From Transformers Wiki
Glibaxis asettlementonCybertron.
Sometimes its name is spelledGilbax.
Wings Universe
TheMetrotitan,anAutobotfortress, was located on the outskirts of Glibax flats during the early days of theGreat War.Decepticonrebels overran the fortress, driving the Autobots out before moving on themselves, and the fortress was later taken over byRageand hisStormtroopers.Rage's men turned the fortress into a mobile battle station. It was possibly still on the Glibax flats when Rage's attempt to testBrimstone'spersonality componentin a body too small for it to contain resulted in the destruction of the fortress and a substantial portion of the surrounding area.Flames of Yesterday
Beast Wars: Uprising
Gilbax[sic]was home to severalMaximalslums on Cybertron.Lio Convoywas driving through Glibax when he encountered the newly-returnedBlackarachnia.Broken WindshieldsSix years into theGrand Uprising,Glibax was still under the control of theBuilders.Safe Spaces