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Lucky Draw figure

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Lucky Drawfigures areextremelylimited-run versions of mass-release toys, given to winners of contests usually run by Japanese children's publications such asTV Magazine,TV Kun,andComic BomBom,but sometimes held through other collector-aimed, Transformers-related books or directly throughTakaraTomy.These figures are typically either straightforward chrome-covered versions of figures (usually in gold or silver), or non-chromeredecoswith entirely new color schemes.

Although Lucky Draw toys are primarily a Japanese concept, the name "Lucky Draw" did not originate in Japan, nor is it used there currently to describe these toys. In Japan, these toys are referred to askenshōhin( treo giải thưởng phẩm, "sweepstake item" ) orcampaign item(キャンペーンアイテム). The term "Lucky Draw" probably originated from Hong Kong and Singapore eBay sellers who typically label them "Lucky Draw" in their auctions.

The quantity of a Lucky Draw figure produced for a contest usually ranges from 10 to 50, but sometimes can be as few as one (Custom Color Galaxy Convoy) or as many as 300 (Black Tracks). However, sellers from Singapore and Hong Kong tend to obtain Lucky Draw figures in suspiciously high quantities, leading many collectors to believe that the total number produced is actually quite a bit higher than the number given away in the contest.

The extreme rarity and unique look of these toys makes them desirable to some high-endTransformerscollectors, who pay as much as several thousand US dollars for a single Lucky Draw toy. Other collectors find no appeal in these figures because of the frequent use of gaudy-looking, all-over chrome on them and the high price tag.

Most well-knownTransformersLucky Draw toys were released during or afterBeast Warsaired in Japan. During the entirety of Generation 1 in Japan, only three Lucky Draw exclusives are known to have been released: the gold Convoy trophy, the silver Chromedome trophy, and the Transformer Junior leaders set. (Rare chromed versions of many of Kabaya's Generation 1 Transformers kits exist. These may have been given out as Lucky Draw toys as well.) Several other Lucky Draw figures were released duringDiacloneandMicroman Micro Change,including chrome versions of Jazz, Bluestreak, and Browning.

The Lucky Draw concept is almost exclusively Japanese. However, there have been cases withHasbroand its international counterparts offering such items as part of promotional competitions, such as anOptimus Primewith acustomhead based on the winner, offered as a door prize atBotCon 2006,and a pair ofchromed movie Optimus Primesin truck mode and robot mode given away by Hasbro in a fan video contest on TechTV.


List of known Takara/TakaraTomy Lucky Draw figures


These three toys were campaign prize items forDiaclone,predating the originalThe Transformerstoyline. In the early 2000s, the Silver Fairlady Z and Gold Porsche would inspire similar toys ofBluestreakandJazzrespectively. However, these were regular toy releases exclusive toe-HOBBY,and not part of any Lucky Draw campaign.

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Rainbow munkys.

Beast Wars

Car Robots

If you squint really hard, you can't even see me.
Meet your Makerbot.

Collectors Edition

I'm much better in Black.

Legends of the Microns

Super Link


  • Gold Convoy



Galaxy Force

NOT "Night Slash Cheetus"

Beast Wars Returns

  • Perfect Choice Cheetus


Henkei! Henkei!

Revenge of the Fallen

  • Gold Leader Class Optimus Prime


I may be called Optimus Prime, but I'm sure being marketed as a Convoy!

Gold-chromed versions of the Deluxe-class Battle Begins Optimus Prime and Deluxe-class Battle Begins Megatron were made available to residents of Japan via a lottery. There were several ways to enter the drawing for them, but all involved purchasing merchandise and sending in proofs of purchase. The entry period of the drawing was August 1 to September 30, 2010.

Both Optimus Prime Gold Version and Megatron Gold Version were limited to 1,000 pieces each.

Dark of the Moon

Beginning May 14 and endingJuly 312011,Japanese consumers who entered two barcode numbers from MechTech character cards (packed with JapaneseDark of the Moonfigures) into the TakaraTomyTransformerswebsite were in the running for:

There were two more Lucky Draw campaigns from August 2011 onwards, and entering all three campaigns put one in the running for:

Circle K Sunkus
  • Jetwing Optimus Prime Black Version (apparently planned as a Japanese raffle prize exclusive to Circle K[1]stores, no official information about it or the other raffle prizes ever appeared after the initial images surfaced.)
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

List of known Hasbro Lucky Draw or equivalent figures


Completists, eat your heart out!
  • ChromeOptimus Prime(presented to fan James Zahn by the HasbroTransformersteam as the grand prize for G4TV and Jumpcut's contest for fans to remix selected Transformers clips.)
  • Gold Leader class Optimus Prime (offered by Hasbro Hong Kong in 2008 and Hasbro Australia in 2009)
  • A door prize of a Leader ClassOptimus Primewas offered atBotCon 2006.The toy's face was customized to be the winner's face.[1]


  • Special Edition Battle Blades Bumblebee(offered by Hasbro Hong Kong as part of a competition at the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACGHK) material-entertainment fair, given to whomever happened to spend the most money at Hasbro's booth over the fair's duration.)

Dark of the Moon

  • Silver Bumblebee(This silvervacuum metallizedversion of MechTech Deluxe Class Bumblebee, presented in a perspex case. These toys were available as the Lucky Draw prize for theTransformersMidnight Madness event at majorToys "R" Usstores in mainlandChina,Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand betweenMay 13andMay 14,2011.)

Age of Extinction

  • Gold Plated Optimus Prime(Gold vacuum metallized version of Generations Age of Extinction Leader Class Optimus Prime is a prize in Hasbro's Asia Age of Extinction campaign. To qualify for winning this toy, one must be the biggest spender of the day during the midnight launch of the AoE toyline at specific Toys "R" Us or participate in a lucky draw. This toy is limited to 7 pieces. 2 are in mainland China, while Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan each have one.)


  • Silver Jetfire(Metallic version of Generations Leader Class Jetfire, offered by AEON Malaysia as a lucky draw prize, which ran atSeptember 15toOctober 15,2014.To enter the competition, participants need to purchase the said Leader Class toy above first. The prize is limited to 3 winners.)
  • Lucky Draw Megatron(Released as a contest prize for Toys R' Us Singapore, redeco of the Leader Class Megatron toy with chromed silver paint. Can be obtained by spending $600 worth of Transformers products only with their Star Card. Ran in March 1 till 31, 2016. )

Studio Series

Blackout but now he's dressed as the sky!
  • Bumblebee(A screen-accurate weathered redco of Studio series 01Bumblebeefeaturing the modifications found on the later reissues of the toy, offered by Hasbro China's official TaoBao online shop as a lucky draw prize, which ran on May 15th,2018.To enter the competition, participants need to purchase any studio Series figure. Only 300 of the figure was produced.)
  • Decepticon Blackout(A redco of studio series 08Decepticon Blackoutfeaturing a less-than-accurate camouflage deco painted by Chinese artist Li Yunfeng of SangZong Repaint Studio, offered by Hasbro China's official TaoBao online shop as a lucky draw prize, which ran on May 15th,2018.To enter the competition, participants need to purchase any studio Series figure. Only 88 of the figure was produced with the boxes including a warning sticker which notes that fiddling and transforming him may result in the deco being chipped off.)

See also


External links

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