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Fusion bomb

From Transformers Wiki

Afusion bombis a powerful explosive.



DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Gutcruncher'sStratotronic Jetwas armed with a full complement of fusion bombs, according toSwindle.Gutcruncher'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile

Shattered Glass

As theNemesisdefeated theArkaboveEarth,theDecepticonsaboard were in turn surprised when thehumanson the planet below launched a fusion bomb which crippled the ship.Starscreamremained on board as the rest of the crew escaped in pods, guiding it away from population centers with the help ofCliffjumper.Do Over


Transformers: Earth Wars

BothAir RaidandSlipstreamhave the ability to drop a fusion bomb on a target which explodes if it is destroyed within 20 seconds, dealing massive damage in the blast radius.


The Transformers

G1Gutcruncher toy.jpg
As noted in hispackagingbio,Gutcruncher's Stratotronic Jet is armed with "fusion bombs, two cruise missiles, particle beam, infrared laser guns and more".

See also

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