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Dino Drive

From Transformers Wiki

Welcome to Roboto Park.

Dino Driveis a theme park in 22nd-centuryDetroitthat features displays of animatronicdinosaurs.



Sari Sumdactook theAutobotsto Dino Drive to learn aboutEarth's natural history.Tutor Botgave a lecture on the dinosaurs, and how they were not particularly smart.Bulkheadshook a tree in which a roboticPteranodonwas perched, causing it to fall and damage two of the other dinosaurs in the process, as well as Tutor Bot. The damaged robots were taken toProfessor Sumdacfor repair.

Isaac proceeded to upgrade them with secret help fromMegatron,who privately conditioned the newly createdDinobotsto hate and attack cars, trucks and "Car Robots".Isaac unveiled them back at Dino Drive, only for Megatron to take control and have them menace the assembled humans.BumblebeeandRatchetdisabled the three dinosaurs with anelectromagnetic pulseand the help of Sari'skey.Blast from the Past


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