Galaxy Base
From Transformers Wiki
- Galaxy Base is anAutobotspace station from theVictory cartoonportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Galaxy Base(ギャラクシーベースGyarakushī Bēsu) is the Autobots' Sector One base. Heavily armed and fortified, it provides a staging platform nearer toEarththan theUniversal Defense ForcebaseonPlanet V.
The central section of Galaxy Base is theShuttle Base,housing the control center and providing a landing area forGalaxy Shuttle.The cargo bays on the four arms of the base bristle with weapon emplacements.
Star Saberand the rest of the Autobot forces were stationed on Galaxy Base when theDinoforcemounted an attack on the humans'Lunar Base.After the destruction of the Lunar Base, its human population was temporarily relocated to Galaxy Base.The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber
The Dinoforce later interceptedWingwaver,sending theirPretendershells on to attack Galaxy Base. While the Autobots appeared to easily hold off the attack from the six dinosaurs, once Star Saber was lured away to fightDinoking,the dinosaurs began tearing up the base. As a last resort, the Shuttle Base detached from the central section of the space station, heading for Earth with the human survivors while Galaxy Shuttle held off the dinosaurs.Sneak Attack! Dinoking