Dreadwing (RID)
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The name or term "Dreadwing" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDreadwing (disambiguation). |
- Dreadwing is aDecepticoncombiner from the2001Robots in Disguisecontinuity family.
Dreadwingis thecombined modeof theDecepticonsSmokejumperandDreadwind.
Robots in Disguise(2001)
- Dreadwind & Smokejumper(Decepticon, 2004)
- Accessories:14 missiles, 2 missile launchers
- Aredecoand very slightretoolingof theGeneration 2Dreadwing/Smokescreentoy, Dreadwing is a "flying wing" style stealth bomber with underslung six-missile Gatling cannon which can separate into the transformingDreadwindandSmokejumperrobots. The missiles stored under its wings can be dropped via pressure- "launch" by pressing on the red "gems" on the tops of the wings.
- This set was averylate addition to theRobots in Disguiseline, released as aTargetexclusivea good year into thenextline,Armada.
- Dreadwind and Smokejumper are notable for being the only toys in a U.S. main line to include a sheet of customer-applieddecalssince the end ofMachine Wars.
- Thanks to a screwhole which was new to this version of the mold, Dreadwind and Smokejumper can combine withArmadaMegatron/Galvatron(or any redeco of that mold) to form "MegaWing Galvatron". Instructions for this bizarre but official mode appeared inthe only issueof 3H'sThe Official Transformers Collectors' Club Magazine.The instructions also included a note to check online for "Dark MegaWing Galvatron" directions, combining the whole shebang withTidal Wave.Due to the disintegration of 3H, this never materialized.
- This set was released in Japan as aToys "R" Us-exclusive"USA Edition".
- The same mold is used asFormation Scream,the combined form ofBBandStarscreaminBeast Wars II,andGigant Sniper,the combined form ofGigant BombandSmokesniperinRobotmasters.The mold was also intended to be used for the combinedMegatronandStarscreaminGeneration 2,but was never released.