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Dawn of Darkness

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The Transformers(UK)#247
"Dawn of Darkness"
Publisher Marvel Comics
First published 2nd December1989
Cover date 9th December1989
Writer Simon Furman
Art Geoff Senior
Letterer Glib
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity(Marvel UK)
Chronology 1989

How do you kill a Demon?



TheDemonsattackBumblebee,who runs over to where theAutobotsandDecepticonsare fighting.Cindersaurspits a jet of flame at one of the Demons, who merely returns an even larger one, the flame engulfing theFirecon.The Autobots wonder how to tackle the Demon.

Meanwhile, atAutobase,Seawatchstarts blabbering about how the Demons fed on the Decepticons' life-force, a pointEmirateXaaronfinds interesting...

In theUnderworld,the Autobots fight the Demons with their blasters. The Decepticons discuss the situation and agree to help but it is to no avail—the Demons merely feed off the energy. Then Emirate Xaaron andRed Hotarrive with an artillery gun that fires pureenergon.Xaaron's gambit works and the energon overloads the Demons who explode.

Xaaron explains that, according to legend, the Demons were the flipside of theMatrix's good creatures and were entombed byPrimus.There may be thousands more below and if they attack again in force, "None of us will survive!"

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



Artwork and technical errors

  • TBD

Continuity errors

  • This story takes place between the US stories "Skin Deep"and"Yesterday's Heroes!"However it was reprinted before them, and consequently pre-empted the resurrection of Grimlock, Jazz and Bumblebee, due to the US material being interrupted by reprints of old UK stories and thus throwing off attempts to make the two strips tie into one another.

Continuity notes

  • The Demons would return again in the US story "Still Life!".
  • It's not clear if Cindersaur is dead or not, but he is mentioned as still functioning in the later US story "The Last Autobot?".

Real-life references

Other trivia

  • TBD

Back-up material

Foreign Localization


  • Title:"Mörkrets Gryning"(" Dawn of Darkness ")


  • Issue #247 cover:The Demons interrupt the Autobots and Decepticons fighting, byJeff Anderson.


  • Classified ads
  • The Punishercomic
  • Action Force Special Corpsmailaway offer (back cover)


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