colors rotated between the three of them (with Clocker usingFlat-Out's colors onServo's sculpt, making Clocker look not unlike the original Spiral).
Ultimately, Clocker was never released at retail. The redecoed Street Speed Team members were displayed atOTFCC 2003,and the toys were intended to be included withEnergonUltra Magnus,but they were replaced with same-character redecos of theSpace Mini-Con Teampresumably at the last possible minute. Leakedpackaged samplesof Ultra Magnus that have made it out into the secondary market contain the Street Speed Mini-Cons in their intended colors[1](see also the image to the right), and the final release version still lists them on both sides of the packaging, although the back of the box shows them in the originalArmadaStreet Speed Team's colors (as well as Ultra Magnus inArmadaOverload's colors).[2]The Japanese "USA Edition"release (in minimally modified Hasbro packaging) still lists the Street Speed Team on the front of the box, but covers the portion on the back that depicts the Street Speed Mini-Cons with a grayscale sticker depicting the Space Team,[3]whereas theEuropean packaginglists and depicts the Space Team (albeit still in theirArmadacolors).[4]
The same sculpt is used by Servo (as mentioned above) andSkid-Z,and aretooledversion originally used for theCybertronversion of Spiral was also used forJack.
Transformers: Armadamold:Spiral

Version 1:

Version 2:

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • A popular fan-theory posits that the change in Mini-Cons was due to the redecoed Street Speed Team's (intentional) resemblance to the Super Stunt Team colors. But if that were the case, it seems that it would have been a lot easier onHasbro's part to simply stick with the intended sculpts and change their colors rather than replacing the sculpts themselves.
  • Since Hasbro had gone through the process oftrademarkingthe canceled toys' names, they were later used in theCybertronseries for three inhabitants ofVelocitron(in Clocker's case,CybertronClocker).
  • Though unreleased, Clocker later received some characterization in a2015entry of the Facebook edition ofAsk Vector Prime,which also established the team's name.


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