Green Megatron
From Transformers Wiki
- Green Megatron is aMegatron of the Seven Colorsfrom thePrecursor Worldportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Created byGold Megatronas part of hisNew Primus Vanguard,Green Megatron(グリーン
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Precursor World
Upon absorbing theGolden Ageenvoy'sGolden Powerand attaining a new form, Gold Megatron used theSilver Matrixfilled with all seven types ofStar Powerto create seven new Megatrons to serve him, including Green Megatron. In the following battle royale, White Megatron, Green Megatron, and Yellow Megatron accompanied their master as he formed theGold Matrixfrom the two Silver Matrices. However, Green Megatron came to be possessed by theAngolmois Energy-poweredsparkof the Megatron from the2050of theG1 World.Using Green's body, Megatron helped defeat Gold Megatron and would later become part ofMagna Convoy's Primus Vanguard.Finale
- Part of the fourth wave of TakaraTomyGo!toys, Hunter Ratchet is a green, black, and translucent-red redeco of thePrime: Beast HuntersDeluxe ClassRatchettoy, transforming into a heavily modified rescue vehicle that's covered with spikes, features an exposed engine block on its hood, and has a sculpted rocket booster at the back... and a Decepticon logo, having been corrupted to evil by exposure toDark Energon(according to the toy's bio).
- He retains the peg-holes at the usual places, and gains additional peg-holes at the back and near the rear wheels. He comes with a large drill accessory, which spins when the plunger to the side is pushed, and mounts via 5mm post. The halves of the drill can be pulled open to reveal a quad-barreled cannon inside.
- This toy mold is also the basis for the fiction-only "Alone Together"version ofJawbreaker.
- ↑Precursor World fiction frequently utilizes an elaborate form of Japanese wordplay to impart characters with a sort of "B-side" moniker. In this case the title "Emperor of Destruction Green" is read as the name "Green Megatron." See theJapanese languagearticle for further details on how this works.