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Lio Convoy

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Lio Convoy is aMaximalfrom theBeast Eraportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
He's noLeoric.

As he rose through the ranks of the Maximal Space Patrol,Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイRaio Konboi,akaLeo Prime) and his honest nature, selfless dedication to duty and ability to lead by example quickly caught the attention, and earned the respect, of his superior officers. Now with his own crew of loyal Maximals, Lio Convoy continues to display those qualities in the heat of desperate combat.

While on the surface he appears to be a tough, exacting, career-military sort of robot, any Maximal who has served under him knows that there's a smile behind his face-plate and a gentleness at the core of hisspark.Though he yearns for a universe forever at peace, Lio Convoy takes to the battlefield with precision, strength and cunning. He believes that combat, more than anything else, reveals an enemy's true character and it has been through combat that Lio Convoy has made both his bitterest rivals and most enduring friendships.

Though compassionate by nature, Lio Convoy stumbles when it comes to expressing anything outside the perimeters of gruff military rhetoric. This attitude has strained his relationship with his "son",Lio Junior,who wants only to obtain the approval of his "father".



Beast Wars IItoy catalog

Beast Thumb Wars

As Lio Convoy advanced through the ranks of the Maximal Space Patrol, his progress was observed by an impressedOptimus Primal.When the time finally came, Primal chose him as his successor for his strength and bravery (though he felt he could be too straightforward, at times). Lio Convoy happily shook Primal's hand and promised not to let his predecessor down.Beast Wars IIcatalog

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars IIcartoon

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Voice actor:Hozumi Gōda(Japanese),Jung Goo Lee(Korean)

During his training period, the Maximal known as Convoy worked alongside another recruit namedApache.In an extreme conditions test, the instructors told recruits to leave those who fell behind where they lay, and focus on their own success. When Apache dropped from exhaustion, however, Convoy, shared his energy with Apache so that they could both continue on together. Convoy's act of kindness earned him a loyal friend for life.Mystery of the Ancient Ruins

Receiving a mysterious SOS signal from within an asteroid field, Maximal Supreme Commander Convoy investigated alongside his deputy, Apache. Entering the field in small one-man reconnaissance crafts, the pair discovered that the signal was coming from a small planetoid that suddenly began bearing down on them in a collision course. Realising that the whole affair had been a trap laid by thePredaconEmperorGalvatron,Convoy sprang into action and opened fire on the planetoid, which exploded dramatically.The New Forces Arrive!While the blast hurled Apache to safety, however, Convoy took the brunt of the explosion and was cast into the depths of the cosmos, eventually crash landing on the planetGaia.When he regained consciousness, his body had already been weakened and corroded by the hazardous atmosphere of the planet, and he would surely have died had not a white lion come upon his prone form. The lion carried Convoy to a cave brimming with the power ofAngolmois Energy,which restored and revitalized Convoy. Convoy then scanned the lion's form for use as abeast modeto protect him from Gaia's atmosphere, and redubbed himself "Lio Convoy".

As coincidence would have it, Galvatron and his Predacons had also come to Gaia to harness its Angolmois Energy, and Lio Convoy's unit had followed them, but wound up on the losing end of the battle that resulted. Staying in lion mode the whole time, Lio Convoy bounded onto the scene and freed his troops from the energy web that was paralyzing them, then led them back to the crashed wreck of their ship, theYukikaze,where he revealed his identity to them (although Apache had already figured it out). Stranded on Gaia, the team dedicated themselves to stopping Galvatron's evil plans for the Angolmois Energy.White Lion, Run!

At Lio Convoy's direction, the Maximals searched the area for signs of theGalvaburg II.OnceMegastormwas drawn out into the open byDiver,Lio Convoy and Apache arrived to support their team in battle. Lio Convoy toldBighornto stand down so the team could fight as a unit, but the enraged buffalo could not be restrained. Lio Convoy allowed his trooper to stand alone against Megastorm as he wished, only providing support whenStarscreamandBBintervened on the fight.Bighorn's Rage

Soon after, Lio Convoy became concerned whenTasmania Kidreported in from patrol that he had found something, but went off on his own without waiting for the team. Convoy led the Maximals to the site of Kid's last transmission, where he, Apache and Bighorn were caught in Starscream's trap. Lio Convoy drew Starscream's attention while Diver andScubainfiltrated the lake base and disabled the force field containing them. Once all the Maximals escaped the exploding base, Lio Convoy instructed Kid to thank the Tasmanian devil that helped him in his ordeal.The Lake Trap

When Megastorm unleashed a swarm of fortress building robots, the mere six Maximals were outmatched and couldn't keep up with destroying all the drones. Matters didn't improve when Galvatron awoke for the first time since landing on Gaia, freshly empowered by Angolmois Energy. Lio Convoy used his lion-agility to divert Galvatron's drill tank mode up a mountain pass towards the mouth of a volcano, but an unexpected leg sprain ended the game of cat-and-juggernaut. Luckily, Scuba was there to save Lio Convoy by triggering a geyser of water under Galvatron, flipping him over.

The Maximals hoped to rid themselves of Galvatron by burying his prone form in a rockslide, but Galvatron emerged in histhirdform, an enormous dragon. The dragon chased Lio Convoy and his men into the mouth of the volcano. Unable to stop him directly, Lio Convoy directed the Maximals to shoot out the ledge Galvatron was standing on, in hopes of dropping him into the volcano itself. The Maximals' firepower was not enough, but the ambitious Megastorm saw their plan and covertly fired his cannon as well, sending Galvatron falling into the lava flow.Galvatron Revived

The Maximals detected energy readings coming from the Southern Continent, they took two short-range ships down south as a temporary mobile base of operations. When the readings centered on a set of ancient ruins, Lio Convoy went out to investigate and took Apache with him for support. The two came under fire from Starscream and BB, who carpet-bombed the forest to destroy the Maximals. Apache fell behind again, and Lio Convoy carried him to safety beneath the protection of the ruins. Apache's old sense of inadequacy from their training days had flared up, but Convoy brushed it aside as Apache had inadvertently led them to the secret entrance of the ruins.

BW2 ep6 ConvoyStare.jpeg
Inside the pyramid, Lio Convoy and Apache were separated by a trap door. Convoy followed Apache down the trick shaft and found him a captive of the orneryInsectron,Mantis.Lio Convoy was forced to fight the territorial Mantis, and fared poorly against Mantis's disc attacks and scythe blades. As Mantis pummeled Lio Convoy on the ground, however, Apache's determination led him to break free of his restraints and unleash a third mode as a weapons platform, discharging raw energy that literally brought the house down. As Mantis fell into a crevice, Lio Convoy leapt to his aid and caught the falling warrior. Mantis was confused by this act of sacrifice, and Lio Convoy insisted it was because theyweren'tenemies. Grumbling, Mantis shook himself free and used his wings to fly away on his own. Reuniting with their fellow Maximals, Lio Convoy thanked Apache for his aid, and chuckled at the fact that Apache apparently suffered amnesia from the act, making his secret third mode a secret even from him.Mystery of the Ancient Ruins

With theInsectronsas a new potential threat, Lio Convoy cautioned the Maximals not to make enemies of the Insectrons unnecessarily. As a result, he sent out teams of two to locate the Insectrons, and ordered his men not to fire on them, but engage in dialogue. Kid and Lio Convoy were nearby when Bighorn and Apache were attacked by the InsectronsBigmosandTonbot,who had been fed false information on the Maximals by Starscream. They tried to stop the fighting when they arrived, but Starscream and BB opened fire on both parties to avoid any peaceful dialogue. The Maximals warned the Insectrons of the incoming missiles, and threw their own bodies on top of their opponents' delicate insect modes for protection. Confused by the act of self-sacrifice, Bigmos and Tonbot departed without further conflict.The Insect Corps Arrive

Lio Convoy maintained that the Insectrons were potential allies, not enemies. Having been on the receiving end of their missiles, Bighorn couldn't understand Lio Convoy's thinking. As the only Maximal who had personally battled an Insectron, Mantis, Lio Convoy could not explain his reasoning, but the way they fought made it seem as if the Insectrons were not truly evil. Soon after, Bighorn and several Maximals were tricked into another fight with the Insectrons by the Predacons. Lio Convoy, Apache and Scuba saved their friends from an opportunistic Predacon attack after the Maximals were low on energy. Afterwards, Bighorn told Lio Convoy his own impression after fightingPowerhugwas the same as Convoy's, and the Insectrons' fighting style was not that of a malevolent group.Friend or Foe? The Insect Robos

Lio Convoy and the Maximals came to the aid of Tasmania Kid, who had discovered a plot by Starscream to undermine the Insectrons with spiked oil. Tensions increased as Galvatron emerged from his slumber, out of control after imbibing on the same oil. Luckily, bonds were forged in the heat of battle as Bigmos and his Insectrons joined forces with Lio Convoy and the Maximals against Galvatron. Bigmos lured Galvatron into position for Lio Convoy to fire a volley of missiles straight down the dragon's throat, ending his threat for the moment. In the aftermath, the Maximals and Insectrons talked out their differences for the first time. Although Bigmos refused to join the fight against the Predacons full-time, preferring to live in peace, Lio Convoy offered his hand in friendship and the feuding between the two groups ceased.The Strongest Tag Team?

Their alliance was tested when Bigmos was forced to honor an old debt toAutostingerof the Predacons, stepping aside while theAutorollersfought the Maximals. Still, he saved Autostinger from a barrage of Lio Convoy's missiles, negating the debt. Lio Convoy and Apache attended a duel between Bigmos and Autostinger, but it was interrupted by Predacon missile fire, leaving issues between the various factions unresolved.Autorollers Roll Out!

When NAVI reported Kid andScissor Boywere approaching the base with the Autorollers, Lio Convoy correctly deduced their friends had been captured, and were trying to lead the Predacons into an ambush. Lio Convoy and the Maximals intercepted the Autorollers, freeing their friends after a fight with Megastorm and his mercenaries.Danger! Scissor BoyLio Convoy and the Maximals were later called in by Scuba to join forces with the Autorollers, as Galvatron had gone on a rampage while engorged on Angolmois Energy. Lio Convoy acted as bait to lure Galvatron into position, opening his massive jaws to take in a concentrated spray of Angolmois Energy. They overfed Galvatron with the energy until his bloated form nearly exploded from within, rendering him harmless.Galvatron Rampages

When the Predacons launched a massive offensive on the Southern Continent, Lio Convoy led the Maximals and teamed up with the Insectrons to foil their plans once again.Predacon General Offensive!

The Maximals were soon met by a trio called theJointrons,who arrived on Gaia's Eastern continent and demonstrated their powerfulTripledacuscombination. Thinking they could take on the entire Predacon army by themselves, the Jointrons flew into battle, followed by Bighorn, Diver, and Kid, who were worried the Jointrons would take all the credit for a victory, or possibly get themselves killed. As the dust settled, Apache looked to Lio Convoy for a response, and the commander sighed (deeply) before acknowledging they should follow and keep the younger Maximals out of trouble. Apache and Lio Convoy soon joined Scuba in helping Tripledacus escape theGalvaburg IIwhen he bit off more than he could chew.The Combined Giant, Tripledacus

While Lio Convoy and most of the Maximals were out on patrol, the Jointrons took over one of the base ships and turned off the cloaking field, hoping to lure the Predacons in and defeat them. Lio Convoy spotted the signal flare they launched, and radioed in to hear Apache and Diver were being overwhelmed by the Jointrons' antics. By the time he arrived back at base, however, Lio Convoy saw that the Autorollers had taken the ship hostage by training their missiles on the exterior fuel tanks. Luckily, the Jointrons came outside and distracted the Autorollers with oil, allowing Lio Convoy to take them down without destroying the ship. As the Jointrons held a celebration in their own honor to celebrate capturing some Predacons, however, the enemy escaped and everyone was right back where they started.The Festive Jointrons

While the Maximals were searching for the latest Predacon fortress, the Jointrons were exposed to a bacteria bomb that robbed them of their power. Lio Convoy and the other Maximals saved the Jointrons by posing as the massive Jointron II. They compensated for Kid and Diver's exposure to the bacteria by sharing energy between one another, in a proud display of teamwork.A Fearsome Combination Plan?

The Jointrons caused more chaos when they stole one of the base ships to approach a Predacon fortress from the air. Lio Convoy and the Maximals followed them in the second ship, but were rammed out of the sky by the Jointrons' poor piloting. The Predacons were engaged in an operation to kidnap the Jointrons and study their combination transformation. While the other Maximals worked to recover the kidnapped Jointron brothers, Lio Convoy and Apache made short work of the Autorollers back at the fortress, and the installation was soon destroyed.Who Is the Leader!?

One day, Tasmania Kid found aCopy Machinethat scanned objects to create three-dimensional duplicates of the subject. Believing the Machine's abilities could help bolster the Maximals' ranks, Kid shined the Machine's ray on Lio Convoy, creating "Copy Convoy".Unfortunately, the machine only createdevilcopies. Copy Convoy declared himself the original and began to fight Lio Convoy. Lio Convoy initially engaged his copy alone, but soon realized they were so evenly matched the two fighters would battle without victory until they completely ran out of energy. Copy Convoy sent running by the watching Maximals, but soon returned to theYukikazeand asked the other Maximals to come outside and meet him in peace. The Maximals didn't fully trust the copy, but didn't know how to deal with him since Copy Convoy knew everything Lio Convoy did. Luckily, Lio Convoy saw an advantage in that. Diver had made his own modifications to the defense network surrounding theYukikaze'swaterfall, without consulting Lio Convoy on the details. Lio Convoy sent Diver out to activate theNiagara Base,and Copy Convoy was taken by surprise. He and the Copy Machine were soon destroyed by the Maximals.The Black Lio Convoy

Alerted to a new arrival on Gaia, Lio Convoy and the Maximals traveled to the Sea Continent and discovered apirate ship from space.The Maximals were soon confronted byHalfshell,captain of theSpace Pirate Seaconswho intended to plunder the world of Angolmois Energy. Lio Convoy had the idea of flipping the snapping turtle on his back, rendering him helpless, but Halfshell's beast mode was designed to counter that strategy, turning him into the Big Wheel Cutter that rampaged over the hills. Matters only deteriorated further when Halfshell called his crew and formed the colossalGod Neptune.Outmatched by the combiner's sheer power, Lio Convoy directed Diver and Scuba to seize control of the deserted pirate ship while the land-based Maximals kept God Neptune busy. The distraction worked, as God Neptune chased after his stolen ship, only to get caught in a detonation of Angolmois Energy rigged by the Maximals before abandoning ship.The Space Pirate Seacons!

Breaking the fourth wall juuuust a little, Lio Convoy and Galvatron called in toArtemisandMoonon the moon when they were wondering who the strongest of the Cybertronians was. Their two armies proved to be surprisingly evenly matched, and even the strength test between Lio Convoy and Galvatron themselves was ruled a tie.Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?

Although he knew the Seacons intended to plunder Gaia's Angolmois Energy, Lio Convoy felt the Seacons were not inherently evil, and could possibly be reasoned with just as the Maximals did with the Insectrons. He ordered his men not to confront or antagonize the Seacons until they knew for sure. And so, by the end of the day, Lio Convoy and Apache arrived as the cavalry to help Bighorn and the others escape from battle with the Seacons and God Neptune, because Lio Convoy's men are spectacularly bad at following orders and staying out of trouble.The Tentacular Scuba

When Megastorm and the Seacons teamed up, each of the Maximals was lured to a separate location by an Angolmois Energy signal transmitter. Since there were only five Seacons, no one was around to greet Lio Convoy when he located his transmitter, except for an easily flummoxed Dirge and Thrust. The comedy duo had been instructed by Megastorm to blow hidden bombs inside each of the transmitters when the Maximals got within range, but Lio Convoy startled them into dropping and damaging the trigger device. Not sensing any threat whatsoever from those two, Lio Convoy calmly examined the transmitter before sauntering over to question the Predacons. They panicked and flew away setting off the bomb in the process and completely failing to kill Lio Convoy.Megastorm's Reckoning

Tasmania Kid alerted Lio Convoy when Bighorn seemingly got a love letter from Scylla, the Seacon. The other Maximals feared Bighorn was being lured into a trap, and they were right—Bighorn and Kid were set adrift on a rock when the Seacons sprang their ambush. Trapped on land, Lio Convoy used his jump jets to launch out over the water where his troops were being assaulted. Unfortunately, he was pulled underwater by Halfshell before he could reach the others. Apache rushed to join his commander, and together they held off Halfshell andCoelagonuntil Scuba whisked the Maximals to dry land. They were confronted by God Neptune, but fortunately the Insectrons appeared and gave the Maximals the back-up they needed.Showdown in the Sea

After receiving word of more hijinks involving Bighorn, Lio Convoy and Apache rushed to the scene and found a showdown between Tripledacus and God Neptune already in progress. They helped their Jointron comrades flush the Seacons back into the sea.Face the Setting Sun

As the Seacons prepared to leave Gaia, Lio Convoy met with Halfshell and offered to give them the energy they needed to hustle them on their way. Halfshell's pride as a pirate wouldn't let him take charity, though, and so he offered to fight Lio Convoy one-on-one battle to claim the energy if he won. Lio Convoy agreed, if Halfshell and the Seacons turned themselves in to the Maximals authorities if Convoy won. Halfshell accepted these terms, but neglected to spell out exactly who the "one-on-one" bout would be between. Lio Convoy was surprised, but ultimately unconcerned, when Halfshell arrived in "one" body as God Neptune. Lio Convoy told his fellow Maximals to step aside and let him honor the deal. Convoy used his maneuverability to stay ahead of God Neptune during the fight, and even escaped him in the sea when God Neptune tried to move the fight into his preferred element. When it appeared Lio Convoy would be victorious, however, Megastorm burst from his hiding spot and tried to gun down the Maximal commander himself. This ambush set off a chain reaction in the Angolmois Energy on the shores, ending the fight and scattering the competitors. Halfshell and the Seacons grabbed the energy cylinders Lio Convoy brought, and the Seacons soon left Gaia for good.The Final Battle

While investigating the new, unstable reactions of Angolmois Energy on the planet, Lio Convoy, Bighorn and Apache crossed paths with a powerful lion cub. They soon realized he was actually a Maximal in disguise and gave chase. Lio Convoy found the cub conversing peacefully with Diver and Tasmania Kid, but was shocked when the cub raced up to him and called him "mama"! This "Lio Junior"had taken to heart a joke by Tasmania Kid that Lio Convoy must be his parent, leaving Lio Convoy to crush the cub's expectations. Their meeting was interrupted by Galvatron, who had sensed great power of Angolmois Energy within Lio Junior, and wished to snuff it out. Lio Junior joined forces with two new Maximal arrivals namedSantonandSkywarpto become the combination warrior,Magna Boss.Enter Lio Junior

”For the last time,he’sNOT getting any child support!”

Lio Convoy helped Magna Boss defeat Galvatron, driving him off with a serious chest wound. Lio Junior disengaged and proudly presented himself before his "papa", but Lio Convoy insisted that Lio Junior should not call him that. Back at base, Lio Convoy reviewed the data Santon and Skywarp had brought from Maximal HQ about a dangerous artificial planet called Nemesis which Galvatron had called the Gaia. It seemed Nemesis was responsible for upsetting the Angolmois Energy, and it would only get worse from that point on. With that to mull over, Lio Convoy led an official investigation into Lio Junior's origins. Scans revealed that, after first crashing on Gaia, the Angolmois Energy in the Valley of the Lions duplicated Lio Convoy's Energon Matrix, splitting it to create a separate Maximal robot lifeform. Lio Junior proudly displayed that he had an Energon Matrix in his chest just like Lio Convoy, and Convoy couldn't deny he felt a tug connecting his Matrix to the cub's. Still, he refused to acknowledge Lio Junior as his son, causing the lad to run off.

Meanwhile, Megastorm had found a way to augment his own powers with Angolmois Energy, becomingGigastorm.The newly risen Gigastorm threatened Lio Junior at an volcanic pit of Angolmois Energy, which Lio Convoy sensed through their connection. Convoy raced to Lio Junior's side and saved him from falling into the pit. This one time, he agreed to acknowledge Lio Junior as his son, explaining that a father-child bond could muddy his emotions, something that could not be allowed in a Commander during times of war. Lio Convoy needed to know that Lio Junior would serve as a Maximal warrior, not as his son. Finally understanding his father's reluctance, Lio Junior agreed to fight for hiscommanderLio Convoy. Together, Lio Convoy directed Lio Junior (as Magna Boss ) in a successful skirmish against Gigastorm, and congratulated him on his victory when they were finished.Megastorm Reborn

With Gigastorm's upgrade a very real threat to the Maximals, Lio Convoy orchestrated a coordinated strike on the Predacon. The Maximals lured Gigastorm into a box canyon, where he was surrounded by maximal gunners. They opened fire on the Archduke of Destruction and the ground beneath his feet, causing him to drop up to his neck in the earth. Lio Convoy had chosen that spot due to the veins of natural gas flowing in the area, gas which was now filling the space around Gigastorm. When enough gas had built up, the Maximals fired again, igniting the gas in a horrendous explosion designed to rid Gaia of Gigastorm once and for all. Unfortunately, the Angolmois Energy-empowered Predacon was too strong even for this attack, and shrugged off the explosion. He struggled free with the help of the Combatrons and nearly caught Lio Junior, but Lio Convoy pulled him to safety. The arrival ofIkardand theTako Tankprovided enough of a distraction that Gigastorm and the Predacons were driven off.The New Weapon, Tako Tank

After receiving a garbled SOS signal, Lio Convoy and the Maximals wondered what the Space Pirate Seacons were doing right now.The Artificial Planet Nemesis

Lio Convoy was in conference with the older Maximals when NAVI informed him Lio Junior had rushed off with the others to investigate an evil Angolmois Energy signal. Lio Convoy and the rest arrived to back-up Lio Junior and help then escape the trap Galvatron and the Autorollers had set. Lio Convoy fought Galvatron head on, but their struggle was interrupted by the feud between Galvatron and Gigastorm, bringing an abrupt end to the conflict.Gigastorm's Treachery

After Tasmania Kid was rescued from a runaway Tako Tank, Lio Convoy and the Maximals found themselves in battle with Starscream and BB. The Combatrons exhausted their weapons, only to fall into a pit of Angolmois Energy and arise in new forms calledHellscreamandMax-B.These new Predacons proved to be ferocious opponents.The End of StarscreamLio Convoy was next targeted for assassination by Dirge and Thrust, who felt slighted by their fellows' recent upgrades and wanted to improve their standing in the Predacons. More bemused than anything, Lio Convoy dispatched the duo with expected ease. The second strike was more serious, however, for Dirge and Thrust had exposed themselves to Gigastorm's Angolmois Energy to becomeDirgegunandThrustor.Now a significant threat, the former comedy duo had the skill and power to counter all Lio Convoy's traditional attacks. The Maximal commander only survived due to the arrival of Lio Junior, and even then they only waylaid the two Predacons temporarily.The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot

Continuity migraine.

At one point, an alien machine that could warp time and space crashed onto Gaia. While trying to secure the machine, Lio Junior pressed the battle against the Predacons unnecessarily. In the struggle that followed, Tasmania Kid was seriously injured protecting Lio Junior from harm. After the battle, Lio Convoy pulled Lio Junior aside and reprimanded him. He attempted to convey the difference between fighting for peace and fighting for one's self. Lio Junior was focused on his own glory, and that distraction is what got Tasmania Kid injured. Lio Junior could not see the truth in Convoy's words, and felt diminished in the eyes of his fellow soldiers and his... commander. Running off in a huff, Lio Junior was taken by Galvatron, who acquired from him the key necessary to activate the teleport gate.

The Predacons used the gate to summon the unstoppable mobile fortress,Majin Zarak,and quickly trashed most of the Maximals. Lio Convoy fought through the Autorollers and dispatched Gigastorm, but could not reach Galvatron before the Emperor of Destruction unleashed Majin Zarak's bestial robot mode. Its incredible energy attacks scattered the Maximals. On the brink of consciousness, Lio Convoy was contacted byOptimus Primal,champion of the first Beast Wars, who Lio Junior had managed to retrieve from the teleport gate as well. Renewed by the presence of this legendary warrior, Lio Convoy rallied his troops to confront Galvatron and Majin Zarak.

Ooh, shiny.

Primal and Lio Convoy teamed up to battle Majin Zarak, who turned out to be a sentient robot and not just a battle station, fighting on even after they disposed of Galvatron. Together, they combined the power of their Energon Matrices toupgradethemselves into Burning Optimus Primal andFlash Lio Convoy(フラッシュライオコンボイFurasshu Raio Konboi). With Primal's enhanced strength and Lio Convoy's super speed, they weakened Majin Zarak vulnerable spot, his evil third eye. They then unleashed the power within their Matrices into a "Double Matrix Blaster" which finished off the monster. Lio Convoy congratulated Lio Junior on his valor and thanked Optimus Primal for his help before the legendary warrior returned home through the gate, and the Maximals destroyed the gate behind him.Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

With the artificial planet Nemesis creeping ever closer to Gaia, its influence on the Angolmois Energy was ever more keenly felt. Lio Convoy enlisted the Insectrons and Jointrons for their help preparing for Nemesis's arrival.Drill Nutsin particular provided his engineering expertise to the Maximal efforts. Lio Convoy and the Maximals tried using freeze devices to cool the unstable Angolmois Energy before it upset the planet's core. The Predacons tried to oppose them, but Lio Convoy and his team turned the freeze beams on Gigastorm, limiting his threat until Tripledacus froze and sealed off the flow of Angolmois Energy with a giant iceberg.The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic

Lio Convoy's next plan to foil the Predacons involved upgrading an artillery cannon from the Niagara Base and then feeding it with Angolmois Energy to blast Nemesis out of the sky. When Drill Nuts informed Convoy the cannon was ready, NAVI's calculations indicated they must be ready within seventy-two minutes for optimum firing position. Lio Junior begged for the job setting the cannon and, in a private meeting later, Lio Convoy impressed upon Lio Junior how important the mission was before granting his wish. To divert the Predacons, Apache led Tasmania Kid, Diver, and Bighorn in brazenly transporting a decoy cannon to the target site, while Scuba transported another decoy underwater. Their actions delayed the Cyborg Beasts, but Galvatron and Gigastorm caught the Magna Boss team with the real cannon atop the volcano firing position. The cannon overloaded on Lio Junior's pure Angolmois Energy and self-destructed before its beam reached Nemesis. Although Lio Junior was downtrodden afterwards, Lio Convoy came to the cub and told him how proud he was of him that day.Knock Out Nemesis

While discussing the looming approach of Nemesis with Apache and NAVI, Lio Convoy felt a pang in his Energon Matrix telling him that Lio Junior was in trouble. Excusing himself, Lio Convoy raced to his son's side to find Lio Junior alive and seemingly well. When Lio Junior charged and attacked him, however, is was quickly clear that all was NOT well. Lio Junior was infected with the corrupted Angolmois Energy by Galvatron, making him loyal to Predacon ideals. Matters only got worse when Santon and Skywarp tried to reign in Lio Junior by combining with him, but just forged a corrupted Magna Boss instead. As Magna Boss hesitantly prepared to lay his Magna Blade on Lio Convoy, Junior mentally spoke to Convoy through his Energon Matrix. He begged his father to kill him before Santon and Skywarp were forced to harm someone against their will. Instead, Lio Convoy used their connection to siphon the corrupted Angolmois Energy into himself, and then purge the poison from his system. Lio Junior and Magna Boss were returned to normal, and Galvatron's plan foiled.Lio Junior's Revolt!?

A mysterious UFO crashed near the Maximal base, and Lio Convoy investigated with Apache. They found an emissary robot which NAVI could communicate with in its own computer language. The robot came from the planet Mars, activated by the slow approach of Nemesis and its corrupting effect on the Angolmois Energy of Gaia. The robot relayed how its creators abandoned Gaia eons ago in order to avoid corrupting the Angolmois Energy themselves, and set up the emissary as a safeguard to prevent that corruption from ever happening. As the robot claimed it could prevent the Angolmois Energy from being misused, Lio Convoy and Apache shepherded it to the Valley of the Lions, and the mother computer terminal hidden in the ruins underneath it. Fortunes shifted dramatically, however, when Magna Boss brought word from a second android,Moonof the moon, that the emissary intended to prevent misuse of the Angolmois Energy by destroying the entire planet, crashing the moon into Gaia in a cataclysm that would stop anyone from corrupting the Angolmois Energy further!Emissary of the Fourth Planet

Lio Convoy and Apache tried to fight their way to the mother computer and stop the emissary from triggering the termination sequence, but the computer possessed restraining defenses and incredible self-repair capabilities. The Maximals could not approach the computer without being blocked by the defenses, and the defenses quickly regenerated if the Maximals tried to blast through. Still, they deduced that NAVI could shut down the termination sequence if she could enter the console, and so the power of Magna Boss and the other arriving Maximals was added to their firepower in order to overload the self-repair circuits long enough for NAVI to slip through. At first, it didn't seem as if the Maximals had enough power, but a sudden surge of energy destroyed the defenses long enough for NAVI to enter the mother computer and end the termination sequence.

Lio Convoy alone recognized that final burst of power came from Galvatron, who had followed the Maximals into the ancient caves and lent his firepower in support of saving Gaia. Lio Convoy caught up with Galvatron outside and begged an audience. The two old foes discussed their philosophical differences on peace and how it was achieved. Despite their opposing viewpoints, Lio Convoy saw the light of reason in Galvatron's actions, and offered his hand in peace so that Maximal and Predacon alike could end their war and bring peace to the universe together. After a moment's consideration, Galvatron laughed off his nemesis's weakness and opening fire on Lio Convoy. There would be no peace until Galvatron crushed the Maximals once and for all.The Crisis of Planet Gaia

With Gaia momentarily saved, the Maximals still had to deal with the threat of Nemesis. As a final solution, Lio Convoy instructed Drill Nuts and NAVI to finish cannibalizing theYukikazeto upgrade Santon and Skywarp's ship, allowing the Maximals to leave Gaia and intercept the Nemesis before it reached the planet. It was paramount that the Predacons not intervene with the launch, so Lio Convoy had Kid and the others deliberately reveal the location of their hidden base to the Cyborg Beasts, hoping to draw Predacon attention away from the mountain caves where the launch catapult was under construction. Hellscream discovered the catapult anyway, however, forcing Drill Nuts to encourage Lio Convoy and Apache to launch as soon as possible, even if Kid's unit couldn't return in time. Lio Convoy held out as long as he could, but reluctantly agreed and began the launch. Fortunately, Magna Boss and the rest of theYukikazecrew returned just in time to join the space mission, and Tripledacus ensured their catapult trajectory was preserved under fire from the Predacons.Fly Out! Planet Gaia

On their way to Nemesis, the Maximals were diverted by the Space Pirate Seacons, now under the control of Galvatron. The Maximal ship was forced down on an asteroid, ruining their intercept course towards Nemesis. Lio Convoy confronted Halfshell and his mates, only to find them as zombie-like soldiers to Galvatron's will. Even when the Seacons were defeated and freed from the mind control, the Maximals were still trapped. Lio Junior raised a plan provided to him by the otherwise invisible Moon to use the moon's gravity to slingshot back on course. Lio Convoy demonstrated great trust in Lio Junior, allowing him to coordinate the signal with Moon andArtemisto fire their engines for the slingshot, otherwise the Maximals would crash into the moon's surface. Lio Junior lived up to Lio Convoy's faith in him, and the Maximals were back on track to confront Nemesis.Revenge of the Space Pirates

The Maximals landed on Nemesis away from their ship, sending it off on auto-pilot to self-destruct, diverting the Predacons temporarily. NAVI guided Lio Convoy and the team to an exhaust port, which she believed would lead down to Nemesis's core. Lio Convoy's plan was to follow the port tunnels to the core of Nemesis and destroy it, taking out the entire artificial planet. All the Maximals volunteered to undertake the mission, but Lio Convoy selected only himself and Scuba to take the risk. Lio Junior balked at being overshadowed, but Lio Convoy had his reasons—as Magna Boss, Lio Junior had the great power and flight capability to protect the entrance to the tunnels from Predacon attack AND ferry the other Maximals off Nemesis to a safe distance before the explosion. Lio Junior reluctantly agreed.

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During their search for the core, Lio Convoy and Scuba crossed paths with Galvatron. Lio Convoy sent Scuba on ahead, leaving him to deal with Galvatron. The two old foes again exchanged a debate about the nature of justice. Galvatron believed that justice was whatever he who held the most power said it was, but Lio Convoy believed justice came from the spirit within an individual. Their battle (and debate) came to an end when Galvatron used his Galva-Matrix to make Nemesis begin drawing upon the Angolmois Energy of Gaia. The tunnels flooded with the destructive energy, and Lio Convoy barely protected himself with a shield generated by his Energon Matrix. Knowing the paltry shield wouldn't hold out forever, Galvatron laughed as his enemy was swept away in the flood of energy.Breaking into Nemesis

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The Energon Matrix shield could indeed only delay Lio Convoy's demise beneath the Angolmois Energy, it could not prevent it altogether. Lio Convoy's Energon Matrix called out to Lio Junior, who found his father within the tunnels inside the rapidly depleting shield. Lio Convoy told Lio Junior to forget about him and return to lead the others against Galvatron. Lio Junior refused to give up on his father, however, and linked his Energon Matrix shield to Lio Convoy's. This act of heroism not only saved Lio Convoy's life, it merged father and son. Their two Energon Matrices, which had once been one, merged again to create theLegendary Green Lion( vân nói の lục の ライオンDensetsu no Midori no Raion).Legend! The Green Warrior

With his Matrix Typhoon and Matrix Lion Arrow attacks, the Green Lion utterly defeated Gigastorm and turned back Galvatron's unstoppable Drill Destroyer attack. Meanwhile, Scuba had completed the mission and engineered an explosion that would destroy Nemesis in a matter of minutes. Galvatron refused to accept defeat, and fled back to the Angolmois Energy's core. Lio Convoy followed behind, with his loyal son and fellow defender of justice Lio Junior by his side. The lions found Galvatron in the core, where the Emperor of Destruction began absorbing Angolmois Energy again directly, growing to tremendous size in dragon mode. By agitating the Angolmois Energy, Galvatron ensured that the Nemesis explosion now threatened Gaia as well.

Seeing no other option, Lio Convoy reasoned the Green Lion could create Matrix shields for the Angolmois Energy, countless shields that would isolate and encapsulate the energy so that it would vent more peacefully and blunt the Nemesis explosion. Lio Convoy was concerned about the potential consequences to them, but Lio Junior eagerly pronounced that protecting peace in the universe at any cost to themselves was the Maximals' reason for being. Immensely proud at the lessons Lio Junior had learned, Lio Convoy called him "my son" and accepted the name "Father" as he and Lio Junior merged once more. The Matrix Typhoon dispersed the Angolmois Energy in Nemesis and in Galvatron as well.

Despite losing all his enhanced abilities from the Angolmois Energy, Galvatron refused to surrender. With the energy safely dispersed and Nemesis about to explode, Lio Convoy saw no more reason for battle and plead with Galvatron to stop. Galvatron still contained enough Angolmois Energy in his Galva-Matrix to be a threat, however, and challenged the green Lio Convoy to one last round. Lio Convoy abhorred violence without purpose, but saw Galvatron would not stop without an honorable death by combat. With tears in his optics, the combined green Lio Convoy charged Galvatron, locking his Matrix blades to Galvatron's Scissor blades in a swordsman's stalemate. He then split back into Lio Convoy and Lio Junior, sidestepping the block and surprising Galvatron with a killing stroke with his Lion Claw straight through the Galva-Matrix, shattering it. Galvatron commended him on his blow as the Nemesis broke down all around them.
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When the explosion finally came, Gaia was safe and Lio Convoy used the last of the Energon Matrix's power to preserve himself and his comrades from the detonation. Weakened from the exertion, Lio Convoy found himself and his comrades adrift in a wormhole created by the explosion. Lost but at peace, Lio Convoy led his soldiers, his friends, and his son towards a light in the distance, the light of the next battle for peace in the universe!Farewell! Lio Convoy

The Maximal Brainwashing Operation

Lio Convoy was aboard theYukikazewhen it was attacked by the duo ofDirgeandThrust.After a short battle, thePredaconswere felled by Lio Convoy's missiles, and the shock to the two's systems made them believe they wereMaximals.

WhenDiverandTasmania Kideventually showed up after a patrol, seemingly exhausted, Lio Convoy and the other Maximals set out to assist, but were surprised when the two turned out to have been brainwashed into being Predacons! In the ensuing battle, Lio Convoy fought againstGalvatronand was about to meet his end when an errant shot fromMegastormimpacted both forces. Weakened, Galvatron ordered a retreat and Diver and Tasmania Kid were cured of their brainwashing from the blast's shock.The Maximal Brainwashing Operation


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While on Gaia, Lio Convoy came across theBlastizone,which transported him to the planet's past in2005,when it was calledEarth.The trip left him with a bout of amnesia, which was quickly took advantage of by his discover, the nefariousBeast Megatron.Convinced of the Autobots' evil, Lio Convoy attackedStar SaberandVictory Leoas they were flying overhead.Lio Convoy Storms InThe battle was fortunately put to a stop byOptimus PrimeandOptimus Primal,and the former used hisMatrix of Leadershipto connect to Lio Convoy'sEnergon Matrixto convince him of the goodness of the Autobots. Utilizing all of their powers, the four gathered Supreme Commanders attacked the nearby Decepticons and sent them fleeing.Together, the 4 Great Supreme Commanders

One day, Lio Convoy met withBound Rogue,who had discovered aCopy Machinethat could duplicate things, at the Autobot base. Intrigued by the device's capabilities, Lio Convoy agreed to be the first Autobot template for the machine, but the resulting "Lio Convoy Black Version"turned out to be not as well-tempered as expected...The Secret of Lio Convoy Black Version's Birth!?

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When the Autobots took in the fallenReverse Convoy,Lio Convoy was suspicious of the strange robot and elected to remain behind when Reverse Convoy took a contingent of Autobots toSherman Dam.Strategic Meeting: The Mysterious New WarriorLio Convoy's suspicion would prove to be justified, as it turned out to be a trap and Reverse Convoy revealed himself to be actually Rebirth Megatron! Nevertheless, Lio Convoy was able to save his comrades from the Decepticons.The Dark Emperor of Destruction, Reborn

A decisive battle soon took place between the Autobots and the Decepticons, where Lio Convoy battledStarscream,Thundercracker,andSkywarp.The fight raged on for three days and three nights till the Autobots emerged victorious. Withsolitarium,Lio Convoy and the other time-displaced warriors were able to return to their native eras.And Then

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Lio Convoy was a spectator for the second week of theSpeedia 500onVelocitron.There, he decided to join an impromptu third iteration of the race.Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Generations Selects Special Comic

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In thePrecursor World,Star Convoy did battle withKing Poseidon.Through the power of theSilver Matrix,he connected with the future Supreme Commanders he had met during thesolitariumconflict, Lio Convoy, Star Saber, and Beast Convoy. With their strength feeding his own, Star Convoy healed his wounds and was revitalized.Seacons comic 5

Upon the emergence ofMegatron OmegaonEarthin2050,the time-displaced Lio Convoy, following the orders of theVector Sigmaof the future, arrived in the midst of battle. With the assistance of theAngolmois Energy-bornSelectors,Lio Convoy attained his Legendary Green Lion form and used the righteous Angolmois Energy of the Matrix to counteract the evil Angolmois Energy within Megatron Omega. Destroying the rampaging Decepticon's body and purifying his spark, Lio Convoy sent Megatron on his way back to thePrecursor Worldwhere he would turn the tides on his past self, Gold Megatron.

After humans and Selectors evacuated the planet, Lio Convoy roamed it as a green lion, creating the very legend that his past self would fulfil in the far future.Finale

Beast Wars Neocartoon

Voice actor:Hozumi Gōda(Japanese),Jeong-gu Lee(Korean)
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In the wormhole created from the destruction of Nemesis, Lio Convoy would get lost in a "loophole" which went "beyond time and space", ending up on theDecepticonplanetDinosaurin the distant past, just in time to see it partially consumed byUnicron.Illusion? Lio Convoy

In Lio Convoy's native time, his disappearance promptedVector Sigmaand theGreat Convoysto sendBig Convoyand his trainees toGaiato find clues as to what happened to the lost Supreme Commander. They found a black box left behind by the previous Maximals that contained a recording of Lio Convoy explaining his conflict with Galvatron and the result of it being the scattering of Angolmois Capsules across space. Implored by his fellow Supreme Commander, Big Convoy decreed that his unit's mission was to gather the Angolmois Capsules for the safety of the universe.Big Convoy, Move Out

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While seeking out theBlentrons' base of operations, Big Convoy's unit stumbled upon a wormhole left behind by them and traversed through it to find the ravaged planet, Dinosaur. On the surface, they met a seemingly aggressive opponent who turned out to be Lio Convoy, to the amazement of the star-struck rookies. Lio Convoy explained how he came to be on the planet and emphasized the threat of Unicron, and how the Angolmois Energy was in actuality the energy drawn out of him and then sealed in Gaia. Realizing the Blentrons were trying to revive Unicron, Lio Convoy combined what little power he had in his Energon Matrix with Big Convoy's to attain the form of the Legendary Green Lion and used the light of his Matrix to show the newest generation the correct path to the Blentrons.Illusion? Lio Convoy

Maximals. Now flavored in mint.

The still green Lio Convoy made it back toCybertronas Big Convoy and his troops were fighting the revived Unicron, who was using Galvatron's image for his energy form. Picking up the defeatedMagmatron'sMagma Blade,Lio Convoy imparted some encouraging words to the other Maximals, telling them to combine their spirits with Big Convoy's Energon Matrix so that he could use the Matrix Buster on Unicron. Stalling with some swordplay, Lio Convoy stabbed Unicron in the chest, allowing Big Convoy to fire the Matrix Buster and annihilate Unicron.The Final BattleIn the aftermath, Lio Convoy returned to his normal colors and was thanked for his assistance by Big Convoy, to which the humble Lio Convoy stated that it was truly the heroic spirits of everyone who won the day.Vector Sigmaquickly repaired itself from Unicron's earlier attempted possession and promoted Lio Convoy to the rank of Great Convoy, an honor which he gladly accepted. He was soon involved in the Big Convoy Unit's graduation ceremony and the Maximal-Predacon truce to rebuild Cybertron.Graduation Ceremony!!


Don't cross Leo Prime. He transforms into a lion the size of a fire truck.

As a high-ranking member of theConvoy Council,Lio Convoy traveled fromPrimax 498.1 Alphaand passed throughGargent 984.08 Alpha,Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14where, as the "Beast Sage", he helped forestall that universe'sCataclysm.However, while his technology gave that universe'snativesmore time, it was only temporary.SunriseLio Convoy eventually ended up inNexus 208.0 Epsilon.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14InAxiom Nexus,he was gathered bythe local Optimus Prime,along with a roster of other Optimus Primes andtheir kinin a group known as theConvoy.A multiversal cataclysm ina universeseeded withRarified Energonand an invasion bynatives from a negative polarity universehad called them into action. Since Matrix bearers and their doppelgangers were usually never allowed into Axiom Nexus, this was a grave threat indeed!Invasion Prologue

His name was on a list of Convoy members given byCommander CheetortoAndromeda.The list noted that his homeuniversal streamwas Primax 498.1 Alpha and that Lio Convoy also used the moniker "Leo Prime".Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/21Leo Prime was present at a meeting of the Convoy after the turmoil caused by theWaruderinvasion of Axiom Nexus.Cybertron's Most Wanted

Leo Prime would eventually go on to travel to a universal stream in theUniend Cluster.He generated much confusion as he joined the local Autobots to defeat their Unicron with more ease than they were intended to have.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14

PrimeandMasterpiecetoy bios

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Following the restoration of Cybertron, Lio Convoy ascended to the rank ofGreat Convoy,and became a member of the ruling body of Cybertron. Much more time later, the era of the Great Convoys came to an end and were subsequently replaced by thePrime Leaders.Great Lio Convoy, now having changed his appearance, went with the name "Leo Prime".MasterpieceDark Amber Leo PrimeAfter a time, Great Lio Convoy sensed theawakening of Unicronin another dimension, and travelled across the multiverse to this world. Finding that the native Autobots and Decepticons had already dealt with the threat of Unicron, Leo Prime elected to stay on this world for a time to ensure that Unicron did not reawaken, refraining from involving himself in the combat between the native Transformers. In the body he wore in this universe, he was armed with an ancient sword that drew power straight from his Energon Matrix, though apparently unbeknownst to him, it, like the weapons of many other Transformers in this universe, was secretly anArms MicronnamedL.P..Arms MicronLeo Prime bioUsing this weapon, Leo Prime carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-earth avatars to create theGaia Armor,using the power of his Energon Matrix to sever the avatar's link to Unicron himself, but allowing it to retain the power ofDark Energon.Arms MicronOptimus Prime + Gaia Unicron bio


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Leo Prime's interuniversal journey brought him to theLegends World,one he was particularly fond of as its inhabitants had been encouraging the Maximals from afar during their battles on Gaia. He repaid them by defending their world from theZamojin,but ended up defeated byKatsu Don,who reverted him to his original body by absorbing his "Beast Power"and sent him crashing into the home of his local counterpart,Lio Convoy.After he'd explained his circumstances, Katsu Don attacked again and Leo Prime saw the similarities between himself and Lio Convoy when the latter put himself in harm's way to protect the Legends version of Lio Junior. He induced a beast transformation in Lio Convoy, turning him into a giant robotic lion, then adopted aHeadmasterbody that let him combine with Convoy and draw upon his Beast Power to defeat Katsu Don. He then remained in the Legends World in anticipation of further Zamojin attacks, living with Lio Convoy and his son.Bonus Edition Vol. 41

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Some time later, Leo Prime could feel that the return of the Zamojin was imminent.Late Xmas Present ChapterIndeed, Katsu Don reappeared and attacked the Legends World withWindblade,so Leo Prime confronted him alongsidePerceptor.Bonus Edition Vol. 65While espousing his belief that Transformers would achieve peace upon becoming one with organic life,Grandenvisioned a future inhabited by Lio Convoy, Big Convoy and Optimus Primal.Bonus Edition Grand Maximus

WhenMajin Zarakattacked the Legends World, Leo Prime recognized his old foe and attempted to battle it alongside Lio Convoy and Optimus Primal. Upon being defeated, he realized that since he was fated to destroy Zarak in the future, the beast was effectively invincible in this era or else a time paradox would occur.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part OneFortunatelyAlpha Trionhit upon the idea to defeat Majin Zarak without killing it by banishing it to another dimension.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part TwoFollowing the destruction of the Legends World, Leo Prime evacuated alongside many of its natives to his home dimension, ending up on the planetBeastin2038.The planet was then attacked by none other thanNemesis,confusing Leo Prime until he realized the ship wasn't built by his era's Galvatron to begin with, but had been the brainchild ofanother Galvatronfrom this era. By using his power to induce beast transformation, he temporarily turned all the Legends natives into proper Transformers, allowing them to attack and take down Nemesis.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3

When the Legends World was restored, Lio Convoy and Lio Junior returned to their home, where they saw Leo Prime off as he left their universe.Epiloge

End of G1 Universe

As the G1 World neared its end, Leo Prime perished and his body was brought toEarth,whereBluebolthoped to resurrect him using the remnantenergyfromUnicronwithin the planet's crust. Bluebolt was interrupted in the process byUntite,who sought to consume the corpse. However, his appetite was foiled as Unicron's energy merged with Leo Prime's body to create an amalgam being—Dark Amber Leo Prime.Dark Amber Leo Prime (First)

BomBomcomic continuity

Beast Wars IIcomic

When the rainy season rolled around, most of the Maximal troops used the foul weather as an excuse not to go out on their regular patrol, and be insubordinate towards sub-commander Apache. Lio Convoy was none-the-wiser to the situation however, as all of the troops snapped to attention whenever he came by. Their slacking off came to an end when Diver reported that the Predacons were heading their way aboardan enormous tank.Lio Convoy led the counter-offensive, and upon his approach was troubled, as he sensed a power-source of Angolmois Energy within the juggernaut. Lio Convoy led Tasmania Kid into an attempted infiltration of the enemy vehicle, with the Insectrons Bigmos and Tonbot helping them out in getting airborne to bypass its defenses. But Bigmos's failed to fly quickly enough to avoid Lio Convoy getting hit by a blast, and Tasmania Kid was forced to proceed alone. Thankfully, a secondary plan of bombing the tank's vulnerable underside as successful, and the dreadnought was soon sinking into a nearby river. Lio Convoy returned to the front lines and entered the tank to confront Megastorm, whom he bested in combat. In the process, Megastorm was made to accidentally trigger the tank's self-destruct mechanism. Following the tank's spectacular detonation, the overcast skies began to clear, signaling an end to the rainy season.Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!

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Infiltrate the Mystery Island!Free the Captured Matrix!Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base!

He getsdrunkfor drinking too muchoiland ends up trashingApache's room.Recover the Bonds Lost!All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!

During the final battle withGalvatronon the artificial planetNemesis,Lio Convoy once again became corrupted by theAngolmois Energythat the planet had collected. The energy quickly consumed him, transforming him into Black Lio Convoy, aPredacon.Lio Convoy was able to use hisEnergon Matrixto channel the true spiritual energy ofGaiathrough himself, dispelling the evil influences and restoring him to a Maximal. The energy then transformed him into theGreen Warriorand he was able to defeat Galvatron once and for all.Win the Battle of Light and Darkness!

After the destruction ofNemesis,Lio Convoy and the members of his team were scattered across the time and space due to the blast of Angolmois Energy. After awaking one night in a blizzard, Lio Convoy found he was alone on an unknown planet.

Lio Convoy then wandered in the snow field alone, wondering where the other members of his team were. He then ran into a gang of rampaging animals, consisting of a Quetzalcoatlus, an Elasmosaurus, aTriceratops,aStegosaurus,aDimetrodonand anAmmonite.The gang, led by aGiganotosaurus,attacked other animals. At first, he thought it was a hunt, but it turned out to be a massacre instead. Lio Convoy saved a dear cab and fired Lio Missiles toward the Giganotosaurus. He was surprised to find the missile didn't killed the dinosaur —in fact, the Giganotosaurus was completely unharmed. The Giganotosaurus fought back by firing missiles. When it was about to kill Lio Convoy, he was saved by amammoth,who gave him and the dear cab a ride and helped them escape.

The mammoth, whose name was "Big", took Lio Convoy to a hot spring to heal his wounds. He then began to tell his story: His is the leader of a group of native wild animals. He told Lio Convoy that the Giganotosaurus's gang was a bunch of rowdies who became more vicious and killed his friends when he was absent after the mysterious "God's Stone" fell on the planet. He felt sorrow because he couldn't protect his friends. Lio Convoy asked Big to take him to the place where the "stone" fell.

Upon arriving at the cliff above the place mentioned by Big, Lio Convoy soon realized the "stone" is in fact an Angolmois Capsule. He then descended into the valley to take an examination of the capsule. The energy restored his onboard computer and gave him the time-and-space coordinates. Lio Convoy was shocked when he learned he was on a distant planet located in the7th Cosmosin a time long before he was born.

While Lio Convoy was examining the capsule, Big was wondering what he's doing in the valley before the gang came to the spot and attacked him, claiming for the "God's Stone". Though wounded, Big pushed the gang into the valley after he told Lio Convoy to get out. The impact caused the capsule to explode and the two breathed a sigh of relief. In the pit, the gang evolved in the blast of Angolmois Energy. The gang then rose out of the valley front of Lio Convoy and Big. Their leader, now named "Magmatron",thanked Big for his effort, which had made them stronger than ever before. The gang then transformed, ready to kill Big and Lio Convoy. Lio Convoy immediately transformed and fought the gang. He defeated the henchmen with ease, but Magmatron took him out with one blast.

Some time later, Lio Convoy crawled out of a thick snow layer and learned there was 90 percents of malfunctions within his body. Lio Convoy was sorry he got Big, who was mortally wounded, involved in this incident. Lio Convoy decided to use hisEnergon Matrixto cure Big. During the treatment, the only thought on his mind was curing Big, hoping he would carry on his will, and feeling concern about his teammates. After the action, the whereabouts of Lio Convoy was unknown.The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!!

Beast Wars Neocomic

At a certain point, theBlack Balltold Lio Convoy and his teammates' action toBig Convoyand his crew. Big Convoy felt the name "Lio Convoy" sound familiar, but he couldn't remember when he ever knew the name.There Are 7 Capsules

When fi xing theGung Hoon an asteroid near the planetLuxor,Big Convoy askedNAVIfor information about Lio Convoy because he felt the name was familiar. NAVI gave Big Convoy the information and he learned that Lio Convoy was a rookie officer. In addition to that, they had never met each other, according to the official records.There Are 7 Capsules

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Double Cross During his last breath, Big Convoy saw Lio Convoy come to take him to a place where his soul could rest in peace.Return to Zero

Beast Wars Metalscomic

The visage of Lio Convoy appeared alongside those of Big Convoy andOptimus Primein a poetic montage overlooking theBeast WarsonEnergoa.Beast Wars Metals #1


Voice actor:Masayuki Katō(Japanese)
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AsOptimus Prime,Optimus Primal,andStar Sabermade a vow to protect Earth'ssolitariumfrom the Decepticons, Lio Convoy watched silently from afar.Fight! The Group of the Strongest Commanders!

WhenBeast Megatronlaunched an attack on a human city, Lio Convoy aided Optimus Prime in blasting the Predacon, but otherwise remained out of sight. It wasn't until later in the battle that he introduced himself, as he delivered a powerful kick onto the Predacon leader. As the battle raged, Lio Convoy helped his fellow heroic Cybertronians in battlingRebirth Megatron,who had joined the battle under the guise of "Reverse Convoy" to catch his foes unawares. Lio Convoy added his own strength to Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal's “Double Convoy Tornado” to overpower a similar tornado-style attack from the Megatrons. The "Lio Typhoon Arrow" sent the villains into a retreat. Though Lio Convoy and his allies won the battle, the war raged on...Lio Convoy Storms In

Robotmasters3D diorama manga

When the mysteriousReverse Convoyappeared promising vital information withStarscreamchasing to prevent him from revealing said information, Lio Convoy and the other chased off Starscream. However, when Reverse Convoy was welcomed into the Autobots, Lio Convoy found the preceding events a little too convenient.Robotmasters Vol. 9His suspicions would prove correct when Reverse Convoy trapped some of the Autobots and sapped them of their energy. Lio Convoy came to their rescue and the Autobots' forces were bolstered by the arrival of anOptimus Primefrom another universe. Uniting all of the power of five Autobot leaders, they were able to blow away the Decepticons in a Big Bang Cannon attack.Robotmasters Vol. 11

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Shell Gamewas never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Suspicious of Magmatron even in peacetime, Lio Convoy sent Razorbeast undercover into his Predacon unit to sabotage his plans, despite not knowing exactly what Magmatron was scheming.Shell Game #1

2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity

Hey, look, he turns into Liger Zero!

There is a slight otherworldliness about Commander-in-Chief Lio Convoy, a sense that he is operating on a bigger picture and serving a higher power. Upon landing on a planet, he immediately becomes in tune with its natural harmonics and becomes determined to defend that world. He has sheer belief in his pre-ordained cause, backed up by a Matrix that gives him power from the very core of Cybertron.Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

By the tail-end of the Great War, Lio Convoy had earned himself a place on the Autobot High Council. He was away from their base of operation when news came in that both Optimus Prime and Galvatron had fallen in combat, and so attended a meeting via holographic-projection. After rebranding themselves the "Primal Council," the group discussed their intent to broker an armistice with their enemies, in the hopes of ending the war without further bloodshed. To this end, Lio Convoy was sent out to the Eastern Iacon front of the conflict.Dawn of the PredacusPrior to the signing of thePax Cybertronia,Lio Convoy commanded a crew of Maximals who traveled to the planetGaeaand battledGalvatronand his forces.Beast Wars Sourcebook #2


Years later, during peace-time, the ever-vigilant Lio Convoy sat on theCommittee for State Affairs,but was also a member of a secret black-ops intelligence unit known as thePack.During a conversation withRazorbeastthat was officially off-the-record, he reminded his fellow Maximal that their unit didn't exist and that theMaximal Imperiumdidn't sanction their operations. He warned Razorbeast that if he was caught while undercover inMagmatron's command, he would be disavowed.The Gathering #1

Unfortunately, Lio Convoy believed that Magmatron was the true enemy, whileMegatronwas just a loose cannon. (Real good job of threat assessment there.) After Razorbeast's transwarp booster-sent distress message was strengthened by Magmatron, it reached Lio Convoy, who, despite his earlier warning, mobilized the Pack at once to race to Razorbeast's rescue.The Ascending #1

While Razorbeast's Maximals were fighting the Predacons to a standstill (in no small part thanks to the powerhousesTorcaandGrimlock), the Pack arrived and looked to turn the tide of battle quickly in the favor of all that is clean and fresh. Lio Convoy himself transformed and confrontedDrill Bitand some other Pred thugs, who were unimpressed by his unnervingly LARGE beast mode. Lio Convoy accepted this and whipped out his cannons. THEN they were impressed. WhenRavagerevealed himself to the Maximals, Lio Convoy and Razorbeast were quick to turn their guns on him, right up untilRartoratashowed his ugly mug. TheBlendtroninjected Razorbeast with a load of Angolmois, turning the Maximal into a raging berserker locked in beast mode.The Ascending #2

TheAscending3 ThePack.jpg

Reminding the Pack that they take care of their own and clean up their own messes, Lio Convoy engaged the enemy. Once they had subdued Razorbeast's mutated form with crude vines and stakes, Convoy discovered that his comrade was still within the monstrous beast and fighting a losing battle against the Angolmois that was corrupting his mind. Ravage informed the Maximal commander of the urgency of what Magmatron had showed him, and the Maximals prepared to board Lio Convoy's transwarp cruiser. The cruiser's takeoff was then threatened by the arrival of the other two Blendtrons. Razorbeast broke from his restraints and charged into battle against the servants of Unicron, telling Convoy to escape while he held the line. Setting the transwarp coordinates to the time and place Ravage had received from Magmatron, the cruiser emerged in the midst ofBig Convoy's battle with Shokaract. However it was shot down upon the arrival ofShokaract's Heralds.The Ascending #3

Luckily Lio and the rest of The Pack survived the crash and were able to join up with Big Convoy. After briefly explaining the seriousness of the situation to Big Convoy, Lio providedBumpwith a sample of Angolmois so he could synthesize an antidote. After a brief spat of posturing byGrimlockand Ravage, Lio took part in a frontal assault on Shokaract to serve as a distraction whileSnarlandProwlenacted the real plan. Once Shokaract decided to call it a day after his heart to heart talk with Magmatron and in the wake of the devastating battle Lio Convoy received the antidote from Bump and started on rebuilding a devastated Cybertron... just in time for Megatron to get back from the Beast Wars and release histransformation viruson the planet.The Ascending #4

Universetoy bio

Leo Prime was a career soldier, commander of the elite Maximal black ops unit thePack.He and his comrades traveled to wherever trouble was thickest, working undercover to foil Predacon plots.UniverseLeo Prime toy bio

Kre-Oonline comic

Lio Convoy Kre-O Character Image.jpg

Lio Convoy was at the newly constructed Autobot base,Metroplex.Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!Later on, he was atMegatron'sHanamiparty having a drink fromHeinrad.Soundwave's Trap? Stop Operation Brainwash Humanity!

Legends World

LegendsComic LioConvoy robot mode.jpgLegendsComic LioConvoy.jpg

Visiting theAxalon Trading Companyto discuss business withOptimus Primal,the Lio Convoy of theLegends Worldfound himself charmed by their office lady,Airazor.The Gender Gap Part 2

Later, when he was out drinking sake, he was surprised by a speedingArcee,who was transporting her nephewRattrapto work in her car mode.Bonus Edition Vol. 10A gambler and a drunk, Lio Convoy lived in poverty and wasn't too eager to buy Lio Junior theTransformerstoys he wanted. He tried to distract his son by making funny faces and calling it "transforming", to no avail. At another point, he gambled away his son's school lunch money at the races and was left despondent and full of regrets until Junior cheered him up.Lio Dad

LegendsComic LioConvoy mechalion.jpg

One day,Leo Primefell from the sky into the home of the Lios, who mistook him for a toy until he introduced himself and explained that the Zamojin were targeting their world. When Katsu Don tracked down Leo Prime and hurt Junior, Lio Convoy was enraged and threw a rock at the Zamojin, impressing Leo Prime who helped himaccess his inherent Transformer memoriesand turn into a lion/starship Transformer. Lio Convoy used his new body to battle Katsu Don and combine with Leo Prime, forming the body of Prime's newHeadmasterform. After Katsu Don was driven away, Lio Convoy repurposed his starship mode as a new home for him and Junior.Bonus Edition Vol. 41WhenAkihabarawas rebuilt, his "house" mode was seen to be located in a wooded area just outside the town.Targetmaster Chapter PrologueHe congratulated Junior after he'd gotten a new toy as aChristmaspresent.Late Xmas Present Chapter

WhenScorponoksummonedMajin Zarakto the Legends World, Leo Prime called in Lio Convoy and Optimus Primal to assist him in battle with the titan, but, as Majin Zarak was fated to be defeated by Leo Prime in its future, it could not be destroyed sans a time paradox.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part OneFortunately,Alpha Trionhit upon the idea to defeat Majin Zarak without killing it by banishing it to another dimension.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part TwoFollowing the destruction of the Legends World, Lio Convoy evacuated alongside many of his peers to Lio Convoy's home universe, ending up on the planetBeastin2038.The planet was then attacked byNemesis,which Leo Prime responded to by empowering Legends World refugees into becoming full-blown Transformers and Lio Convoy aided in taking own Nemesis as Leo Prime's body.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3

When the Legends World was restored, Lio Convoy and Lio Junior returned to their home, where they saw Leo Prime off as he left the universe.Epiloge

Beast Wars: Uprising

There's gonna be a revolution.

The Guardian of Order Lio Convoy, holder of theenergon matrix,was once in the employ of theBuilders,the decrepit and selfishAutobotsandDecepticonsthat had survived theGreat War.Using hisSolipsistic Staff,he would ensure that the gladiatorial matches pitting the oppressed Maximals and Predacons against one another would always turn out as his mentor,Eject,intended them to. This allowed the status quo to remain in place, with the Builders securely ruling over the younger Cybertronians. Though Lio Convoy had resentments about his lot in life, he was otherwise steadfast in his loyalty towards The Administrator of the Games. After a chance encounter withBlackarachnia,Lio Convoy had his eyes opened to the injustice of the caste-based society of Cybertron, where any Maximal or Predacon could be summoned to die in a Game or have rations cut for minor infractions of ridiculous laws. After a cathartic venture where he stood up to a couple of corrupt MCSF officers, Lio Convoy joined Blackarachnia and the resistance fighting to tear down Cybertron's tyrannical power structure. Now ready to leave his old life behind, Lio Convoy snuck a team of rebels into the 1924th Games at theDodecahexArena. While Blackarachnia's team seized control ofOverride's broadcasting equipment, Lio Convoy assassinatedSupersonic,securing the attention of Cybertron. He publicly exposed the Builders' moral corruption, deeming them unworthy of ruling Cybertron and calling for a war for freedom. Thus, the Fourth Cybertronian War, theGrand Uprising,began.Broken Windshields

Broadcast footage of Lio Convoy's war declaration was seen shortly thereafter by the crewmembers of theSpooky Action at a Distanceand theDinosaur.Intersectionality

Dubbed "Supreme Commander" of the Resistance by (mainly Predacon members of) his newfound followers, Lio Convoy began coordinating a variety of attacks on Builder-held territories. One particular target of interest wasFortress Maximus,the massive Builder was also served as a prison for several high-value dissidents. However, the first raid was a disaster when Fortress Maximus used his telepathy to influence the team. The second raid failed as well, as the team was aware of Max's abilities and therefore were easily pushed into paranoia by the Builder. They ended up destroying themselves, each convinced the others were under the influence of Fortress Maximus.

For the third raid, Lio Convoy authorized an unpleasant but necessary action. Only mission-critical members were informed of Fortress Maximus's powers. A former champion of the Games,Buzzclaw,was specifically recruited for the mission but left in the dark. Buzzclaw's psychological profile painted him as an obvious target for Maximus's manipulations, leaving the team with onlyonemember to watch out for. Furthermore, psy-tech was developed that not only sensed when Buzzclaw was turned, it also carried a neural-spike that killed the unfortunate Predacon, but also sent a feedback pulse back to Fortress Maximus through their connection, allowing the team to eliminate the Builder and complete their mission.Head Games

While overseeing several campaigns, Lio Convoy was informed byB'BoomthatBighornhad died trying to take theMelpomene Bridge.B'Boom wanted to authorize an air strike to take revenge on theMCSFmembers responsible, Lio Convoy refused, reminding his comrade that they were fighting a war, not seeking revenge, and resources were better served elsewhere. Still, he took B'Boom aside and they shared stories about Bighorn in memorial of their fallen friend.Burning Bridges

As the war went on, the Beast Upgrade hit Cybertron. Lio took on the form of acybercat,reforging his Solipsistic Staff into a sword. Somewhere during this time, he devisedOperation: Amputation,a last-ditch strategy involving wiring troops up withK-Bombs.What he didn't tell the four volunteers was that he had remote control over the bombs. Six years in, the newly formedIndependent Predacus Statesdemanded Lio have Preditron killed, and he agreed for the sake of their alliance. After all, that was what the Resistance had sprung him from Fortress Maximusfor.He still felt bad about it, though.Safe SpacesDerailmentElsewhere across Cybertron, various warlords were carving out their own territory. Lio made a note to deal with them after everything was over, but the Resistance was making great gains.

Then the news came out about strange "Vehicons"spreading over Cybertron, violently reformatting their victims into more drones. Lio Convoy realized it was the Builder's last-ditch attempt to stop them, and it was working. His first act was to tryOperation: Amputation,over the objections of his war council, but even theK-Bombswere unable to stem the tide. Lio Convoy ordered all reserve forces to Petrohex, then watched as they fell to the Vehicons within.20 cycles. Bump and Psycho-Orb filled him in on just how many Cybertronians stood in the Vehicon's path; if they were all converted, their numbers would overwhelm the Resistance with ease. With surrender out of the question, Lio Convoy put out the order: the Resistance would march on Iacon that night.

Before leaving, Lio reached out to theMaximal Nationand the Independent Predacus States, asking for assistance. As the assault on Iacon began, Lio Convoy spearheaded the battle for theYuss Batteries,one of the last lines of defense before Iacon. Lio was part of the group who stormedFort Qalt.Utilizing a secret tunnel inside the fort, Lio Convoy, Break, andQuillfiremanaged to get the drop on the fort's commander,Goldbug,only to find he and Break were locked out and the Builder refused to give up the codes. Break sacrificed his life to gain them, Lio informed Scylla that the guns would be unable to target the Builder fleet.

Once the battle was over, the Builders' efforts meant taking a ship to Iacon was out of the question. The Resistance would have to walk in, all seventy-five thousand of them. Before setting out, Lio gave a rousing speech to the troops, congratulating them for doing the impossible and assuring them of their victory. Two and a half megacycles into their march on Iacon, everyone was getting a bit concerned about the total absence of anyone trying to stop them. Lio Convoy figured ifhehad been in charge, he'd be fighting a rearguard action, and came to the conclusion that Hot Rod had been told to do just that... and not done it.

"Behold, the quintessential devil in these matters: Lio T. Convoy, renegade and terrorist!"

By the time the Resistance had arrived at Iacon and scouted the area, the massed Vehicon armies were practically on their doorstep. Surrounding theHigh Pavilion,Lio declined to order shelling, not knowing whether that would call off the hordes or not. As his commanders went in, Lio lead the fight against the Vehicons outside, until the Assembly Bunker rose into the sky in front of him. Pissed by the display of arrogance, Lio swore to make them pay. With assistance fromGrimwing,he reached their platform and demanded their surrender, slicing offRatbat's wing when the councilor mouthed off. His terms for surrender were cut short when the Assembly revealed the architect behind the Vehicons: a dark clone of Lio Convoy who called himself "Galva Convoy".Lio and his forces were surrounded by Vehicons... who betrayed their benefactors and began converting the Assembly instead. On Blackarachnia's suggestion, Lio fled.

Desperate, thanks to his big plan going belly-up, Lio came to a grim conclusion: The Vehicons had to be stopped by whatever means necessary, and if that meant he had to use the last K-bomb left to crack the entire planet like an egg, so be it. As he was arming Ro-tor, he was met by Eject andRikeraboardBlack-Out,who had come to him to offer a truce. Lio wasn't happy to see his old mentor, but Eject revealed where Galva Convoy had holed up - in theGrand Mal,and Lio's sword, which would hide him from the sparkless Vehicons, was their way in. They had a chance, though Lio promised to square things with Eject later.

On approach to the Grand Mal, Black-Out was shot down by a glancing blow, but managed to crash through the fortress' eye. Lio was unharmed, but to his distress found Eject fatally wounded, Eject offered him some last words of encouragement before expiring; as Black-Out exploded, Lio and his Maximals made their way inside, fighting through the drones as they went until they reached the bridge, where Galva Convoy awaited. Surprisingly, Galva Convoy was happy to see his "brother", maintaining that he was merely doing Cybertron a favor by removing the evils of "free will"... and that he had merely taken the ruthlessness of the Resistance to its logical extreme. Despite Blackarachnia's attempt to shoot him, she was subdued while Galva attacked Lio, who was too drained from days of activity to properly fight back. Lio began to wonder whether his duplicate had a point, and ruminated over all the dubious decisions he'd made over the years. Galva Convoy was just following his example. So, Lio decided to change strategy.

He pretended to be convinced by Galva's words, that he wanted to help him strip Cybertron of its sparks, as he focused his spark so it would match that of his duplicate. He told Galva to bring in a drone and assimilate Blackarachnia, and when he did, Lio jumped in front of them, taking the virus for himself. A panicked Galva leapt in to try and stop the process, allowing Lio to infecthimthanks to their matching sparks. Lio blacked out, though not before he saw Blackarachnia raise her gun and fire.

Fortunately, thecyber venomin her gun prevented the virus from taking Lio. He was unconscious for the next several cycles, missing the end of the apocalypse, as medics did what they could to save his life, spending a decacycle rebuilding him "from the ground up", in Blackarachnia's words. On awakening, his oldest friend filled him in on the aftermath. Wrenching himself free of his recharge slab, he told her to get on the horn to everyone she could, Maximal, Predacon, Builder or Neutral, and get them to arrange a summit before the chance passed them by. Over the next eight cycles he passed in and out of consciousness, but Blackarachnia and B'Boom managed what he asked.

Casting a long shadow over history.

With several more cycles of arguing and politicking, the Cybertronian Parliament was created, with a design that would make any one faction achieving a supermajority difficult. Watching their discussion, albeit via the means of anexo-walkersince he hadn't fully recovered, Lio felt confident he'd made the right choice. When their first decision was to declare the war over, and that day dubbedUnity Day,Lio felt a surge of hope before leaving them to their work. Two solar cycles later, Lio Convoy left Cybertron, deciding that he was too polarizing a figure to stay behind. The only witness to his departure was Blackarachnia, to whom he pondered over trying to bridge the gulf between Cybertron and Earth.Derailment

A decade after the events of theVehicon Apocalypse,Lio Convoy reappeared during aVok-induced crisis onMetascan Omega.The Inexorable March

He did eventually return to Cybertron in some way, having some involvement in theSecondVehicon Apocalypse.

Some ten thousand years later, history remembered him for walking away from Cybertron rather than becoming a tyrant, though the details became blurred by the intervening years. The bulk of historians wrote that the great Lio Convoy wascertainlynot aware of all those horrible things like the G-Virus!Some academicstook a far less than charitable view of his activities, both rightfully noting he knew and approved of monstrous deeds along with blaming him for activities he wasn't responsible for and taking a negative view of most of his choices. One notable historian,Pontiff General Rampage,would write that Lio Convoy was a truly horrible thing who created zealots and sent them to their deaths, like those poor "Protoform Ex" agents.

There were persistent rumors that, following theUnification War,Lio Convoy became part Vehicon, adopting a jet mode in addition to his more familiarcybercatbeast mode.He also may have become binary bonded to theTitan MasterMoon,sometimes known as "Mecha Usagi", but no records existed to prove it.Lio Convoy: Unity Through Tyranny

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Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

When the super-powerfulEnergon Quartzwas discovered onGaia,Lio Convoy was one of the several combatants to join the brawl to take possession of it.

Lio Convoy could also partake in various other tasks, such as a mission to break a boulder to reveal an energon crystal hidden within before sundown, using a block in a mission to defend himself against various incoming projectiles, and missions to run across a pit-riddled field, sometimes involving hideously large bacteria he had to fend off.

After defeating his final opponent,Megatron,Lio Convoy decided to seal away the Quartz forever, so that it would never fall into the hands of those who would abuse its power towards evil ends.Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if Single Battle was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages; see the other characters' pages for Lio Convoy's fate in those outcomes.

Move list

This move list presumes the player is facing right; when facing left, reverse the left and right inputs.
Robot Mode Beast Mode
Lio Shot ↓→B Lio Tornado ↓←B
Lio Tooth ↓←B Lio Cannon →↓→B
Lio Tempest →↓→B Lio Threw ←↓→B
Lio Typhoon ←↓→B Sky Cannon ↓←B (in air)
Soul Impulse (super) ↓→↓← B Planet Burst (super) ↓→↓← B
Morphing Raid (desperation) ↓←↓→ A Morphing Raid (desperation) ↓←↓→ A

Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals(N64)

Lio Convoy's energon matrix could be used to empower a worthy Maximal or Predacon during the Beast Wars.[1]Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Lio Convoy participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who was available in the July Daily Campaign and could be recruited by collecting 20 Alpha cores, 20 Beta cores, 20 Omega cores, and 10 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars

EW-Leo Prime.jpg

Leo Prime left thePackand traveled to Earth to deal with the situation involvingTarantulas.Leo Prime arrivalAirazorwas surprised to see the Maximal commander on the planet. Leo Prime took notice that there was only three Maximals when he was expecting four. Airazor explained thatRattraphad gone solo. Leo Prime suggested that they go after Rattrap as they were already committed.Tigerhawkthen informed Leo Prime that there was also a wildcard, asBlackarachniawas with the Decepticons and was wanting payback against Tarantulas for rusting her hands off. Leo Prime thought this could be useful and said their priority was to cut off all access toCosmic Rust.Once the Maximals arrived, Blackarachnia had webbed up Tarantulas' Cosmic Rust Blaster. Tarantulas then activated the reservoir gates. Leo Prime commanded Tigerhawk to target the upper reaches of the cavern to stop the Cosmic Rust. Blackarachnia then stopped them as the roof was already coming down with molten rock, caused byInferno.Leo Prime commanded all Maximals to get to safety.Rust & FireLeo Prime considered leaving the planet to rejoin the Pack but was convinced by the earthbound Maximals that he needed to stay and serve as field commander whileOptimal Optimuswas busy.Leo Prime dialogue

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Leo Prime was a natural leader and a gifted strategist. However, his penchant for straightforward tactics and practical solutions led some to accuse him of ruthlessness on the battlefield, with some even considering him a war criminal. To temper his own instincts, Leo Prime surrounded himself with principled allies that would rein in his worst instincts.Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...
  • Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイ,1998)
The only item in the second wave ofBeast Wars IIproducts in theJapaneseBeast Warstoyline, Lio Convoy is an Ultra-sized figure that transforms into an organic white lion articulated at the legs and head. Like mostConvoyorOptimus Prime-type figures, Lio Convoy is loaded with weapons andgimmicks.
Inbeast mode,his forelegs have flip-out double-bladed "Lion Claws", which spring out when pinched together. Lio Convoy also features spring-loaded missile launchers that are hidden inside his mane. The bottom two are flipped out by lifting the bottom flap of his mane and pushing a gray trigger on either side. The top two launchers are flipped out by pushing down on the top panel of his mane. He can only store four of the six "Lio Missiles" in beast mode, but they end up sticking straight out of his mane and lookveryawkward. An additional gimmick requires you to unfold his four mane panels and to push on the big red peg protruding from the top to create his "Lion Typhoon" attack. The last gimmick in this mode is a button atop his head that can be pressed to open his mouth, revealing his teeth.
Inrobot mode,all of Lio Convoy's aforementioned gimmicks can still be utilized. His flip-out Lion Claws now act as under-slung forearm blades; his Lion Typhoon ends up on his right shoulder; his two bottom Lio Missile launchers flip-out on his forearms; his top two Lio Missile launchers flip out on his right shoulder and can also be removed to be used as hand-held weapons. Additional cartoon-only weaponry which can be replicated somewhat, with some good old imagination are the "Radar Disruption Shot" (an attack made to confuse heat-seeking missiles by firing a beam from his beast mode mouth), the "Lio Beam" (which only requires you to flip out his top launchers and leave the Lio Missiles out) and due to his tail not being able to retract like in the cartoon, it's always in a permanent "Lio Byūto" attack pose.
Lio Convoy also features a pair of molded in thrusters on his back and the left side of his chest contains his non-removable "Energon Matrix".The inside of the door to the Matrix chamber also features hisMaximalrubsign,though this proves rather pointless as the outside of the door features a sliver-chromed Maximalinsigniaanyway.
Sonokongalso released this figure in theirBeast-Wartoyline as "Lion Convoy". Aside from the difference in packaging, theKoreanrelease of the figure is identical to theTakarareleases. In place of the bio cards of the Takara releases, Lion Convoy comes with two "Jan-ken-pon"cards. One has an imagereflecting the one on the box,with scissors and the number three die roll, and the other with paper and the number four die roll, with a grass plane background.
Hasbroalso offered Lio Convoy (the Takara version) as anexclusiveon its now-defunctHasbro Collectorswebsite in2000.
This mold was also used to makeBlack Lio Convoy.
Beast Warsmold:Lio Convoy
  • Takara:
  • Comic Bom Bom:
  • TV Magazine:
  • Sonokong:

  • Shijō Saidai no Taiketsu: Lio Convoy VS Galvatron( sử thượng lớn nhất の đối quyết ライオコンボイVSガルバトロン, VS pack, 1998)
  • ID number:VS-16
  • Release date:1998May 21
  • Accessories:6 "Lio Missiles", 2 launchers
Lio Convoy was also available in the "History's Greatest Showdown" two-pack with his arch-enemyGalvatron.
Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

  • Gold Lio Convoy(ゴールドライオコンボイ, 1998)
  • ID number:C-16
  • Accessories:6 "Lio Missiles", 2 launchers
Released exclusively through aComic BomBomLucky Draw contest inAugust1998, Lio Convoy was released in two different variants of gold; the first wave was released in a matte gold plastic, while the second wave was released in gold chrome. In total, there were 10 Gold Lio Convoys made.

Blinged out and sparkly. Who are these toys marketed to again?
  • Flash Lio Convoy(フラッシュライオコンボイ, 1998)
  • ID number:C-16
  • Accessories:6 "Lio Missiles", 2 launchers
The firstredecoof Lio Convoy in his "Flash" color scheme, which replaces most of his secondary colors with metal-flake gold and silver.
He was released alongside Burning Convoy to promote theBeast Wars Specialfilm.

"Please help. I fell into some Kool-Aid."
  • Lio Convoy Galvatron Color(ライオコンボイガルバトロンカラー, 1998)
  • ID number:C-16
  • Accessories:6 "Lio Missiles", 2 launchers
AComic BomBomLucky Drawexclusive limited to only 50 units, Galvatron Color Lio Convoy is aGalvatron-themed recolor of Lio Convoy. This rare toy represents Lio as he appeared in theBomBommanga story when his spark was tainted byAngolmois Energy.
This toy was only made available as a prize offered through the December 1998 issue ofComic BomBom.

  • TokuseiLio Convoy(とくせいライオコンボイ, 1999)
  • Accessories:6 "Lio Missiles", 2 launchers
ALucky Drawblack, red and yellow redeco of Lio Convoy was announced in the February 1999 issue ofTV Magazineas a prize for multiple contests which coincided with the start ofBeast Wars Neo,he was awarded in multiples ways. Individually in 10 copies, in a VS pack with a multicolored assortedGalvatronin 5 copies and in the "Telemaga Special Cybertron 6-piece Set" (テレマガ đặc chế サイバトロン6 thể セット), a six-piece set in unique redecoes of the main Maximals cast ofBeast Wars IIwhich exists in 2 copies.
One of these contests, titled the "New Beast Warriors Contest" ( tân ビースト chiến sĩ コンテスト) consisted of readers drawing their own "originalBeast Warswarriors ". For Maximals, it had to be an Animal while for Predacons, it had to be a Dinosaur[2].


I'm adorable!
  • Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイ, 2005)
  • ID number:RM-22
  • Release date:2005March 24
  • Acessories:2 "Gold Fangs", 2 "Laser Tonfas", "Lio Shot"
Part of the sixth wave of Takara'sRobotmasterstoys, Lio Convoy is functionally a scaled-down version of the original figure. Though he retains most of the original Lio Convoy's articulation, he lacks the spring-loadedgimmickssuch as his spinning mane and missile launchers, and is of lower sculpted detail.
Instead of spring-loaded weapons, Lio Convoy comes with a whopping five non-firing blasters. His beast mode mane has peg-holes to attach four of the weapons, simulating his bigger toy'sattack beast mode.The smaller handgun has several mounting points on it for adding the other guns, resulting in a superweapon.
This mold was also used to make theRobotmastersversion ofBlack Lio Convoy.

I'm unobtainable!
  • Lio Convoy + DVD(ライオコンボイ+DVD, 2005)
  • ID number:RM-23
  • Release date:2005March 24
  • Accessories:2 "Gold Fangs", 2 "Laser Tonfas", "Lio Shot"
Released alongside the normalRobotmastersLio Convoy, this more limited-edition (yet still normal retail) redeco of Lio Convoy features a shiny metallic paint deco for his red parts.
He also comes with a DVD with the second part of the shortRobotmastersCGI-animated storyline.


This toy has caused untold years of war.
  • Leo Prime(Legends Class, 2007)
  • Leo Prime(Legends Class "Cybertron Collection", 2008)
ClassicsLeo Prime is a redeco of theCybertron-seriesLegends of CybertronLeobreakertoy, transforming into a robotic lion (well, liger, really). He was originally part of the first wave ofClassicsLegends, then later re-released in a wave with—even more unusually—theCybertron-series charactersHot Shot,Optimus Prime,andSoundwave,all of whom (Leo Prime included) had the words "Cybertron Collection" added to the standardClassicspackage design.
Leo Prime is the only figure released under theClassicstoyline based on a Beast Era character.
This mold was also used to makeUniverse(2008)Razorclaw.


In the same zoo as Primal Prime.
  • Leo Prime(Voyager Class, 2009)
  • Series:Beast Wars Series
  • Accessories:Tail/ "Jungle whip," Key
  • Known designers:Andrew Scribner(deco artist)
AretoolofCybertronLeobreakerwith a new head andredecoedin blue and red, Leo Prime transforms into a mechanical lion. Unlike previous releases of this mold, the electronics were removed and the battery cover is riveted closed. Each forelimb/arm has a Cyber-Key-released spring-loaded "snap-out robo-shredder claw," and his tail becomes a blade-whip for robot mode. As a redeco of Leobreaker, he can still transform into a "Savage Claw Mode", becoming a massive clawed arm that can attach to the Leader-classCybertronOptimus PrimeandMegatrontoys, usable on either side of their torsos. He comes with a silver-bordered blue Jungle Planet-type Cyber Key. His packaging designates him aMaximaldespite the Autobot symbol on his chest.
The new coloration for the character probably stems from an abortiveBotConattempt to redeco the original Lio Convoy toy in the colors of2007 movie Optimus Prime,with the latter's flames conceptually transferred to the lion mane.[3]
The original version of this mold was also used to createNemesis Breakerand retooled to makeBotCon 2009Razorclaw.

He hangs out with Walmart's redUniversePowerglide.
  • Leo Prime(Voyager Class, 2009)
  • Series:Beast Wars Series
  • Accessories:Tail/ "Jungle whip," Key
ATarget-exclusiveredecowas produced of the firstUniverseLeo Prime in colors that homage Lio Convoy's original color scheme. Though he was inUniversepackaging, his cross sells were for theRevenge of the FallenVoyager Class toysStratosphere,Grindor,andLong Haul.Leo Prime's bio and call-outs remain the same.
This release was exclusive to Target stores in the United States.


That's Law Enforcement Officer Prime to you.
  • Leo Prime(レオプライム,2012)
Part of the tenth wave of theTakaraTomyPrimetoyline,Leo Prime is aredecoof Voyager ClassThundertron,transforming into a mechanical lion. His right robot mode foot can detach to reveal a bladed "peg-leg", with the original foot converting into a claw-weapon. Leo Prime comes with hisArms Micronpartner,L.P.,who transforms into a sword.
In an erroneous holdover, the catalogue that comes with Leo Prime labels the figure "Thundertron" (サンダートロンSandātoron).
This mold was also used to makeGo PrimeandBotCon 2014Knight Alpha Trizer.

Legend Commander Collection

"Lio Convoy. the only one that Primus does not sin when he destroys."
  • Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイ, 2014)
  • ID number:LC-03
  • Accessories:2 "Gold Fangs", 2 "Laser Tonfa", "Lio Shot"
Part of theLegend Commander Collectionsold atTransformers Expo,Lio Convoy is a redeco ofRobotmastersLio Convoy. Remaining stock was sold throughTakaraTomy Mall.


If it is my fate, I will make up my mind,
so please cut me some slack for now.
Surely there will be a tomorrow, aah, after today.
  • Lio Convoy(TCC incentive figure, 2015)
  • Accessories:blaster,axe
TheTransformers Collectors' Clubmember incentive figure of 2015,TimelinesLio Convoy is a retool ofThrilling 30Deluxe ClassOrion Pax,transforming into a truck. He comes with a blaster and axe, both of which can peg onto 5 mm ports on his hands and vehicle rear sides. Although not depicted on the instructions, the blaster can also peg into the hole on the larger blade of the Energon Axe.
Some units havetwo left fists.
Lio Convoy wasredecoedintoNova PrimeandGalva Convoy.


But can he kill Unicron in just one single shot?
  • Leo Prime(レオプライム,2017)
    • ID number:LG41
    • Release date:2017February 25
    • Accessories:Ancient Sword, Headmaster, Leo Missile gun, small gun
    LegendsLeo Prime is a redeco ofTitans ReturnVoyager ClassAlpha TrionusingInfinitus's head, and he transforms from a robot to "ancient leo" to "space carrier". He is armed with an "Ancient Sword"(named the"Solipsistic Sword"inBeast Wars: Uprising), a "Leo Missile" gun ( "Typhoon Arrow"inUprising) that his Headmaster can ride in spaceship mode, and a smaller handgun that, like Infinitus, was previously included withSentinel Prime.As with Hasbro'sTitans ReturnVoyager figures, pressing in his chest crystal is meant to make his head adornments, the "Great Horn", spring up to "bulk up" his head, but the switch is much weaker than Alpha Trion's and is incapable of holding the horns down for longer than a second or so.
    Titans Returnmold:Infinitus
    • Hasbro:
    • TakaraTomy:
    • e-HOBBY:


    Kimba really has gotten so big.
    • Lio Convoy (Beast Wars)(ライオコンボイ (ビーストウォーズ),2020)
    Masterpiece"Lio Convoy (Beast Wars)" transforms from white lion to robot and is intended to replicate his animated appearance. He is designed to scale with otherBeast Wars-basedMasterpiecefigures. Incidentally, he also scales with the Ultra-sizedBeast Wars NeoBig Convoy.
    This toy replicates many features of the original toy, like an opening chest hatch with sculpted Matrix inside, deployable arm blades and cannons, and missiles which can be inserted into his cannons, but have no launching mechanisms. He includes his Cybertron Buster gun from the anime, as well as opening hatches on his calves which reveal articulated jet boosters. To really go the extra mile for show-accuracy, it has two slightly distinct lion heads, to better depict how in robot mode the lion head goes from furry to smooth and angular.
    Lio Convoy was planned to come with a poseableArtemisfigure, but this was omitted from the final product.
    Lio Convoy was a candidate inTakaraTomy'sMasterpieceFan's Choicepoll in 2013, which asked fans to determine which Autobot/Maximal leader from the franchise's then-30 year history should receive a newMasterpiecetoy. He placed ninth out of eleven candidates, with only 2% of the vote, and yet here we are seven years later! Sucks to beGinrai.
    Lio Convoy was released as an EB Games exclusive in Canada. Lio Convoy was later repainted intoDark Amber Leo Prime.


    Kimba's midlife crisis hit him hard.
    • Maximal Leo Prime(Voyager Class,2023)
    • TakaraTomy name:Leo Prime(レオプライム)
    • TakaraTomy ID number:TL-25
    • TakaraTomy release date:2023March 25
    • Accessories:4 missile blasters
    • Known designers:Mark Maher(Hasbro),Shuhei Umezu(TakaraTomy)[4]
    Part of the first wave of Voyagers inLegacy: Evolution,"Maximal Leo Prime" transforms from an anime-accurate version of his robot mode (with the bottom set of abs unpainted) to a realistic white & gold lion. His left pectoral can open, revealing a chamber with a non-removableEnergon Matrixthat isFire Blast effect-compatible. TheEvo-Fusiongimmick consists of his lion's mane being able to flip out, revealing blasters (based on his "Lio Missiles" ), and his front paws can reveal flip-out claws (based on his "Lion Claws" ). The shorter blasters can store in the mane or be handheld, while the longer blasters can either peg on to the sides of the mane, the flip out panels on the forearms, or store inside the panel on Lio Convoy's back. While stored in Lio Convoy's back in robot mode, the blasters can double as the thrusters he used in theBeast Wars IIcartoon, complete with Fire Blast effect parts if one so chooses. Placing the smaller blasters in the 5 mm ports on the sides of his robot legs can also give him leg thrusters like in the cartoon too. Completely undocumented in the instructions, the two longer blasters can remain stored in his back panel in beast mode.
    Contrary to what Hasbro designerMark Maherstated on his personal Instagram (link below), Leo Primedoesn'tactually have the ability to perform his "Lion Typhoon" attack, as there are no rotating parts in the lion's mane, though utilizing all of the flip-out panels on the mane, onecansomewhat attempt a semi-accurate, static portrayal of it. That being said, it appears Mark Maher wasactuallyreferring to Lio Convoy/Leo Prime's "Lio Missile" attack (the attack mode with all of the blasters flipped out of the mane), not the "Lion Typhoon" attack proper.
    This figure was revealed duringHasbro Pulse Con 2022.He was later redecoed intoNemesis Leo Prime.
    Some copies do not have undersized Energon Matrix pegs, resulting in some blast effects not fitting snugly or even at all. This appears to be due to only the flat end of the peg being painted blue, while the sides are left bare gray.

    40th Selection

    Your father was a noble lion. Let me tell you about him. The story of the bravest of them all, the true King of the jungle.
    • Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイ,2025)
    • Release date:2025TBD
    • Accessories:2 guns
    40th SelectionLio Convoy is a redeco and extensive retool on theLegacyVoyager above, featuring a more anime-accurate lion head and mane, allowing him to properly recreate his "Lion Typhoon" attack, as well as longer extendable "Lion Claws". In terms of deco, the yellow has been replaced with toy-accurate gold paint, and the bottom two "abs" of the "six-pack" in his robot abdomen are now properly painted instead of left bare.
    His packaging is designed to pay homage to the original toy's box.
    Intially planned to be on sale atFebruary 22,40th SelectionLio Convoy has been delayed to an unspecified date due to reports of a misassembly that prevents him from properly transforming.
    Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

    This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


    • Beast Collection Special 10(PVC set, 1998)
    Two clear-blue super-deformed PVCs of Lio Convoy were included as part of a ten-piece set of PVCs. He comes in both robot mode and lion mode; the lion mode has his four mane-cannons deployed, with his entire mane/head as a separate piece that slots onto the body.
    This set was also marked as a "Clear Version Special Set", but it's unknown if there an opaque set was ever released.
    This set also includes PVCs ofGalvatronin both robot and dragon modes,Apache,Bighorn,Scuba,Tasmania Kid,Megastorm,andStarscream.

    Beast Wars Gum

    • Lio Convoy(candy toy, 1997)
    A snap together model kit of Lio Convoy was available as part ofKabaya'sBeast Wars Gum,sculpted from purple and gold plastic. He could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into its component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode. It came with a stick of gum.

    Beast Fighters

    • Lio Convoy(candy toy, 1997)
    Kabaya'sBeast FightersLio Convoy was a small,super deformedPVC model which was hollow inside, designed to be used as a finger-puppet. It was available in ablindpackwith fizzy "Ramune" candy.

    Flame Toys

    Furai Model

    • Leo Prime(May 2022)

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
    If you build it, they will play.

    Thistoys & merchandise-related article is astub.
    You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

    Furai Action

    • Leo Prime(May 2023)

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
    If you build it, they will play.

    Thistoys & merchandise-related article is astub.
    You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.


    Concept art
    • The concept of the leader of the heroic faction transforming into a lion may have its genesis in a plannedretoolofCheetor(then known asProwl) intoOptimus Primewith a lion alternate mode.
    • Lio Convoy's beast mode is probably based on the main character of the classic manga,Jungle Emperor Leo,better known to the English speaking world asKimba the White Lion.
    • Lio Convoy, like a ton of otherKre-Ocomiccharacters, uses existing Kre-O pieces. As such, he uses theOptimus Primehelmet, theRazorclawlion head and mane (though they are rather smaller than normal), and a form of backpack piece to hold it on Lio Convoy's right-hand shoulder.

    Foreign names

    • Japanese:Lio Convoy(ライオコンボイRaio Konboi),Leo Prime(レオプライムReo Puraimu)
    • Korean:Lion Convoy(라이온콘보이Raion Konboi)
    • Mandarin:Bái Shī Qíngtiānzhù( bạch sư kình thiên trụ, "White Lion Optimus Prime" )


    1. The 64Dream,issue #38, 1999/11
    2. Transformers Archive Super Encyclopedia,pg 81
    3. "Although I wasn't a large part of the planning, I still glimpsed behind the curtain. 2009 was... a hodgepodge. A lot of cooks, one kitchen. And eventually the Wingsverse came out of the oven. (Which was still a bit of a mash up, given its two separate timeframes)" —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "During the hodgepodge-iest moments of the planning for the exclusives, one concept included the original Lio Convoy mold decoed up as 2007 Movie Optimus Prime. The idea was pitched by a then @Hasbro employee so it was given a high priority." —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "Although no mock-up - physical or digital - was created and no characterization explored, the idea of the Optimus-colored Lio Convoy dug its claws in long enough for a tool check. Sadly, this was when it was first reported that the BWII Lio Convoy tool had gone missing!" —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "And so the BotCon 2009 set dropped the Lio Convoy idea and we ended up getting Razorclaw from Cybertron Leobreaker instead. Once a robot lion has been on the table, you need to do a robot lion! 🤣" —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "The same year though, in what is by all hunches not a coincidence, @Hasbro released Universe Leo Prime... the Leobreaker mold in Optimus Prime colors, Prime-like head-sculpt, and an English-centric name change for Lio Convoy that first appeared on a 2007" Classics "repaint." —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "The Optimus color version is not quite Movie Optimus - I've always assumed that the specific callout to that Optimus due to someone wanting to recreate the truck's flame details inside the lion's mane - but the inspiration can be interpreted." —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
      "This figure ended up as the only exploration of a red and blue Lio Convoy/Leo Prime. At the time of its release, it was met with mixed reactions." —Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2019/08/08
    4. Transformers PanelatHasbro Pulse Con 2022Day 1 on theHasbro PulseYouTube channel.
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