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God Neptune comic 1

From Transformers Wiki

Generations Selects Special Comic
Generations Selects God Neptune comic 1.jpg
Publisher TakaraTomy Mall
First published May 15,2020
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Colors Josh Perez(p1, 4, 8),Gufu Kandagawa(p5, 6)
Editor Kouji Nimura
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity,Precursor World

The Blue Order is betrayed!



With the theft of theBlue Matrix,Primusalerts the other colored Orders of thePrimus Vanguardto defend their respective Matrices fromMegatron Omega,for if he gets all seven, all is lost forthis universe...

On theBlue Planet,theBlue Orderis torn asunder, its members driven to attack each other by the program secretly implanted into them by one of the group'sStraxuses.Blue Big Convoyrealizes the betrayal, and the other Straxus—Director Straxus—mocks him and explains that the previous commander,Brightes,shouldn't have passed him over for Supreme Commander in favor of Big. Refusing to dirty his hands by harming his comrades, Big stabs himself with theMatrix Sword,but the amused Straxus just takes it and offers his services to Megatron Omega so that the other Orders and Primus's ambitions can be destroyed.

Left behind,Turtlermoans about his inability to stand up to the villains, but is bemused when the planet's nativeBeast Peoplethank him for saving them. Primus explains toStar Convoythat, while the members of the Blue Order have perished, theirsparkswill be stored in hisArkand pass on to the next incarnation of the universe, which is why he ledGalvatronto this universe (although Big's spark is mysteriously absent). Turtler alerts Star Convoy to a more immediate mystery: the absence ofHalfshellfrom the crashedphoton sailer...

At theWhite Planet,White Gallant Convoyis alerted to an invading turtle—Halfshell! TheSeaconis here for hisWhite Matrix!TheGreen Planetfaces a similar invasion asSea Phantomseeks to take theGreen MatrixfromGreen Tender Convoy.

At theRed Planet,Red Sentinel Primeattempts to fellTerrormanderwith hisRed Matrix-powered Matrix Buster, but it's of no use.Scyllamakes landing at theYellow Planet,where she introduces herself to the other girls and uses her Angolmois Kiss of Death to take theYellow MatrixfromYellow Splendid Convoy.TheBlack Planetis defended byDeadlock,who has been studying underBlack Go Primeto become aSwordbot.Go recognizes his foe,Coelagon,from his time in the Seacon's world. Coelagon explains that he's here for the Black Matrix, also known as the time-controllingBlack Legendisc.

There aren't enough Seacons to go around, though, and thePurple Planetstays uninvaded. They still have visitors in the form of the Straxuses and Ultra Megatron Omega, soPurple Wicked Convoyproposes that they combine the power of thePurple,Blue, andSilverMatrices to defeat all of their enemies and take over the universe.

On the Blue Planet, Primus is alerted to the Seacons' attacks on the Warriors of Lights. A Beast Person explains to a confused Star Convoy that all of the Warriors are robots who defend life throughout the universe as part of the Primus Vanguard. The Beast introduces herself asLuneand also amusedly explains that "Convoy" means the same thing as "Commander" here. Star Convoy recognizes one of the Seacons as Halfshell, and Primus explains that he's been changed by the god-rivaling power ofAngolmois Energy,which can allow one to change their or others' form and even resurrect the dead. This revelation is cue forPrimacronto barge in and berate Primus for usinghiscreation, bringing it from the future and having it proliferate in this universe. Primacron wants to know just what Primus, or, rather, theOracleis planning...

There's not much time to talk, as the Seacons arrive with all of the different Matrices and combine into the mightyGod Neptune!With the divineStar Power,God Neptune seeks to make a new Creation according to "his"wishes...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons/Predacons Seacons Others

Beast People

Primus Vanguard

White Order

Green Order

Red Order

Yellow Order

Purple Order

Black Parade

Blue Order


  • Much likeBlue Big Convoy's name being explained as a stylised reading of "Grand Commander",[1]Red Sentinel Prime and Black Go Prime receive similarkanjinames. Sentinel's is "Strongest Marshal" ( mạnh nhất なる nguyên soáiSaikyōnaru Gensui), and Go Prime's is "Wise Marshal" ( thông minh なる nguyên soáiSōmeinaru Gensui).

Continuity notes

  • The backstory created forMagna ConvoyandConvobat,the fall of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard, is finally depicted in full in this comic, and Straxus's motivations for the betrayal is revealed.

Transformers references

The birth ofa hero,everybody.
  • The different Orders of the Primus Vanguard (outside of the Blue Order) all seem to have individual themes beyond their color; Green is made up of different Bulkheads, mostly represented by different toys ofPrimeBulkhead, White is made up of police-themed redecoes, Yellow consists offemale Transformers,and Purple is differentShockwaves(who apparently create monsters based on thePretenderswho didn't see release in Japan). Red features translucent red redecoes, and Black members are black redecoes, mostlyNemesis Primes.
  • Magna Convoy makes a brief appearance in his original form as the drone MC11, obscured when Blue Big Convoy falls on him. Enough of him is shown to reveal that before being granted true life and being reformatted, he was one of the Micro Knights released in the 1979 range ofMicromanfigures from Takara; specifically, theblue Micro Knight,which had the ID number of...MC11!
  • The Matrices of the Orders are based on various toy accessories—the White Matrix is based on the Matrix accessory that came with TakaraTomy'sArms Master Optimus(including ShiningR.A.) while the Green Matrix is the Creation Matrix that came withGalvatron II.The Yellow Matrix isPower of the PrimesPredaking'sOnyx Matrix(withGolden Lagoon Starscream'sPower of the Primes-style combiner hand as an alternate mount forOnyx Prime), the Black Matrix or Black Legendisc isFall of CybertronRavagein Data Disc form, and the Red Matrix is the foldableEnergon Matrixincluded withBig Convoy (Matrix Buster Ver.)(the Matrix Buster is also included with said toy).
  • Here we at last receive full context for the organic natives of the planet. The "Beast People" (ビースト người ) are composed of anthropomorphic generics strongly resemblingBeastformers,likely being their precursor.
  • Primus's pose when observing his projected screens is a callback to a similar panel with Bludgeon in theMagna Convoy comic.

Real-world references

  • Purple Wicked Convoy andCyberverseShockwave's scene contains a number of references to the main antagonists Akane Shinjō and Alexis Kerib fromSSSS.Gridman.The 2018 anime series became well known amongTransformersfans for its myriad of references to the franchise, with the character of Akane being designed afterShattered GlassOptimus Prime. Here, Wicked Convoy is shown to own a collection of monster Pretender models and is conversing with Shockwave via a computer screen. InGridman,Alexis is an alien living inside of Akane's computer who brings the model monsters she sculpts to life. Furthermore,Tetsu Inadavoices both Alexis and Shockwave.



  1. Japanese tradition allows for customised pronunciations to be assigned to written kanji, e.g. the name formatting of theDeath NotecharacterLight Yagami.
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