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Fortress Sinister

From Transformers Wiki

The Fortress Sinister is a Decepticon base from theMarvel portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Megatron rejected Soundwave's initial suggestion they call it the "Fortress of Funk".

TheFortress Sinisteris a Decepticon base built at the summit of a mountain inOregon.Its greatest feature is the massive foundation ofironyon which it stands; it was built out of anuclear power plantduring a Decepticonenergy crisis.



MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.

Shortly after arriving on Earth, the Decepticons attacked theHarrison Nuclear Power Plantand stripped it of useful technology. They then used the materials salvaged from the plant to build a giant fortress atop a nearby mountain.Power Play!

Desperate for fuel, they then kidnappedSparkplug Witwicky,brought him to the fortress, and attempted to force him into synthesisingTransformer fuelfromoil.(Sparkplug, in turn, noticed that the Decepticons had stripped down a nuclear power plant to build their fortress in order to "hack it out like cavemen".)Gearsand the human superheroSpider-Manlater infiltrated the fortress and managed to rescue Sparkplug. However, Gears was sent plummeting from one of the upper floors to the ground and was badly damaged whenMegatronblew a hole in the floor of the fortress.Prisoner of War!

The fortress was later abandoned whenShockwavetook control of the Decepticons away from Megatron and set up base first in the capturedArk,The New Orderthen later at theBlackrock Aerospace Assembly Plant Number One.Shockwave was nice enough to come to the same conclusion as Sparkplug about the fortress's impractical construction, and he shared the obvious with a recuperating and enraged Megatron.The Worse of Two Evils!

Following Megatron's disappearance and Shockwave sinking to the bottom of a swamp,Soundwavetook command of the Decepticons and reoccupied the fortress. From here, he coordinated a plan to destroyOptimus Primeby using a capturedBumblebeeas bait.Crisis of Command!

Following his return, Shockwave operated out of a "makeshift fortress".Plight of the Bumblebee!

There is nothing that confirms the "makeshift fortress" in this story is Fortress Sinister, but unless the Decepticons built a new fortress for one issue, Fortress Sinister is the most likely location.

Following Shockwave’s return, he also returned to the fortress. During this period,Buster Witwickyattempted to use anexperimental robotic battlesuitto infiltrate the fortress and show Optimus Prime that the suit was a good idea. He came face to face with Shockwave and narrowly escaped with his life.Robot Buster!

Shockwave continued to use the fortress as a base, where he tested the newly developed Constructicons and eavesdropped on the premonitions granted to Buster by theCreation Matrixrelating to the next generation ofcombiners.Devastation Derby!

After Megatron returned, Soundwave managed to engineer a joint leadership between him and Shockwave, which resulted in the fortress being abandoned fortheir long-term base in a coal mine in Wyoming.

The fortress is referred to by name in "Crisis of Command!".

The fortress then remained unoccupied for many years, until Shockwave once again used it followingRatbat's assumption of the command of the main Decepticon force. Shockwave took the remaining Decepticons back the fortress.

It was here that he developed his plan to use Megatron as a weapon againstGalvatron.Salvage!Having brainwashed Megatron into a weapon, he tested him againstCyclonusandScourgeafter they revealed that they would be responsible for Shockwave’s death in the future. Megatron killed Cyclonus, and Scourge barely escaped with his life.Dry Run!

This foreknowledge led Shockwave to have a breakdown, and he mounted the body of Cyclonus on the wall as a trophy. Shockwave then descended into a depression and closeted himself away inside the fortress.

It was only when Ravage appealed to Shockwave’s logic that he left the fortress and cast the body of Cyclonus into a time rift that threatened reality. The fortress thereafter played no further part in events, and its fate remains unknown.Time Wars

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

Shortly after awakening aboard the Ark, the Decepticons built Fortress Sinister from the remains of a nuclear power plant. It was a replica ofanotherFortress Sinister onCybertron.From Cybertron to Earth the War Continues...


  • The name "Fortress Sinister" is only found in the Marvel UK material. In Marvel US, it was referred to commonly as the "Decepticon fortress". While 'Fortress sinister' may merely have been intended as a poetic description, it is objectively an awesome name.
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