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Decepticon Jaeger Deadlock

From Transformers Wiki

e-HOBBY comic
Transformers Cloud
Transformers Legends
Spin Off
"Decepticon Jaeger Deadlock"
Publisher e-HOBBY
First published March2016
Story by Makoto Wakabayashi
Art by Makoto Wakabayashi
Continuity Cloud,Japanese Aligned cartoon continuity
Packaged with LG EX Deadlock

The life of Deadlock, a brutal killer, is ruined by the worse killer, Grand Scourge.



At the end of a mission,Deadlockallows himself to revel in his role as a Decepticon, blasting the defenselessOverrideat point-blank range for the fun of it. But though he initially believes he is allowed to rampage until his blood-thirst is sated on the battlefield, he learns otherwise back at Decepticon headquarters.Lockdowninforms Deadlock that he's undermined their mission by slaughteringtoo manyAutobots, and must now face disciplinary action. Humiliated after his beating, Deadlock vows to kill Lockdown himself.

Time passes, and Deadlock's Decepticon career takes him and Lockdown across many war-zones in many dimensions alongside theirCloud Worldcomrades.

One day, he finds himself alone on the battlefield, his allies nowhere in sight. Lost, Deadlock wonders aloud if he was caught in a space-time storm. He happens upon a sword, and with it,Go Prime,kneeling in defeat beforeGrand Scourge... and Lockdown's butchered remains sprawled on the ground. Enraged to have been robbed of his revenge, Deadlock draws his pistols and charges Grand Scourge, only for his opponent to effortlessly block the shots with his blade. As Grand Scourge brings down his blade to cleave Deadlock in twain, Deadlock grabs hold of the nearby sword to defend himself. He manages to block the blade, though is unable to hold onto his own sword when it is struck away. Grand Scourge loses interest immediately however, and goes off to find his real target. Humiliated and beaten once more, Deadlock makes a new vow to hunt down his new opponent.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Continuity notes

Transformers references

Other trivia

  • This issue was originally titled "Decepticon Slaughter Soldiers Deadlock" on the preview cover for Deadlock's order page. The final version packaged with the toy refined it to the more sensible "Decepticon Jaeger Deadlock",Jägerbeing the German word for "hunter".

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