From Transformers Wiki
- Doza is analienfrom theBlackthorneportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Dozais anAndegeanscientist. He andCharc Dulthare foolish enough to conduct archeology in enemy territory.
Transformers in 3-D
The two scientists were investigating two spires on a desolate world, unaware that the spires imprisoned powerful beings known asDestructons.Charc managed to make contact with the Destructons, who begged him to set them free, but Doza reminded his companion that they were in enemy territory. His concerns proved true a moment later as Charc was blasted by aKalkarsoldier. The Destructons promised to destroy the Kalkar if Doza freed them, so he grabbed the explosives and ran to the base of one of the spires.
As the Destructons stood free, Doza asked them to fulfill their promise.Lord Imperious Deliriousstood over him, announcing that he would thank Doza... by killing him. Doza's last moments, before he was killed by Delirious Fire, were ones of confusion.The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3