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Dualor (DOTM)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about theDark of the MoonMini-Con. For theArmadaMini-Con, seeDualor (Armada).
Dualor is anAutobot-alliedMini-Confrom thelive-action film seriesandUnicron Trilogycontinuity families.
DOTM-toy Dualor.jpg

Dualoris tiny but very strong. What makes him more of a threat is that this small theropod Mini-Con is almost equally smart! Add to that mixture impressive durability and armaments and you have a robot to be reckoned with. The only hitch is that he's rather slow, only moderately brave, and surprisingly unskillful for someone so naturally gifted as he otherwise seems.[1]



Ask Vector Prime

InAurex 1104.30-JH Zeta,Dualor was one of the Mini-Cons gathered byOptimus Primal'sMaximalsduring theBeast Warson prehistoricEarththough he,Rav,andTriceradonstruck out on their own.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13


Dark of the Moon

  • Dualor(Mini-Con,2011)
Dualor is aredecoofClassicsTerrorsaur,transforming into a roboticTyrannosaurus rex.His colors are anhomagetoGeneration 1 Grimlock.He was only available individually as a shared "exclusive"between online retailers Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth and"market six"retailers. He was sold individually alongsideTriceradon,Rav,andCatilla.
This mold was also used to makeGnashteeth,Chromebite,Universe(2008)Ransack,andAge of ExtinctionIvan.
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Transformers(campaign item)Ivan


  1. Dualor's single-cardedTech Specs.
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