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Now, is that a rising sun or a setting sun?

Released in1983,Diakronwas a small toyline sold directly byTakarain theUnited States.It is notable for essentially being a direct port of Takara'sDiaclonetoyline, and featured several toys that would, mere months later, be released asTransformersbyHasbro.

Following the establishment of Takara's partnership with Hasbro,Diakronceased production. It was functionally replaced byKronoform,an American toyline from Takara that featuredDiacloneandMicromantoys which were not released asTransformers.


TheDiakronstory, as related by a catalog:

Welcome to the futuristic world of the Diakron, where Diakron commanders go on secret missions to protect their civilization against enemies. To disguise their movements, the Diakron commanders ride in special vehicles that magically change shape and transform into robot warriors, space ships, lunar landers and more!


Diakron Catalog.jpg

TheDiakrontoyline consisted of:

Robot/Cars of the Future

Power Dashers
The Power Dashers were released with minor changes inTransformersas thePowerdashers.Each was released in the American market solely as "Powerdasher," and theTransformerscharacters did not receive individual names until reclaiming theirDiakrondesignations in2013(Cromar) and2015(ZetarandAragon).

  • Cromar — Released with minor changes as "Powerdasher." Also released under the name "Sky Robot" as a Revell model kit in Europe.
  • Zetar — Released with minor changes as "Powerdasher." Also released under the name "Drill Robot" as a Revell model kit in Europe.
  • Aragon — Released with minor changes as "Powerdasher." Also released under the name "F-1 Robot" as a Revell model kit in Europe.

Multi-Force 14 Robot— TheDiacloneGats Blocker toy, later homaged with anunnamed comic background character


  • When the molds for Aragon, Cromar, and Zetar were originally released asDiaclonetoys, they were given the group name "Dashers". In theDiakrontoyline, this had become "Power Dashers". By the time the molds were released in the Transformers toyline, the two words had fused into "Powerdashers".
  • The uncharacteristically creative names of the Powerdashers do not actually originate withDiakronat all, but ratherJoustra'sFrench iterationof theDiaclonefranchise.
  • DK-2 GuardandDK-3 Breakerhave theirDiakronIDs bolted to the front of theirTransformerstoy names in a rather more bluntDiakronhomage.
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