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Datum is anAutobotfrom the2005 IDW portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
- is really Datum!

Datumis a statistician noted for his bravery.


2005 IDW continuity

At some point during theGreat War,Chief JusticeTyrestselected Datum to wear theMagnus Armorand become an embodiment of the "immortal lawman"Ultra Magnus.His career as the Duly Appointed Enforcer of theTyrest Accord(and his life) ended at theBattle for Hell's Point,facing down theWarriors Elitethemselves.The Divided SelfHe believed he had them backed into a corner as they couldn't shoot without damagingMegatron'sshiny project,unaware that one of their guns was Megatron in disguise. Megatron shot Datum, and he was apparently killed and succeeded by another.The GloamingRatchetwould later reveal toMinimus Ambus,another carrier of the Magnus Armor, that he was aware of Ultra Magnus's secret and had been during Datum's time too.The Sound of Breaking Glass


Magnus Armorbearers
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