Golden Touch
From Transformers Wiki
- Golden Touch is a member of theWinner's CirclefromBotBots.
Golden Touchis... look, that name makes us a bit uncomfortable.
- ???( "Surprise Unbo xing" 6-pack,
- Series:
6 - Level:3 Star
- Series:
- Part of the originally-planned sixth Series ofBotBots,Golden Touch is aredecoofKing Toots,transforming into a golden roll of toilet paper.
- They were to be available exclusively in the "Surprise Unbo xing" assortment, as one of six BotBots in ten mystery capsules (the other four having stickers inside). This assortment was canceled. What limited information we have on their planned availability comes from theBotBotsSeries 6 checklistfound on Hasbro's customer service website in early 2021.
- This mold was also used to makeTP Itch.
- Golden Touch seems likely to join theToilet Troop.