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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 65

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus EditionVol. 65
Transformers Legends LG 65.jpg
Truyện tranh トランスフォーマーレジェンズ ra trương bản đệ 65 lời nói
First published March 24,2018
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Colors Josh Perez
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Packaged with LegendsLG65Targetmaster Twin Twist

Many secrets about the Jumpstarters are unveiled when Twin Twist battles Windblade and Katsu Don in defense of the world.


Katsu Donmakes another attempt at destroying theLegends WorldusingWindbladeas well as the mutantAutobotTargetmasters,who Windblade can manipulate through her bond withPinpointer.TheWreckersarrive from the post-G2 era to aid in the world's defense only to be pinned down by the Targetmasters, and whenTwin Twistbreaks off to take on Windblade by himself, he gets decapitated. However, Twin Twist is aware of theZodiac's existence in the Legends World and somehow calls it to his side, using its power to transform his severed head into aHeadmasterand his body into a Z Mode "Drill Base" that in turn uses its drills to generate electromagnetic waves that sever Windblade's connection toSpoilsport.Twin Twist grabs the Targetmaster and, revealing that his special ability is to grant any weapon the properties of a drill, unleashes a "Spoil Drill Hurricane" attack against Windblade that freesPeacemakerfrom her control.

Chromedomeis surprised that Twin Twist can freely control Zodiac energy, and Springer explains that he andTopspinare space pioneers known as thePowered Masters... as well as the true creators of the Legends World. The twoJumpstarterstell Katsu Don "long time no see" and invite him to test who's stronger—them, the creators of this world, or Windblade, its destroyer.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • The Powered Master subgroup originated inZone.
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