From Transformers Wiki
- Crustacion is aDecepticonfrom theRobots in Disguiseportion of theAligned continuity family.
One ofCybertron's most wanted criminals,Crustacionwould probably bethegreatest thief if it weren't for his single-minded obsessiveness getting in the way. It's not just his rabid focus on protecting his loot, which sometimes reaches the point of ignoring more pressing problems. He is also incredibly superstitious, believing thatluckis the overriding factor that guides his successes and failures. Thus he tends to stumble along moment-to-moment with little forethought or reflection, not noticing incredibly simple mistakes that can snowball into colossal problems, likewhich way he's holding his map.
It's probably a good thing that he's got ampleprawnbrawn to compensate for his lack of brain: his strength lets him go toe-to-toe withDinobots,and his built-inoptic blastersallows him to take potshots at his pursuers from afar.
2015Robots in Disguisecartoon
- Voice actor:Chris Edgerly(English),Olivier Cuvellier(French)
Crustacion broke into theTreasury Building,stealing a fortune inShanixwhich he took toEarthto conceal. He was apprehended inAntarcticabyWindblade,who stored him in a cache along with some other supplies. Some time later, the ice thawed, freeing him from hisstasis podand he began searching for the Shanix he'd stolen. Spying a nearbyhumanbase, he spent some time searching through it for his loot, and it was here thatBee Teamfound him. After fighting them off, he managed to find the rest of Windblade's cache and started drilling into it with his optic blasters, however it only contained energon cubes and a grenade. The Autobots caught up with him, causing him to turn tail and lead them on a chase through an ice tunnel which terminated in a dead end, at which point he brought the tunnel down on them. His search next led him to the sea floor, where his attempts to drill downwards were interrupted by the arrival ofBumblebee,DriftandGrimlock— though the first two proved no problem, theDinobotdefeated him soundly. The Autobots later took him back to the scrapyard.Defrosted
Crustacion's Shanix were eventually found in Antarctica by humans, not far from where the Autobots battled him, and were transferred to theCrown City Natural History Museum.Shadow Rakerand Drift's Mini-Cons,JetstormandSlipstream,who were pretending to be Decepticons, later went to the Museum to pick them up before being stopped by the Autobots.Out of the Shadows
Crustacion's stasis pod was later taken aboardPrime Force OnebyOptimus Primeand Drift.Moon Breaker
- Crustacion reusesPed's character model, giving him a different head. Unlike Ped, he doesn't seem to be bothered by his own body-type and is described by Russell as a "Shrimp-Bot", as opposed to a "Bot-worm".
- The synopsis for "Defrosted" released through TV listings services referred to Crustacion asProng,presumably an early working name for the character.