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Little Cybertron

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "New Cybertron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeNew Cybertron (disambiguation).
Big Trouble in Little Cybertron.

WithEarthnow a cosmic stopover for mechanoids from all over the galaxy, theUnited Statescommissioned the construction ofLittle Cybertron(alsoNew Cybertron): a Transformer-scaled city in theBikini AtollwhereAutobots,Decepticons,humans,Junkions,andSharkticonscan peacefully coexist.


2005 IDW continuity

Following the tumultuous arrival ofWreck-Gar,Rum-Maj,and their tribe of wandering Junkions on Earth,Optimus Primemanaged to negotiate a ceasefire between his Autobots and the alien mechanoids. In the aftermath, the Junkions opted to remain on Earth, andMarissa Faireborncame up with the idea of letting them stay on an abandonedEarth Defense Commandbase in the Pacific. The Autobots and theNavyescorted the Junkions to the Bikini Atoll, where the resourceful Junkions began stripping the base for parts and turning it into a new settlement.Feel Safe Without Regrets

Optimus Prime parkedMetrotitana short ways away from the island to keep an eye on the Junkions, and stationed several Autobots – includingPyra Magna's crew ofTorchbearersand some new colonist recruits – to help the rebuilding efforts.Feel Safe Without RegretsWhat It's Really LikeOptimus Prime and Pyra Magna also buriedOiler's body on the island, where the colonists held a small funeral for their fallen comrade.The Next Day, and the Next

G.I. Joeassets became involved in the construction of the city, and eventually Faireborn andFlinttoured the growing refugee colony. Marissa was enthusiastic about the idea, and even befriended Pyra Magna, though her father found the concept distasteful.The Next Day, and the NextThough the Junkions appreciated their engineering prowess, the colonists quickly grew bored with life on the island and began passing the time by feeding the Sharkticons.What It's Really LikeFollowingJazz's television interview, the President andMarissa Fairebornwatched the fallout at New Cybertron.The Life of Sideswipe

Following Earth's induction to theCouncil of Worlds,theColonist Soldierswere milling about New Cybertron before Wreck-Gar brought the news that Jazz had been taken prisoner by the humans, promptingSlideto convince her fellows to mount a rescue mission.Unstopped and UnstoppableLeft behind, the Junkions began to fear that Earth would share the fate oftheir homeworld;Rum-Maj rallied the Sharkticons to make another attempt to conquer the planet, leading them away from New Cybertron.Time Will Rust

Following the defeat ofUnicronand the destruction of Cybertron, the surviving Cybertronians moved onto Earth, settling in New Cybertron, rebuilding the city and holding memorials for their lost. Settling as a teacher,Arceetold future generations about the life of Optimus Prime and his legacy.Post

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