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Lunaclub is aDecepticonfrom theUnite Warriorsportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
"Uh, you ever see the movie 'Misery'?"
"Actually, no."
"Then this'll all be new to ya."

Lunaclubis the selfish and immature younger twin toMoonheart,created to serveMegaempressas one of her4 Guards.With power over fire, she uses herFlame Swordto vanquish enemies and her acrobatic skills to evade them. A fan ofStarscream,Lunaclub used to stalk theSeekerin the old days of theGreat War.[1]

Lunaclub combines with her four teammates to form the mightyMegatronia.



Unite Warriors/Legends

UW 4 Guards.jpg

Joining forces with Moonheart and Trickdiamond in2021,Lunaclub stormedShockwave's facility whereMegaempressandFlowspadewere kept in stasis. With their empress awake,Megatronia Chapterthe4 Guardsjoined her in interrupting a battle betweenGrand GalvatronandSky Reign.Sky Reign ChapterAfter Grand Galvatron broke up into his components, Lunaclub chased afterStarscream.After begging him to possess her, she became frustrated when he clarified that he couldn't do that anymore and set out to kill the half-ghost so he could regain the ability to. However, her murderous intent was cut short when Megaempress summoned the 4 Guards to combine with her to formMegatroniaso that they could fight againstOptimus Maximus.Megatronia Chapter

Megatronia separated whenUnicronarrived to take Cybertron as his new body, and Lunaclub responded by latching onto Starscream again and demanding he do something about it.Ruination Chapter, Part OneThe Guards reformed Megatronia in order to help the other combiners present defeat Unicron, then washed Megaempress as she thought of new ways to conquer Cybertron. To Lunaclub's annoyance, Starscream slipped away and flew into space while she wasn't looking.Ruination Chapter, Part TwoWhen the 4 Guards and Megaempress were all washing up together, Lunaclub spent her time fooling around and harassing her sister.Customary Car Wash Meeting in the Bath!

Lunaclub pursued Starscream, catching up in2022and decapitating him so he couldn't run away anymore, but to her surprise he lived through the process and demanded to be brought to theLegends Worldand turned into aHeadmaster.She complied and, together with Moonheart, traveled there and assisted Starscream in a failed attempt at overthrowingMegatron.Megatron punished him by casting him with Lunaclub in one ofOctaneandTigatron's naughty videos, though to Lunaclub's annoyance the result barely sold at all.Bonus Edition Vol. 57


Lunaclub and the Decepticons helped defeat the powerful Majin Zarak, blasting him through a dimensional warp hole. However, the Legends World was still threatened by plasma energy bombs, forcing the evacuation of the population to the OG World.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two

In 2038, Lunaclub was present when Megatron was captured and forced to merge with Dark Nova, recreating Star Giant.LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part TwoThe Decepticons were helpless to attack Star Giant without hurting Megatron, but his old foes the Powered Masters had no compunctions against doing so.Sonic Bomber ChapterThey tried to defend him, butDai Atlasstruck them down mercilessly to cut a path towards Star Giant. At the last moment, however, Dai Atlas recognized Megatron was holding Star Giant back. He still destroyed the threat, but agreed to lend the support of his Powered Engine to help restore the Legends World and, potentially with it, Megatron.Dai Atlas Chapter

Last Bot Standing


Long after the end of theGreat War,the depletion of the universe's resources, and the near-extinction of the Cybertronian species, Lunaclub was one of the last remaining members of her kind. She and several other survivors joined up withSteeljaw;to survive in a post-energonuniverse, the group roamed from planet to planet, harvesting and processing organic beings into a new form of "biofuel"capable of supporting Transformer life. When the group arrived on the planetDonnoktand began assembling their beachhead, Steeljaw toldMoonto revive Lunaclub andScyllafrom stasis and begin constructing the breeding paddocks that would ensure a renewable supply of resources.Last Bot Standing #2

Although Steeljaw's advance scouts foundRodimushiding out on the planet, the elderly Autobot had no intent of joining them or adopting Steeljaw's parasitic way of life. Instead, Lunaclub joined Steeljaw andSharpclawas they invaded the nearby town ofFembranceand imprisoned most of its occupants. However, before they could return to their landing site with their prisoners, a freshly re-energized Rodimus arrived to stop them.Last Bot Standing #3

After it was found that Rodimus had been hidingenergon,the pack's hunger for true fuel caused them to charge Steeljaw for the energon keys, accidentally shattering one. AfterShib Wallkisused the distraction to free the organics and Steeljaw andSharpclawchased her to the energon mine, the rest of the pack combined intoUnstoppimusto hold off Rodimus but their fuel starved state allowed Rodimus to quickly behead their combined form. Though the shock sent the others intostasis lock,Lunaclub remained online, begging Rodimus for mercy. Though the Autobot nearly executed her, he spared her life as he rushed off to save Shib. After Rodimus had defeated Steeljaw, he turned what remained of the visitors' ship into an orbiting pod, locking Lunaclub, minus her visor, and the other survivors in stasis as he kept a solitary watch on them.Last Bot Standing #4


Unite Warriors

Cat with a bald spot not included.
  • Megatronia(giftset,January 31,2017)
    • ID number:UW-EX
    • Accessories:"Flame Sword"
Released as part of theUnite WarriorsMegatroniagift set, Lunaclub is a redeco ofCombiner WarsStormclash,who is a retool ofCombiner WarsAlpha Bravo.She transforms into a helicopter that resembles an Aérospatiale Dauphin. She can also form an arm or leg to super-robot Megatronia, though in this mode she can also combine with any otherCombiner WarsorUnite WarriorsVoyager class figure (or into one ofLegendsGodbomber'slegs).
An undocumented feature allows for one to tab either of the two swords onto her hip via the tabs that her robot arms plug into.
Combiner Warsmold:Alpha Bravo

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomy:Unite WarriorsUW-03Graze

Version 2:

Version 3:


  • Somewhat unusually, Lunaclub was given two separate but related names from the outset. As a play onplaying cardterminology, the secondary labels on TakaraTomy material use the English spelling "Lunaclub".Meanwhile, the Japanese text specifically pronounces her name as" Lunaclover",a nod to the original French name of theClubssuit, "Trèfle".

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Lunaclover(ルナクローバーRunakurōbā)


  1. Unite WarriorsLunaclub bio
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