Makoto (FSRL)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Makoto" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMakoto (disambiguation). |
- Makoto is aDecepticon-alliedhumanfrom theFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformersmanga portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Makoto(マコト) is a Japanese schoolboy in the same class asKenji.He favors theDecepticonsin theAutobot/Decepticon conflict. Hiswristwatchis a temporal anomaly.
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic
In a scheme to make the Autobots look bad, theStunticonsandOnslaughtdisguised themselves with Autobot symbols, ran wild in vehicle mode, and left behind notes forged withOptimus PrimeandUltra Magnus's signatures which claimed Autobot responsibility for the destruction.
At school, Kenji's classmates were distraught by the Autobots' apparent betrayal. Kenji said they were all being deceived, but Makoto didn't think so—he thought that the Decepticons were the real heroes and would beat down the Autobots in the struggle forEarth,flashing his transformingGalvatronwrist-communicator as he said so.
This riled up Kenji, who told Makoto to shut up, adding that the Autobots were the true allies of justice.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7
- Makoto's watch is atransforming Galvatron wristwatchthat was first available in Japan during the 1980s. However, at the time of the story, Galvatron did not yet exist in-continuity.
- Likewise, how Makoto became allied with the Decepticons and received a wrist-communicator is unknown.