From Transformers Wiki
- Doctor Dodgson is ahumanfrom theRescue Botscartoon portionof theAligned continuity family.
Doctor Dodgsonis a scientist.
Rescue Botscartoon
In1939,Dodgson was one of the scientists working on the time machine project for theGriffin Rock Technology Expo.When a group ofrobotsand two children arrived from the future, Dodgson andElma HendricksonfoundDoctor Moroccowith them. Morocco directed Dodgson to take the two children somewhere safe. As he led them through the corridors,Frankieused a couple ofhologramsto trick Dodgson into going the wrong direction. Dodgson later took part in testing the four robots, and when Morocco found the gathered data disappointing, Dodgson and another scientist prepared to help dissect the robots. Following the escape of the Rescue Bots, he, Hendrickson and Morocco caught up with them in time to see them disappear through the time portal.It's a Bot Time
Dodgson was later one of the scientists who worked on theSanctuary Plan.Countdown