Landfill (RID)
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The name or term "Landfill" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeLandfill (disambiguation). |
- Landfill is anAutobotcombinerfrom theRobots in Disguise continuity family.
A versatile powerhouse,Landfillis the combined form of theBuild Team.Like his sometime-nemesisRuination,he is controlled solely by the thoughts of his central component, with the other team members giving up their autonomy in the combined form. Also in common with the Decepticon combiner, he can switch his limb components into different configurations to optimize his combat abilities. His unique design lets any one of the subordinate team members form his arms, with the other two serving as the legs, and gives him access to different tools and weapons in each configuration.
Landfill is composed of:
- Wedge(central component)
- Heavy Load
- Grimlock
- Hightower
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
2001Robots in Disguisecartoon
- Voice actor:Michael Reisz(English),Yukiko Tamaki(Japanese),Alexandr Novikov(Russian, tillLessons of the Past),Vladimir Gerasimov(Russian, fromLessons of the Past),Jorge Ornelas(Latin American Spanish),Daniel Abundis(Latin American Spanish, Episode 23 only)
The Build Team first combined into Landfill when fightingMegatronandScourgeat the Autobots' North energy research facility. Fighting the pair on a frozen lake, Landfill was easily able to send them packing.Landfill
Landfill was also formed in order to clear buildings and create a new foundation for theCGA Tower,which had been damaged by thePredacons.Sky-Byte Saves the Day
When the Build Team was in a battle with theDecepticonCommandosand losing badly to them, they resorted to combining into Landfill. Unfortunately, the Decepticons responded by formingRuinationand maintained the upper hand. The battle eventually got both combiners blasted underground in a place that was quickly filling up with oil. Landfill opened fire on the combustible, resulting in an explosion that forced both combiner teams to split back into their respective components. The Build Team were saved from being burned to slag byOptimus Prime.A Test of Metal
Once the ruins containingFortress Maximuswere located, Landfill fought successfully alongsideRail Racerto protect them from Ruination.Fortress MaximusWhen the Decepticons subsequently exposed the place in which the Build Team had hidden Fortress Maximus, Landfill again attempted to protect the giant with the rest of the Autobots.Maximus Emerges
During the battle after the Decepticons found Autobot headquarters, Landfill charged theMegastar,only to be promptly blown into separate units by the station's firepower.Surprise Attack!Landfill fought with the other Autobots against Ruination and Scourge whileOmega Primeconfronted Galvatron, until Prime was forced to order a retreat.Galvatron's RevengeLandfill was formed for the last time during the battle against Galvatron. He helped battle against the Decepticons, and joined the other Autobots in shielding Optimus Prime from Galvatron's paralysing rays. He and the rest of the team were held in a state of paralysis until Galvatron's defeat at the hands (orsword) of Omega Prime.The Final Battle
As a member of theDimensional Patrol,Landfill was brought to theLegends WorldbySkidsandSky-Byteto defend it against the attack ofMajin Zarakand theZamojin.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One
FromViron 903.0 Beta,the Build Team joined theDimensional Patrol.Ask Vector Prime, 13 September 2015Landfill was abducted byUnicronto become one of the latest combatants inside theCauldron.Before his inter-dimensional trek could be completed, however,Rhinoxfrom theChildren of Primusattempted to intercept the dimensional transition before Unicron claimed his latest victims. Pulled in two directions, Landfill and his comrades Side Burn and Prowl were instead deposited on a frozen planetoid in space. A rescue team of Children of Primus deployed to the planetoid, but so did a team ofMinions of Unicron.Landfill worked together with the rescue team, a group of Autobots accidentally pulled in from the past by Rhinox's device, and his fellow victims to successfully defeat the Minions. Afterwards, the temporally-displaced Autobots were sent back to their proper spacetimeVoice Actor Dramawhile Landfill, Prowl, and Side Burn were sent back to their home reality without further participating in theUniverse War.Ask Vector Prime, 13 September 2015
Shell Game continuity
InViron 704.31 Epsilon,Megazarakused theRobo-Smasherto turn Landfill into the evilDevastator.Ask Vector Prime, 30 July 2015
Transformers Roleplaying Game
While contemplating the strategic advantagesEnigma of Combination,Onslaughtconsidered a theoretical situation in which four unassuming Autobot builders could surprise their foes by merging into some kind of "Build King".The Enigma of Combination
Robots in Disguise(2001)
- Build Boy(2000) /Wedge(Deluxe Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number:C-018
- Build Hurricane(2000) /Grimlock(Deluxe Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number:C-019
- Build Typhoon(2000) /Heavy Load(Deluxe Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number:C-020
- Build Cyclone(2000) /Hightower(Deluxe Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number:C-021
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Robots in DisguiseLandfill is formed by combiningWedge,Heavy Load,Hightower,andGrimlock.Wedge forms the torso, while the other three can form either a single leg or both arms using a unique interlocking armature. With this system, Landfill can swap limbs around without needing to disassemble at all.
- Landfill's "hands" are simple claws formed from Heavy Load/Hightower's feet or Grimlock's treads, and each has a5 mm holethat allows for the "hand" to hold one of the three limb-bot's removable accessories. The third accessory then snaps onto Landfill's back in different locations depending on which figure forms the arms, a feature that was omitted from Hasbro's instructions. Wedge's double-barreled gun becomes Landfill's, er, codpiece.
- There are a number of small paint differences between the Takara and Hasbro versions of each toy, detailed on their individual pages, but the biggest tell between the two is the addition of Autobot symbols on the three limb-bots for the Hasbro releases.
- These molds were also used to makeUniverseDevastator.
- Build King(Multi-pack, 2000)
- Release date:August??, 2000
- ID number:C-022
- In Japan, Build King was available both by purchasing the individual components, and as a complete box set. However, this set only came with the bio card for Build King, and did not include the individual components' bio cards.
- Daiei stores offered theSuper Wrecker Hooktoy as afreebiewith the purchase of the Build King box set.
- Sonokongalso released this gift set inKoreanmarkets with no differences to the Takara release other than the packaging.
- Landfill(Multi-pack, 2003)
- Release date:November 25,2003
- A mainly-yellow redeco of the entire Build Team was released as aWalmartexclusivemulti-pack on "Black Friday",the day after Thanksgiving, the most hellishly-overcrowded shopping day of the year. The set cost considerably less than four individual deluxes.
- While still branded as aRobots in Disguisetoy, the packaging was in the style of the then-runningArmadatoyline.
- Landfill's three possible configurations were not given official designations in English materials, but in Japan, they had specific monikers based on the character who formed the arms. The modes are:
- Heavy Load and Hightower as legs, while Grimlock provides arms. This is the most commonly used configuration. Known as "Hurricane Mode", Landfill's Japanese tech specs identify this mode as a multi-purpose form with the perfect balance of offensive and defensive power.
- Grimlock and Hightower as legs, with Heavy Load as arms. Used in "Sky-Byte Saves the Day".Referred to as" Typhoon Mode ", this mode gives Landfill his highest offensive power.
- Grimlock and Heavy Load as legs, with Hightower as arms. Used in "Galvatron's Revenge"and"The Final Battle".This form, going by" Cyclone Mode ", excels in close-quarters combat.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Build King(ビルドキングBirudo Kingu)
- Korean:Build King(빌드킹Bildeu King)
- Russian:Musorovoz(Мусоровоз, "Garbage Truck" )