Galvatron II
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- Galvatron II is aDecepticonfrom theMarvel portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
WhenMegatronwas defeated, betrayed, and cast helplessly adrift in deep space,Unicronreshaped his remains intoGalvatron.Inone timeline,the Chaos-Bringer succeeded in consumingCybertronand granted his faithful herald freedom and the rule ofEarth.But Galvatron has found, to his great chagrin, that his servitude would not end there. Unicron reached through time itself and plucked his creation away from his triumphant reward, forcing him to repeat his old mission. Rebellious and scheming, his mind slowly being eaten by madness, this "Galvatron II" is a rogue danger to all.
“ | Hah! For all their supposed omnipotence, evengodscan be conned! | ” |
—Galvatron, "Out of Time!" |
Contents |
Marvel Comics continuity
MarvelThe Transformerscomics
In the year2005,Megatronfell in battle againstOptimus Primeand was cast into space byStarscream.His mind still functioned, but barely. Wracked by madness, he welcomed oblivion, but that relief was denied him by Unicron. Desiring a flawless servant, Unicron re-created Megatron into the cold and clinical Galvatron. But the remnants of Megatron's insanity remained, eating away at Galvatron's precision.A Savage Circle
This did not prevent Unicron from achieving his goal, however. Cybertron was destroyed, and Unicron freed Galvatron to do with Earth as he pleased. By the year2009,the Decepticons had conquered the Americas, but Galvatron's madness had grown. One benign symptom was a tendency to give impromptu speeches about himself in the third person. He also continued to "kill" a long-deadRodimus Prime,whose remains he'd strung up on what was left of theWorld Trade Center.He knew that thehumans' European Crisis Coalition was planning anuclear strike,but he was glad for it, believing the Decepticons'energy fieldcould absorb the energy of the attack.Wildfly,Icepick,andSlogwere not so confident and worried where their Boss 's plans were taking them.
On the eve of the nuclear launch, a small team of Autobots and humans struck at theDecepticon PowerbaseinNew York,hoping to send a message to the world that there was still an active resistance movement in North America. Galvatron involved himself upon findingCyclonusat the mercy of some Autobot attackers, and then immediately destroyed his minion for having needed to be rescued at all. The battle took its toll in casualties, but the plan succeeded asSpike Witwickyunfurled anAmericanflag atop a Decepticon tower, causing the Crisis Coalition to call off the strike with just a few minutes remaining. Galvatron took aim at Spike, butHook, Line, and Sinkersuddenly materialized and subdued Galvatron, then whisked him away.Rhythms of Darkness!They took him back to their own time, the year1990.There, Unicron was planning an imminent attack on Cybertron, and, as per hismodus operandi,he wanted a herald. However, in an unusual move, he had decided to pluck one from a "possible future".All Fall DownGalvatron was understandably angry at being forced back into servitude, but he acquiesced when reminded of Unicron's capacity to torture him.Eye of the Storm
Unicron sent Galvatron to attack Cybertron, and there Galvatron soon began to work against him. He followedEmirateXaaronbeneath Cybertron's surface, believing the Autobot knew a way to defeat Unicron.Surrender!He ambushed Xaaron and explained his situation, then braced for Unicron's torture. When the pain did not come, Galvatron took it as proof that being inside the body ofPrimusmade him invisible to the Chaos-Bringer. Xaaron told him the legend that all theTransformers,united together, could defeat Unicron even without theMatrix of Leadership....All This and Civil War 2Galvatron decided the only way to achieve that would be to awaken Primus, so he and Xaaron went to the chamber deep within the planet where Primus' head rested. Meanwhile, Unicron, indeed blind to Galvatron's whereabouts, sent Hook, Line, and Sinker to find him and bring him back. The trio tracked him to the chamber, where Xaaron was attempting to contact Primus psychically. Galvatron immediately attacked Unicron's servants, destroying two of them before Hook gained the upper hand (so to speak). But Hook spontaneously combusted as Primus entered Xaaron's body. Galvatron beseeched Primus to gather the Transformers before Unicron arrived, and Primus, seeing that his supplicant was a Decepticon, believed that the time was right for unity. He teleported the Earthbound Transformers to Cybertron, and Galvatron reveled in his own ability to "con" a god.Out of Time!
As the Transformers prepared for the impending apocalypse, Galvatron secretly helped fight someUnicron cultistswho tried to assassinate Optimus Prime.The Void!But despite his covert assistance, the Transformers still scattered helplessly when Unicron arrived. Realizing that he needed to make a public appearance to set an example, Galvatron powered himself up with energy from Cybertron itself, then attacked Unicron with a single, mighty blast. Unicron swatted him aside, and he would not be seen again for the course of the battle. But he had succeeded in inspiring the other Transformers to unite against their planet-eating enemy.On the Edge of Extinction!
During the battle, theArkarrived with Autobot reinforcements, but it was abandoned by the time Unicron was destroyed. Starscream andShockwavecommandeered it to conquer the newly undefended Earth, and Galvatron was inspired to stow away, with the goal of eventually re-creating his own lost Terran empire.Still Life!However, none of them were aware that Megatron was in a stasis tube in the ship's medical facility, and that he had been mistakenly re-energized withNucleon.Galvatron encountered the disoriented Megatron wandering down a hallway, and all of Galvatron's repressed insanity erupted.Exodus!
Galvatron very nearly destroyed Megatron, fueled by a desire to excise the madness from his own mind, but he stopped himself for fear of disrupting his own history. He believed that the timeline he was in wasnotthe one that would one day produce him, but he still didn't want to take any chances. Megatron, his own mind a chaotic mix withRatchet's, was barely aware of anything that was happening to him. He was helpless when Shockwave saw him and attacked him, but Galvatron saved him by smashing Shockwave's head against a wall. Galvatron offered a truce to Megatron in the hopes that working with his past self would help him come to grips with the source of his madness. Megatron accepted, but their alliance was cut short when the Ark crashed on Earth again.A Savage Circle
Venturing out of the wreckage into the wilderness of northernCanada,Galvatron was set upon by the Canadian army. He did away with them easily, but he was soon confronted by another human, one whom he had almost vaporized in his own time: Spike Witwicky. This younger Spike had been drawn to the area by hisHeadmaster partner,Fortress Maximus,who was inside the Ark. Rejoined, the human/Autobot duo attacked Galvatron as he began to threaten a town. Galvatron, his madness utterly consuming him, fought Maximus with a feral rage, but Maximus defeated him and threw him into a frozen lake.The Last Autobot?
Seeking Autobots that he could mould into a new army, Galvatron sent a "mind bug"probe aboard the abandoned Ark to scan the minds of the comatose Autobots held in stasis there in order to find suitable candidates. He was taken withProwl's willingness to fight fire with fire,Ironhide's ability to kill when required,Sunstreaker's lack of concern for humans,Wheeljack's willingness to put the needs of the many ahead of the few andSilverbolt's ferocity.
But as he studied their dreams aboard hisshipand played back scenarios in which these traits had come to the fore, his mind bug suddenly ceased transmitting. Little did Galvatron realize that the device had inadvertently awoken the five sleeping Autobots and when he headed across to the Ark to investigate, he was confronted by the quintet.
During the battle that followed, he planted mind-controlling devices on Wheeljack and Prowl, designed to bring out the mental flaws in them that he had observed and shape them into a form he could use. Being Autobots, however, they proved to be much better beings than Galvatron had given them credit for, easily overcoming his control and turning their weapons on him. Downed by the blast, Galvatron was immediately leapt upon by Prowl, who planted a device hastily constructed by Wheeljack on his head, plunging the Decepticon in a "sleep" mode of his own. Placed in a stasis capsule, Galvatron slumbered... trapped in a recurring nightmare by the Autobots, in which Rodimus Prime dismembered him over and over again....Perchance to Dream
MarvelGeneration 2comic
Optimus remembered Galvatron as one of the many threats the Autobots had overcome upon being met byJhiaxusand hisCybertronian Empire.War Without End!
By2006,the returned Megatron had salvaged Galvatron's arm cannon and had it in his private chamber aboard the crashed Ark alongsideRatchet.Games of Deception
Regeneration One
In his own timeline, at some unspecified time prior to thebattle in New York,Galvatron and his lieutenants Cyclonus and Scourge had successfully tracked Rodimus Prime down to aplanet of junk.Hisshuttledestroyed and his teammates killed, Rodimus was determined to stop Galvatron at any cost, but a sudden distraction allowed Cyclonus and Scourge to get the drop on him, breaking the chain that held the Matrix around his neck, and sending it flying away. Galvatron delivered the killing blow, apparently unaware that another version of Hot Rod was witnessing these events by way of his journey throughZero Space,or that this Hot Rod had inadvertently provided the distraction! In his zeal to destroy his timeline's Rodimus, he probably also didn't notice that the Matrix had fallen at Hot Rod's feet...Less Than Zero
Mindful of the loose ends left over from the end of the war 21 years previously,Kuptrained atDebrisagainstsolid light simulationsof Megatron,Bludgeon,and Galvatron.Loose Ends, Part 1Some time later, just asCircuit Smasherdeactivated the Ark's computer,Auntie,and Optimus Prime killed Megatron, Galvatron came bursting out of the cracks in the ice where he'd been buried.Loose Ends, Part 5
Galvatron made his way to the site of the crashed Ark, arriving about the same time as Starscream.Natural Selection, Part OneHe surprised Starscream with a cannon-augmented backhand to the face, and demanded (upon threat of destruction) to know why the treacherous Air Commander had returned to the derelict starship. When Starscream could only manage to emit an unintelligible grunt, Galvatron concluded that the damage to Starscream's cranial module was more than plate-deep, that he was being denied the use of his voice tracks. He decided to spare Starscream for the moment, and had him lead him to the object of Starscream's interest—hidden behind Auntie's core, the body ofShockwave,plugged directly into the Ark!Natural Selection, Part TwoGalvatron proceeded to restore the Ark to operational capacity, leaving Shockwave in place to serve as the Ark's operating system.Natural Selection, Part Three
Galvatron completed the repairs necessary to restore the Ark's flight capability, unaware that Shockwave had regained consciousness, remembering his defeat at Galvatron's hands and the subsequent Ark crash.Natural Selection, Part FourShockwave also secretly restored Starscream, using his link to the Ark to remove Megatron's blocks on the Seeker's mind. Nonetheless, Galvatron brought the Ark airborne, just asOptimus Primearrived on the scene. The Autobot spotted Galvatron through the bridge viewport, though Prime wondered if this was actually Megatron.Natural Selection, Part Five
As the Ark traveled to Cybertron, Galvatron reflected on the past, and how in his own timeline, he had watched as Unicron consumed his homeworld, leaving only Earth for him to rule. He vowed that inthistimeline, though, Cybertron would behis.Destiny, Part OneAs chance would have it, the Ark would arrive at Cybertron at the same time asBludgeon'sWarworld,though neither was aware of the other's presence.Destiny, Part Two
Galvatron correctly realized that Optimus Prime would have already alerted the Autobots on Cybertron to expect the Ark, and came up with a plan to send the Ark in on autopilot as a decoy with Starscream (whom he believed to be a lobotomized puppet) on board to be shot down, while he himself snuck in undetected. When Galvatron left the Ark's bridge to investigate an intruder, Starscream had Shockwave transfer control of the ship over to him. Galvatron found the stowaway: a reactivatedMark V Guardian droidunder Starscream's control. He was able to destroy the Guardian, but Starscream decompressed the artificial hull which sent Galvatron into space. Galvatron was left to tumble through the Cybertronian atmosphere while Starscream changed the course of the Ark away from Cybertron.
Starscream's betrayal didn't derail Galvatron's plans, however, for just as Bludgeon'sWarworldarrived at Cybertron, Galvatron had recovered in time to locate and attack his prey—Ultra Magnus!Destiny, Part Three
Galvatron furiously engaged "Cybertron's greatest warrior", boasting that he had already killed Ultra Magnus once before, leaving the Autobot wondering if Galvatron was insane. Magnus didn't have much patience for Galvatron, though, blasting the Decepticon away from him with one of his shoulder-rockets. When Magnus transformed to head out and join the battle against theWarworld,however, Galvatron jumped on top of the Autobot'svehicle mode.Galvatron responded to Magnus's frustration about not having time to deal with him by stating that he would fight off the invaders, but only after killing Magnus. Having had enough, Magnus blew upthe bridgeahead of him, breaking hard at the broken edge in order to toss Galvatron off, but the wily Decepticon grabbed Magnus's bumper to drag him down.
Bludgeon chose the location of their fall to fire a shot from theWarworldto demonstrate its power, obliterating several city blocks in the process. Despite the devastation, Ultra Magnus was the first to emerge, ready to take on the invaders.Destiny, Part Four
Remember that other Hot Rod from the start? He wasthistimeline's Hot Rod and the Matrix turned him into a Rodimus Prime!Less Than ZeroAfter Rodimus's defeat of Bludgeon he remained grim, convinced that Galvatron somehow represented part of a larger threat.Destiny, Part FiveUltra Magnus led a team of Autobots intoKalisin search of Galvatron's body. Magnus wasn't convinced that Galvatron had survived, as he'd used the Decepticon to shield him from theWarworld's blast. However, Galvatron proved himself made of sterner stuff, as he took outSkram.Gunrunnerunloaded on Galvatron, bringing a portion of the ruins down on him, but before the Autobots could collect the body, Gunrunner was taken down by theAcolytes of Unicron,who attacked the Autobotsen masseso they could recover the unconscious Galvatron.The War to End All Wars, Part 1The Acolytes brought him to the Primus chamber, where they were rewarded for their work by being drained of their life-energy by their "master", who appeared to be Primus himself!The War to End All Wars, Part 3A revived Galvatron proceeded to attack theStar Chamber,where the Autobots had been monitoring communications between Earth andNebulos.With dark energy streaming from his eyes, Galvatron declared himself the "ravager of worlds" as he slaughtered the Autobot techs.The War to End All Wars, Part 4
Galvatron took thespace bridgenetwork offline, save for the link connecting Cybertron to Earth and Nebulos, and made his escape to the latter planet. Meanwhile, Rodimus Prime learned from the dark entity that had masqueraded as Primus and revived Galvatron that it was, in fact, the fragment of Matrix energy that had been corrupted when it possessed theDeathbringer,and that it had not only survived the termination of the Deathbringer, but had been brought to Cybertron when Primus recalled the Transformers on Earth. Hiding itself in an Acolyte of Unicron, it slowly fed on thesparksof others, incited thePrimoridalsto attack, and when it found the peace unsuitable to its needs, incitedSoundwaveto rebel and Scorponok to pursue his gene-key research. It had even been responsible for Galvatron's reawakening on Earth, and was now using Galvatron along with the rebuiltFortress Maximusto further its goal: to spread itself across the multiverse!
As the possessed Galvatron continued his rampage in theClar Macro-jungleon Nebulos, a squad of Autobots led by Ultra Magnus caught up with him. Galvatron was distracted, however, when the Dark Matrix creature found itself under attack in Zero Space by Rodimus Prime's multiversal counterparts. Taking advantage of the lull, Magnus engaged Galvatron hand-to-hand, and declaring an end to their conflict, snapped the Decepticon's neck and crushed his head, terminating the time-displaced Decepticon once and for all.The War to End All Wars, Part 5
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Travelling from his home dimension—aPrimax Gammauniversal stream[1]—into another reality, Galvatron appeared in the late 2030s to threaten the new world in which he found himself with a fleet ofWarworlds.[2]His appearance in this dimension promptedOptimus Primeto devise a plan to resurrectUltra Magnus,by contactingAlpha Trionwithin the Matrix and having him recover Magnus's soul.Resurrection ChapterUsing Optimus Prime'sReconfiguration Matrix,Magnus resurrected himself in a newLaser Rodbody, and quickly assembled a strike force to counter Galvatron.[3]
Ultra Magnus's new Laser Rod body afforded him little advantage over Galvatron, who handily defeated and nearly killed him. But before Galvatron could finish his foe off, Optimus Prime (upgraded with new missile launchers and a heat-absorbingblack bodycoating) intervened, destroying Galvatron's arm cannon. Although weaponless, Galvatron took the blow in stride and continued to mock Optimus Prime.Hybrid Style Convoy Black VersionGalvatron would go on to usurpMegatron's leadership of the Decepticons, demoting his counterpart to guarding a subterranean headquarters.MP-1B Cybertron Commander / Convoy Black Ver.As leader he devised a plan to attack the planetBeastand steal its uniqueBeast Power,The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1constructing the artificial planetNemesisto extract the energy and channel it into his Matrix. The Decepticons were met with resistance from the natives as well asLegends Worldrefugees, leading to Nemesis being brought down, but Galvatron in turn defeated theirMonsterbotallies.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3When the Monsterbots were revived by the gems of theThree Wise Ones,Galvatron took outDoublecrossa second time and stole one of the gems,Bonus Edition Vol. EXrealizing that claiming all three would let him evolve and unlock a beast mode. He used the gem's power to continue fighting and cause natural disasters on Beast until he was defeated and forced to retreat byGrotusqueandPlatinum Tiger.Bonus Edition Vol. EX
When Unicron seemingly appeared before him onChaar,Galvatron demanded to know why his once and former master was now attacking him, unaware that this was actually a duplicate called "Unicron Neo".The monster planet declared Galvatron to no longer be of any use to him and proceeded to kill the Decepticon. However, Galvatron escaped this fate by biting into a piece ofsolitariumhe had kept on his person, which sent him traveling back in time to the 20th Century.LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part OneBecause there had previously been adifferent Galvatronin this dimension, Galvatron had had to put up with being called "Galvatron II", which irked him to the point that, when he time-jumped into the past, he chose to arrive at a time before that previous Galvatron existed, thereby making himself the "first" one.Ruination Chapter, Part TwoArriving in the late 1980s, he was met by Megatron and Starscream.LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part OneNot long after the activation ofMetroplex,Galvatron acted as Megatron's "new subordinate" and joined the Decepticon leader in battling Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime on Metroplex's shoulder.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers part 9Magnus and Prime would successfully defeat Galvatron in a later battle.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers part 15When the Decepticons activated their own city-robot to counter Metroplex,Trypticon,Galvatron was appointed itsCity Commanderbut was destroyed in Trypticon's battle with Metroplex.Ruination Chapter, Part TwoLG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter
Using the power of the Creation Matrix that he had stolen from the Rodimus Prime of his world, Galvatron was able to survive as a ghost after his destruction. In2021,ten years after the native Galvatron's defeat and icy entombment at the hands of theAutobots,Cyclonuscame to visit the site of his leader's downfall.Grand Galvatron ChapterThere, the specter of Galvatron II was able to fool Cyclonus into thinking he was his master.Ruination Chapter, Part OneChanneling the power of his vengeful thoughts, Galvatron reformatted Cyclonus and took partial possession of his body, speaking to him as a head housed in his torso. Galvatron then ordered Cyclonus to travel toUnicron's remains,out in deep space.Though Galvatron planned to usurp Unicron's body in order to implement the "Grand Galvatron"scheme, the crippled god offered him an alternative; instead he would summon from across themultiverseothers who shared similar thoughts of revenge, and together they would unite to become a new "Grand Galvatron". Galvatron accepted and Cyclonus was joined byBreakdown,Roller,Thrust,and a partially re-materializedStarscreaminto Galvatron's new body. Though Unicron ordered Galvatron to seizeCybertronfor him, Galvatron planned to betray Unicron once again, and take control of his homeworld for himself.Grand Galvatron Chapter
Grand Galvatron attacked the planet, but came face-to-face with the AutobotDisaster Relief Team,who split up the combiner's components for individual battles. Galvatron tried to push his troops into capturingVector Sigma,but the Autobots formedSky Reignto battle a reformed Grand Galvatron.Sky Reign ChapterThe battle was soon joined byMegaempressand her4 Guards,who frightened away Grand Galvatron's limbs, leaving Cyclonus and Galvatron at the empress's mercy.Optimus Primecame to his rescue, and Megaempress combined with her retinue to formMegatroniato face off againstOptimus Maximus.Megatronia Chapter
The battle became even more chaotic as Unicron arrived with the upgradedCombatrons;the god knew Galvatron would renege on his deal and gathered his own allies who facilitated the process of combining Unicron's head with Cybertron. Angry at being denied rule of the planet, Galvatron attacked Unicron, only to be blasted out of the sky. With Cyclonus out of commission, Galvatron revealed to Megaempress that he was not this universe's native Galvatron as everybody thought.Ruination Chapter, Part OneHe further explained his backstory and that all of Unicron's machinations were destabilizing themultiverse.Leaving Cyclonus's body, Galvatron attempted to possess Megaempress, but was stopped byGrand Scourge,who could hold the ghost's form thanks to being Unicron's "Matrix Hunter". Seizing the opportunity, Megaempress knocked the two away and both fell into a dimensional rift to destinations unknown.Ruination Chapter, Part Two
Collector's Edition
- Galvatron(2006)
- ID number:66
- Accessories:Laser Rifle, Particle Cannon, Particle Cannon connector, Creation Matrix w/ chain
- Thee-HOBBYexclusiveGalvatron sports the physicallyretooledparts of the 2006 Galvatronreissue—a screeching face and new electronics (a laser noise, the transformation sound effect and five phrases spoken bySeizō Katō) that operate on two AA batteries rather than a 9-volt—but with the gray paint scheme of the original 1986 toy. The die-cast metal Matrix accessory that the Galvatron reissue came with (itself aredecoof the accessory fromNew Year Special Convoy) is recolored in metallic green in the style of the comics' Creation Matrix.
- In terms of unique features, Galvatron II also comes with a sheet of optional small gold filigreestickersto make the toy match his first appearance in theTV Magazinestory pagesdescribed above.These stickers areverydifficult to apply. To better coordinate with them, he also has a special gold Decepticon insignia sticker. Additionally, he features a unique sound clip: where the original reissue barked "Destron gundan, transform!" (デストロン quân đoàn, トランスフォーム!, "Decepticon army, transform!" ), Galvatron II declares "Washi no kobun ni naran noka!" (ワシ の tử phân にならん の か!, "You will be my servant!" )
Unite Warriors
- Unite WarriorsGrand Galvatron is made up ofTactician Cyclonusas the torso andGhost Starscream,Curse Armada Thrust,Zombie War Breakdown,andWandering Rolleras limbs.
- Grand Galvatron was released as aTakaraTomy Mallexclusive, rather than as a retail release.
Generations Selects
- Galvatron(Leader Class,2021)
- Series:War for Cybertron: Kingdom
- ID number:WFC-GS27
- Accessories:Two-piece Particle Beam cannon,Matrix of Leadership,chain, 2 "side cannons" /Revenge ships
- AGenerations Selectsadd-on toKingdom,this version of Galvatron is a redeco of the Leader ClassGalvatronfrom that line, now meant to resemble both the original toy and comic book appearances. Galvatron transforms into a treaded tripod cannon in 33 steps. The rear "leg" of the cannon is on multiple hinges, allowing the toy to aim at different elevations. As part of theC.O.M.B.A.T. System/F.O.S.S.I.L. Technology,Galvatron has multiple5 mm ports,though is missing 3 mm posts on his body forFire Blast effects.
- Galvatron's particle beam cannon can mount onto multiple 5 mm ports, including his forearm or upper arm, or separate into two pieces for cannon mode. He also includes a greenCreation Matrix,which is a retool and repaint of the Matrix first included withEarthriseOptimus Prime.The new molding allows it to mount onto an included chain via 5 mm post, which can rest around his neck or attach at the base of the cannon barrel in his alternate mode.
- Galvatron also includes two black plasticWar for Cybertron TrilogyUnicron-scaledRevengeships that can be held as blasters echoing the G1 toy's black rifle, combine into a larger gun, store on his back, or attach parallel to the barrel in his cannon mode.
- This toy features a factory-applied classic Decepticonrubsign,as well as an optionalstickersheet that mimics the decals of the G1 toy. The instructions do not depict several stickers that were presumably late additions- one for the center of his silver head crest and the entire set of red and gold stickers for the belt, the latter five stickers not even being on promotional photography. The instructions also suggest installing his cannon mode insignias upside-down in a bit of overzealous replication of how those symbols ended up oriented on the original G1 toy's robot mode.
- The red blocks atop his shoulders are entirely painted, so their pegs risk scraping during transformation.
Kingdommold:Galvatron | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Transformers Character Card
- Laser Ultra Magnus and Galvatron II Set(December 28,2024)
- ID number:95 & 96
- Released as part of the thirteenth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art ofUltra Magnusin his"Laser" formand Galvatron II along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.
- The "Galvatron II" name originates from "Alignment",a non-official story written bySimon Furman,where it was used as a way to distinguish the two different Galvatrons that emerged in Marvel UK continuity. It was made official years later with the release of the e-HOBBY "Galvatron II" toy.
- Galvatron II's end in the Marvel comic is unintentionally similar to Galvatron's final fate in "The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg"from theHeadmastersanime.
- We know it's Galvatron II in "...Perchance to Dream" becauseTransformers: Dinobot Huntsays so. Up until then, all we had was that he was a "different Galvatron" to the one from "Time Wars"which could have meant Galvatron II or"Aspects of Evil!"Galvatron.
- A link between Galvatron as seen in both "...Perchance to Dream" and "Aspects of Evil!" (and presumably by extension of "Aspects", "The Void") was suggested in theletters pageof#279of the Marvel UK comic. In response to a reader's query regarding the character's appearance in "...Perchance" the following statements were given:
"That leaves the question of who isthisGalvatron? And thereby hangs a tale (a hint —Aspects Of Evil2, issue 224)! " - In the letters page of#309of the Marvel UK comic, a reader's query regarding Galvatron's Marvel US appearances from "Rhythms of Darkness!" onwards and how they related to his earlier appearances in previous UK stories is given the following response: "Simon has used time/space displacement to create a parallel universe — an alternative future which gives him the scope to develop theMatrix Questin his own wonderful inimitable fashion. "
Japanese continuity
Galvatron's complex history in Japanese Generation 1 continuity is full of overlapping retcons that we've laid out simply on this article for readability. His appearance inTV Magazine's story pages in the 1980s were published first, and were not intended to indicate the existence of a "second" Galvatron: they were merely promoting the release of the original Galvatron toy, and the appearance of Megatron and Galvatron side-by-side was either a deliberate feint to keep the events ofThe Transformers: The Moviesecret, or the result of the artists and writers legitimately not knowing that the two Decepticons were not separate characters (see "Galvatron (G1)#Japanese fiction"for other similarly erroneous early material.) However, decades later, the 2006e-HOBBYreissue of the original Galvatron toy, named "Galvatron II" in reference to the Marvel character and given a bio describing the character's history in the comics, included extra stickers to match his first story page appearance (pictured here; a later appearance would remove the gold details)[4]indicating that the Galvatron seen in that story was Galvatron II, who had returned to star in e-HOBBY's post-G-2storyline. In 2016,Hayato Sakamotoexplained how all these appearances chronologically worked together in hisUnite WarriorsandLegendscomics.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Galvatron II(ガルバトロンIIGarubatoron Tsū)
- Decepticon leaders
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 2 Decepticons
- Generations Selects toy Decepticons
- Hall of Fame characters
- Legends Decepticons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Regeneration One Decepticons
- Transformers Character Card Decepticons
- Transformers with three modes
- Unicron-related characters
- Unite Warriors Decepticons