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Incinerator (Armada)

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"Incinerator" redirects here. For the Decepticon tiltrotor aircraft from the live action movie continuity, seeIncinerator (Movie).
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Specifics:Fictional appearances.
Incinerator is anAutobot-alliedMini-Confrom theArmadaportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Reinforcement Incinerator.jpg

Incineratoris all about the speed, man. His goal is to be the fastest Mini-Con there is, and then be evenfaster.Sensitive about his light frame and physical weaknesses, Incinerator turned to his one major talent, high-speed racing, and ran with it (literally). Even theDecepticons' aerial warriors have a hard time keeping up with him.

If anyone suspects that Incinerator's quest for speed is an attempt to make up for his physical deficiencies, they only need hear him talk for five minutes toconfirmit. Incinerator is clearly out to earn adulation and praise to feel better about himself, and any kind of negative comment can put him in a funk.

Not even gravity can slow me down!





Blurr Vehicle.jpg

Incinerator'sMini-Con storage panelwas found in the desert byDemolishorduring a battle with the Autobots, but just as he teleported back to his base in gloating victory, new Autobot reinforcementBlurrshot the panel right out of his hands, caught it in midair and activated it. Incinerator chose to partner with Blurr in thanks for saving him, but this did not sit well with the taciturn Autobot warrior, as he had little regard for the Mini-Cons beyond keeping them out ofDecepticonhands. Soon afterward,Downshift's storage panel was detected at a race track, and during the ensuing struggle with the Decepticons, Blurrpowerlinkedwith Incinerator to fly ahead ofHot ShotandJoltin an attempt to keep Downshift away from the Decepticons. However, Blurr's disregard for coordinated teamwork and his arrogance led to the loss of the Mini-Con, and the Decepticons were able to complete the mightySkyboom Shield.Reinforcement

Later, Blurr and Incinerator powerlinked again while attempting to saveOptimus PrimefromMegatronand the power of theStar Saber.Decisive BattleWhen the titanicTidal Waveappeared onEarth,both Blurr and Hot Shot powerlinked with Incinerator andJoltrespectively to speed past the Decepticon lines and attack Tidal Wave directly.Awakening

Incinerator could be seen combined with Blurr when the Decepticons launched an attack on the Autobot base, during which Starscream, then having allied himself with the Autobots, decided to return to his Decepticon brethren.Crack

AfterOptimus Prime's death, Incinerator was one of a group of Mini-Cons who confronted the angst-riddenHot Shot,forcing the young 'bot to come to terms with the loss of his leader.Remorse


Incinerator was first seen aidingMini-Con village C52against the Decepticons by activating the fourshield regulators.Of course these were absolutely useless as the Decepticons broke into the village and captured the Mini-Cons.Armada #1However, while the Decepticons were gloating over their victorious battle with the Autobots (who lacked Mini-Cons),Sparkplugand theAir Defense TeaminfiltratedDecepticon Headquartersand rescued the imprisoned Mini-Cons. Wishing to be free of the Decepticons forever, they escapedCybertronina space shipthe Air Defense Team had constructed out of junk.Armada #2One day, he looked out the window and noticed that they were heading straight towards amoon.Armada #3

Much later, Incinerator had become an inhabitant ofDualor'sMini-Con Moonbaseon the moon, but due to its subsequent destruction, he and the other Mini-Cons were relocated to theAutobaseonEarth.Already chafing at having to live with the Autobots,Rookdemanded that the Mini-Cons cut off all ties with the Autobots, a move that Incinerator strongly supported.Fire & Ice

Incinerator and the rest of the Mini-Cons on Earth later gathered for the impending battle withUnicron.They traveled to theLoopon Cybertron, where they channeled their energies into theMini-Con Matrixand fired a massive blast at the Chaos Bringer.The End



Armada-toy Incinerator.JPG
  • Blurr with Incinerator(Super-Con, 2003)
    • Takara ID number:MC-08
    • Takara release date:May 15,2003
Available only with his larger partnerBlurr,Incinerator transforms into a Cybertronic long-nosed drag racer. As a Mini-con, he has a "Powerlinx"socket on his vehicle-mode underside (which ends up on his robot-mode waist) which allows him to attach to any toy with a" Powerlinx "style5 mm post;some toys have special Powerlinx posts that activate/unlock gimmicks when a Mini-Con is attached.
His vehicle mode is specially designed to fit in the rear section of Blurr's vehicle form, activating the bulk's third "flight" mode.
TheTakaraversion of "Turbo" has some slight deco differences from theHasbroversion, the most notable being his red windscreen as opposed to the Hasbro dark blue one, but his plastics are also slightly different shades, matching up with the Takara Blurr's colors.
This mold was also used to makeUniverseRoadhandlerandWrench.

  • Silverbolt & Street Speed Micron(Multi-pack, 2003)
    • Takara ID number:MS-05
    • Takara release date:May 15,2003
In Japan, The Blurr/Incinerator pairing was sold both individually and in a multi-pack with theStreet Speed Mini-Con Team.All of the toys in the set are identical to their individual releases.

  • Blurr with Incinerator and Bonus Mini-Con(Bonus pack, 2003)
In November of 2003, USToys "R" Usstores had special bonus pack Super-Con (Deluxe) toys, which came with a single bonus Mini-Con attached to the card over their sticker, forlessthan the price as a normal Super-Con during Toys "R" Us's post-Thanksgiving-day sale. LikeSideways,Blurr/Incinerator could come with one of theDestruction Mini-Con Teammembers:Buzzsaw,Drill Bit,orDualor.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Turbo(ターボTābo)
  • Hungarian:Hamvasztó( "Cremator" )
  • Korean:Turbo(터보Teobo)


  1. "'Sleek Car. Type: rocket on wheels, Ferrari-type.' This is the notes from our working rollout. 'Triple change, flight mode, hand-held weapon. Mini-Con partner race dragster. Main character role. Interceptor. October '02.' So that's how we thought of that character. Alright, names, Sleek Car... first choice was... was what it was, I guess, so I guess we went with the first choice we had. Choice #2 was Silverbolt, choice #3 was Groove. I did not have a choice #4. Mini-Con names: Drag Strip, Crashor, Overdrive. Those were the options. Why we had so many options was, on this sheet, I went down the line, if something didn't get approved by legal, we dropped that one out, and moved the next one up. So because this went through, we never had to then search 'Silverbolt' to see if that would work." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada BLURR and more!", 2023/03/17
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