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Jhiaxus (RID)

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The name or term "Jhiaxus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeJhiaxus (disambiguation).
Jhiaxus is aDecepticonDestructiconfrom the2001 Robots in Disguisecontinuity family.
You think I'm aPrimax'bot? I'll show you the destructive power ofViron!

Jhiaxusis a high-ranking member of theDestructicons,a group which isverybad news anywhere they rear their heads.




Jhiaxus was the second-in-command ofMegazarak,God Emperor Supreme of the Destructicons. He was left behind inViron 403.0 Betato manage the AutobotDinobotresistance while his liege and most of his compatriots traveled toAurex 304.0 Epsilon.When Megazarak was abducted byUnicronto fight in theUniverse War,Jhiaxus briefly entered the conflict to rescue his lord and master.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11

Jhiaxus was one of many dimensionally-displaced Transformers who escaped from theCauldrondue to the actions ofOptimus Primal,Silverbolt,andTrailbreakeralongsideanother Jhiaxus.EscapeHomecoming

Ask Vector Prime

A different Jhiaxus, inViron 903.0 Beta,createdThrustfrom the waywardSparkof aMalgusWaspinatorand ablankprotoformin his schemes for power. Jhiaxus led the Destructicons (consisting of himself, Thrust, andObsidian), the most formidable foes of theElite Guard.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/09

The Jhiaxus ofViron 102.0 Betalikewise led the Destructicons, formidable foes of the Elite Guard. The foes clashed time and again in theMirtonian Expanse.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/22


Robots in Disguise(2001)

Surprise, I'm meas well!
  • Jhiaxus(Deluxe,2003)
  • Accessories:2 energy-blast missiles
Robots in DisguiseJhiaxus is aredecoof the DeluxeBeast MachinesJetstormtoy in orange and gray, transforming into a Cybertronian fighter jet. His jet mode cockpit has a spring-loaded extension, giving him a bird-like head in this form that is articulated at the neck to "search" for targets. Both jet androbot modesfeature spring-loaded "energy blast" missiles. He also has an alternate robot mode, which folds his legs into a "flight cone" and reveals jet thrusters.
Although most previous versions of the mold have the wingtips swept forward invehicle mode,Jhiaxus was packaged and depicted in his instructions with the wingtips swept back. His toy art and instructions also show the robot mode wingtips swept forward, as shown here; this contrasts with theUniverseart above.
Jhiaxus was availableexclusivelyatKB Toysstores, released in October on 2003. Like other later additions to theRobots in Disguiseline, Jhiaxus was released inArmada-style packaging, complete with a character art sticker.
This mold was also used to make theSonic Attack Jet,Robots in DisguiseStorm Jet,and the2003Universeversion of Generation 1Skywarp.This toy was alsorepurposedasGeneration 2Jhiaxus.


  • Originally, theRobots in DisguiseJhiaxus toy was perceived as a new form of Generation 1 continuity family Jhiaxus, as a3H club magazine profileutilized the RID toy for a Jhiaxus hailing froma Marvel G2-style universe.However due to an art error, the Jhiaxus who appears inUniverse#2is drawn in the G2 design whileUniverse#3uses the RID design (albeit miscolored) for the same scene. Years later, the Facebook version ofAsk Vector Primewould utilize this error to firmly establish aRobots in Disguiseversion of Jhiaxus and that there were 2 Jhiaxuses in that scene. Due to the body alterations in theUniversestoryline, though, it remains unclear which Jhiaxus appeared at which exact moment.
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