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Joe Suitor

From Transformers Wiki

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Joe Suitor(born January1976[1]) is a comic book artist. He has an ongoing solo project titledMonoluminant,parts of which were published in anthologies from Ape Entertainment and Image Comics.[2]Besides working onMonoluminant,he's also worked on, among other things,Spider-ManandMarvel ZombiesforMarvel,Batmanfor DC comics, andG.I. JoeandTransformers: Sector 7forIDW.[3]His non-comics work includes art direction on a clothing line and film production work.[2]He lives in Long Beach, California.[1]


Published artwork


  • Transformers: Sector 7#1, #2,#3


Extended Joe Suitor gallery


  1. 1.01.1Joe Suitor on MySpace
  2. 2.02.1Jazma Online interview
  3. Joe Suitor on ComicBookDB

External links

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